• 澳大利亚设计蛇形机器人不到1

    A snake shaped robot, designed in Australia, less than 1 meter long.


  • 设计材料制造工艺改进意味着今天汽车安全行驶寿命以往任何时期都——尽管车主必须不断进行维护维修

    Improvements in design, materials and manufacturing mean that today's vehicles can be operated safely longer than ever, albeit at the cost of continuous maintenance and repair.


  • 公共空间则位于底层,内部设有个25米室内游泳池、电影院音乐厅餐厅以及设计称叹的“一个30完美沙滩”。

    The common space, at the bottom of the ship, has a 25-metre swimming pool, cinema, music room, dining room, and what the designers call "a perfect 30m beach".


  • 一个众所周知事实所有桥梁的状况都会每况愈下尤其是经历20这样时间之后,无论它们当时设计如何精良

    It is a well-known fact that Bridges are subject to deterioration, particularly over a period of twenty years, no matter how well designed they may be.


  • 家住密歇根白湖的詹姆斯-迈克尔-哈伦名疯狂的赛车粉丝,展会设计出身的他历时年制作出了约45米、约75厘米的室内赛车模型轨道

    James-Michael Harlan, an exhibition designer and car fanatic from White Lake, Michigan, spent three years making out a 145-feet long, 2.5-feet high Scalextric track.


  • 斯坦·温斯顿工作室设计总监约翰·罗森格兰特把AMP形象地描述成‘腿的阿帕奇武装直升机

    In further characterizing the AMP suit, John Rosengrant, design supervisor for Stan Winston Studios, says it is "an Apache helicopter with legs."


  • 只有窗框硬木,才使用了一些时间不(约为50100年)的树木。门窗结构设计便于更换甚至需要更换。

    The hardwoods for door and window frames are accepted as short-lived, fifty years to a century or so, and construction is designed to make replacement easy or even unnecessary.


  • 侦探犬宽45cm 3.6m18 英寸12英尺)的火箭将会是在英国设计制造的。

    Bloodhound's 45cm-wide, 3.6m-long (18in by 12ft) rocket will be British designed and built.


  • 生物化学家将这套系统称之为中心法则(central dogma):核酸聚合物形式存在DNA遗传物质它储存每种蛋白质设计数据记录

    Biochemists call it the central dogma: Genetic material, in the form of a long nucleic acid polymer called DNA, stores a digital record of every protein's design.


  • 一个普通解决方案里,架构基础设施设计可以很快被解决,但是人力资源部门获取企业需求我们觉得需要两次那么

    In a normal solution the Architecture and Infrastructure design can be sorted out very quickly, however capturing the business needs for Human Resources let's say could take twice as long.


  • 我们不想累赘数据返回客户端或者强制开发者设计人员一遍又一输入这些数据。

    We do not want to return long, redundant data to clients or force developers and designers to type them over and over again.


  • 因为网站设计了相当的时间,你已经能够一个全新的角度去审视

    After you've worked on a site for few weeks, you can't observe it from a fresh perspective anymore.


  • 尤其有许多经理总是假定任何项目只要存续的时间,肯定免不了周期性地完全推倒,再重新设计实现。

    This is particularly true since many managers operate under the assumption that any project going long enough cannot avoid periodical design and re-implementation from scratch.


  • 如果新娘选择新婚礼服,伴娘必须选择一款类似设计

    And if the bride selects a long tail gown, the bridesmaid has to select a similar long dresses design.


  • 为了扩展车架打造可调节平台自行车中间设计个既轴。

    To extend the frame and create an adjustable platform, Teal designed a long span in the middle of the bike that was light and rigid.


  • 这个年轻设计告诉工程师》杂志这个设计优势在于可以无级变速高效生命周期而且重量轻。

    The young designer told the Engineer that the advantages of the new design included seamless shifting, higher efficiency, longer chain and sprocket life, as well as improved weight distribution.


  • 经济大萧条时期,大规模失业意味着缩短设计不合时宜所以裙子理所当然地保持着的,女性化的风格。

    During the Depression, mass unemployment meant it was not the time to experiment with cutting edge designs so skirts remained reassuringly long and subtly feminine.


  • 该车设计极为复杂车内含有610英尺电线,升起放下车顶需要40

    Enormously complicated, it contained 610 feet of electrical wire and required 40 seconds to raise or lower the lid.


  • 圣迭戈以北10英里15号州际公路段8英里的路面上,交通工程是正在安装一个由麻省理工学院设计引进自动司机系统

    On an eight-mile stretch of Interstate 15 ten miles north of San Diego, traffic engineers are installing an MIT-designed system which will introduce the "automated driver."The


  • 这种坦克系统设计理念就是车厢安装履带上,正像CA型坦之前那些设计一样,这种组装方式未能收到预期效果。

    Like its predecessors before it however, the system would never meet its potential due to the design theory of melding a long hull on a short set of tracks.


  • 拿破仑三世妻子Eugenie皇后是当时个羊毛披肩的爱好者,因为羊毛披肩不会掩盖Worth设计的华丽礼服,又能帮助她抵挡寒冷

    Empress Eugenie, the wife of Napoleon III was among the first to favour shawls to protect her against chill, without obscuring the beauty of the gowns designed for her by Worth.


  • 到了夏末Hughes开发单子上还有大约200这么——包括个电话银行工具一个重新设计培训页面——而且Rospars之间也越发剑拔弩张。

    By late summer, Hughes's development list was still some 200 items longincluding a phone-bank tool and a redesigned training pageand tension was building between him and Rospars.


  • 基于5个大型反光器,设计一个玻璃镜子每个反光器62玻璃镜子制作而成。

    He designed a system based on five large reflectors, each 62 metres long and made of glass mirrors arranged to form a trough in the shape of a parabola.


  • 优点全新设计更好显示效果,支持任务处理的操作系统,待机时间,内置陀螺仪改进游戏体验,能进行视频通话Facetime功能

    Pros: Refreshed design, with much improved display; new operating system introduces multi-tasking; battery life improved; new gyroscope improves game-playing; video calling with Facetime.


  • 款3米的三座车拥有诡异的椭圆型窗户前大灯仿照动物爪子设计该车完全电动,零排放,仅聚合电池即可驱动。

    The 10-foot-long 3-seater with oblong diagonal side windows and claw-like headlights is a fully electric, zero-emissions vehicle that runs on lithium polymer batteries.


  • 经过几个月热烈猜测凯特米德尔顿准王妃的婚纱设计最终意料之中的英籍设计师,婚纱裙摆的确也没有1981年戴安娜王妃25英尺那么

    AFTER months of feverish speculation about who would design Kate Middleton’s wedding dress, there were few surprises in the end. British designer, check.


  • 晚礼服裙。通常设计低,摆宽大,裙。多用华贵的绸缎、丝绒面料裁制连衣裙饰花边缎带

    Or evening dresses. Usually shoulder, collar design is low, wide skirt, skirt length and ankle. With luxurious satin, velvet fabrics such as cutting, and Outfit dress lace, ribbon.


  • 晚礼服裙。通常设计低,摆宽大,裙。多用华贵的绸缎、丝绒面料裁制连衣裙饰花边缎带

    Or evening dresses. Usually shoulder, collar design is low, wide skirt, skirt length and ankle. With luxurious satin, velvet fabrics such as cutting, and Outfit dress lace, ribbon.


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