• 随着数据库快速不断增长通过访问所有数据收集统计信息能力可能会受到固定批量窗口内存CPU约束阻碍

    With databases growing at an unrelenting pace, the ability to collect statistics by accessing all of the data may be hampered by fixed batch Windows or memory and CPU constraints.


  • J2EE应用程序可以基于这些角色定义命名安全角色约束资源访问

    Within the J2EE application, you can define and name security roles and constrain resource access based on those roles.


  • J2EE应用程序可以基于这些角色定义命名安全角色约束资源访问

    Within the J2EE application, you can define and name security roles and constrain resource access based on those roles.


  • 提供使用定义安全约束保护资源能力然后定义可以访问保护资源的用户角色

    It gives you the ability to protect a resource with a defined security constraint and then define the user roles that can access the protected resource.


  • 数据库定义约束使DB 2可以知道之间的关系,并且某些情况下允许DB 2根据这样知识选择更好访问计划

    Having the constraints defined in the database allows DB2 to know relationships between tables and in some cases allows it to select better access plans based on that knowledge.


  • 客户机运行有时需要某些访问服务本身要求约束(包括身份验证完整性机密性要求)。

    Sometimes certain requirements or constraints on the access to the service itselfincluding authentication, integrity, and confidentiality requirements — are needed by a client run time.


  • 7可以RAM访问控制配置为,允许同一个用户多个社区中扮演拥有各不相同权限约束的多个角色

    Figure 7: Access control for RAM can be configured to allow the same user to have multiple roles across multiple communities with varying permissions and constraints.


  • 不同信息源读写访问(特别逻辑工作单元进行协调)将受到供应商特定的支持约束

    Read-write access to different information sources - in particular when coordinating a logical unit of work - is constrained by the vendor-specific support.


  • 如果准备外部用户公开服务需要某种安全约束保证只有授权的用户才能访问服务。

    If you're going to expose services to external users, you need some kind of security constraints that make sure that only authorized users can access the services.


  • 无处不在BAM基本思想需要一出现时利用信息的“及时性”,而无单一访问机制约束

    The idea of BAM everywhere is to take advantage of the "timeliness" of information as soon as the need arises without the constraint of a single access mechanism.


  • 正如下面约束限制部分所述,消息必须访问JDBCxa数据源mq队列不是其他OD BC数据源资源管理器

    As noted in the Restrictions and Limitations section below, the message flow must access only the JDBC XA data source and MQ queues, and not other ODBC data sources or resource managers.


  • 本文描述如何约束用户访问这些可以更新或者获取数据库数据操作

    This article describes how you restrict users access to these database operations that could update or retrieve data from the database.


  • 克林顿发表最近已宣布访问美国国务卿50年内第一次并不代表美国终止缅甸约束

    Clinton has said her recently announced visit, the first for an American secretary of state in 50 years, does not mean the end of US sanctions on Burma.


  • SOP一种安全性约束,它实际上禁止某个URL协议/主机/端口三元组)装载页面访问来自不同源的数据

    The SOP is a security restriction that basically forbids a page loaded from a certain origin (meaning the protocol/host/port trio of the URL) to access data from a different origin.


  • 设备驱动处于内核之上运行用户每个驱动都作为单独进程运行,受到内存管理硬件严格约束只能访问自己拥有的内存。

    Above the kernel, running in user mode, are the device drivers, each one running as a separate process tightly restricted by the memory management hardware to accessing only its own memory.


  • 标准J2EE安全模型包含角色描述包括主体访问的受安全机制约束资源

    The standard J2EE security model contains a description of roles, which encompasses the security-constrained resources that can be accessed by principals.


  • SQL编译器使用信息约束语句转化形式从而改善所需数据访问路径

    The SQL compiler USES them to transform a statement into a more optimized form, thus improving the access path to the required data.


  • 文件夹访问可能IP地址约束某个特定文件夹,也配置用户密码

    Access to a folder can be restricted by IP address to a certain folder, or a username and password can be configured.


  • 然后资源内核可以合并这些请求使用任务定义约束定义一个调度,从而提供确定的访问如果无法提供确定性返回错误)。

    The resource kernel can then merge the requests to define a schedule to provide guaranteed access using the task-defined constraints (or return an error if they cannot be guaranteed).


  • 根据web. xml文件指定安全性约束通常定义一个多个角色这些角色的用户拥有访问这些脚本适当权限

    You would typically define one or more roles whose users would have the right the access the scripts depending on the security constraints specified in the web.xml file.


  • 通过部署描述符中的安全约束可以应用程序资源(ejb方法web页)声明需要授权才能进行访问

    Application resources like EJB methods and Web pages can be declared to require authorization for access by means of security constraints in deployment descriptors.


  • 目前这种方法所具有唯一好处生成代码支持基于XPath的约束访问方法。

    The only advantage provided at present is support for XPath-based constraints and access methods in the generated code.


  • 单个应用程序组合类型接口支持两种访问Bean方式有助于减少设计约束

    Combining both types of interfaces within a single application, supporting both ways of access to the bean, may help relax design constraints.


  • 定位修复数据库约束触发器、区(extent)和索引上的问题,同时可以让Toad直接利用OracleOCI调用获得OracleAPI完全访问

    Find and fix database problems with constraints, triggers, extents, indexes, and grants Toad utilizes direct Oracle OCI calls for full access to the Oracle API.


  • 如果应用程序包含安全(具有授权约束的)安全Servlet混合体,则不安全的Servlet将无法访问会话对象

    If the application contains a mixture of secure (those with authorization constraints) and insecure servlets, the insecure servlets cannot access the session object.


  • xml文件列出应用程序存在约束安全角色以及允许访问某个目录角色。

    The web.xml file lists constraints and security roles that exist in your application as well as the roles that are allowed access to a certain directory.


  • 前者简单并且相对容易但是如果从各地进行访问网络方面潜在约束

    The former is simple and relatively easy, but there is still a potential constraint of network latency, especially if accessed across the globe.


  • 事实上为了避免访问这些固有的特性编码必须严格约束(只是使用EL标签类似的特性)。

    In fact, to avoid access to these native features, you will have to exercise great discipline in coding (using only EL, tag libraries, and the like).


  • auth-constraint元素用于指定通过认证的用户帐户约束,这些约束必须访问受保护页面之前得到满足

    The auth-constraint element is used to specify constraints for an authenticated user account that must be met prior to accessing protected pages.


  • hypervisor提供了PS 3硬件约束经过过滤访问

    The hypervisor provides controlled and filtered access to the PS3's hardware.


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