• 方案设计全流通思路:保持总量不变对原流通流通依据现时价值所有份总价值的比重进行数量的重新平衡分配。

    The essence of the scheme designing is: stock gross fixed, the quantities of the prohibited shares and public shares are admeasured in the light of their present value proportion.


  • 这款现代双人床卡斯滕雅各布·迪克森设计

    Modern double bed designed by Karsten and Jakob Gudiksen.


  • 最近设计界有趋势各个层次水平的设计们纷纷开始转变自由职业者。 这趋势之强超乎人们的想像,很快整个行业自由职业化了。

    There’s been a big trend in the design industry lately, with people from all levels of design turning to freelancing.


  • 绞合线直径丝号的规格提高网状的牢固性所有设计符合国家标准,品质无。

    The stranded wire diameter than the double wire thick wire, specifications, in order to improve the robustness of the network. All designs are in line with national standards.


  • 根据FNR多层旋转钢丝绳生产要求,对卧式可调式预变形器进行结构工艺设计

    To introduce structure and process design of horizontal adjustable predeformation apparatus according to production require of FNR series multilayer stands non rotation ropes.


  • 极限尺寸行动专门体重增加质量包装质量设计

    Xtreme Size-Up is specially designed for hard gainers who want to gain weight and pack-on quality mass.


  • 20年代前后开始欧洲先进设计建筑家形成势力掀起现代意义上所谓建筑运动

    Starts from the 20s, the European one group of advanced designers, the architect form an influence, has raised in the modern significance so-called new construction movement.


  • 按照螺旋弹簧振动位移特性螺旋弹簧动态工作过程并圈作为边界条件进行动态设计计算

    According to the vibration displacement performance, the exceed extrusion in the dynamic working process of the spring is employed as the constraint for the dynamic design and calculation.


  • 实现套现初衷适当补充社会保障资金国有减持方案设计中,必须处理好三个关键问题,即:国有流通方式定价机制减持资金运作模式。

    There are three key matters during the scheme designing, the mode of share mobilization, the pricing mechanism and the usage of funds come from the share offering.


  • 鉴于,在进行具体方案设计文章减持国有充实社保基金相关问题进行了研究对方案设计提出总的要求。

    In view of the above reasons, before designing the concrete proposal, the article researches some questions related to lessening stated-owned stocks and filling the social security fund.


  • 笔者将数学规划理论计算机程序设计法相结合,通过实例螺旋弹簧计算机辅助优化设计进行了初步探讨

    The disquisition pilot study about the computer assisted optimization design of a screw spring of many radices using math layout theory conjoint to computer programmer method with a exemplity.


  • 综合分析切割粒径效率数学模型基础上,建立了液分离器的设计模型

    Based on synthetically analyzing models of reduced cut size, pressure drop, efficiency and flow split, the design model of hydrocyclone separators has been developed.


  • 本文介绍可换债券的基本概念及其国外实践,同时给出了定价公式一些设计思路。

    The principals and fulfillment in developed countries are introduced in the paper. The pricing formula and designing ideas are presented.


  • 江阴大桥吊索特别设计螺纹连接具,其吊索采用平行钢丝钢丝绳两种材料。

    Fork type anchor devices with thread connections are specially designed for hangers of Jiangyin Bridge, and semi parallel wire strands, steel wire ropes are used for the hangers as well.


  • 标志设计释义媒介旋风带给新新人类的小旋风,这就是MCMS

    Logo Design Interpretation: This is one sphere of media, a small whirlwind, which is a force to bring the younger generation a small whirlwind, which is MCMS.


  • 金甲科技凭借优秀设计理念雄厚的技术实力,在行业内快速成长新锐力量

    By virtue of the excellent design principle and strong technical strength, Jinjia technology in the industry rapid growth as a new force.


  • 加快螺旋弹簧设计过程,提高设计质量具有一定的实际意义

    It is practice meanings to design the screw spring of many radices at faster speed and increase design qualities.


  • 此外现有导管器械基本都是动脉设计的,专门桡动脉设计器械选择有限

    In addition, existing conduit and weapon are main design for arteria femoralis, the appliance alternative that devises technically for radial artery is limited.


  • 结果设计带旋外侧血管支的降支为带转移骨干中下段的手术方法。

    Results: bone flap pedicled with the ascending branch and transverse branch of the lateral femoral circumflex vessel was designed to transplant to the middle and inferior femoral bone.


  • 因此OPGW雷击断主要原因结构设计问题

    So the main causes for OPGW strand breakage form lightning are the structural design problems.


  • 同类分析软件最大不同之处在于它“以选为主”的设计思路

    It is a similar analysis of the biggest software difference is that it "to stock-based" design.


  • 针对螺旋弹簧成型原理成型过程存在问题,提出簧数控机床新型设计方案

    Based on the forming principle of stranded wires helical spring and the current problems in the manufacturing process, a new design scheme for the number control machine is put forward.


  • 交叉口相位设计过程中,不同流向交通流的客流量可能会出现较大差异,但大多数信号设计这种差异并不重视。

    During the design of the signal phase for intersections, the difference in passenger traffic volume of different directions is usually neglected.


  • 方法解剖学研究基础设计外侧血管转子转移治疗骨头缺血性坏死。

    Methods Basing on the anatomic study, the author designed the greater trochanter bone flap pedicled with middle gluteal muscle branch of lateral femoral circumflex vessel for the treatment of INFH.


  • 结合多螺旋弹簧的静态设计方法,重点考虑动态性能要求,提出种静态动态相结合设计模型

    A model of dynamic design is brought forward in accordance with its static design, especially its dynamic performance.


  • 实例优化计算结果表明,优化设计可使多流板翅式换热器满足给定约束条件下节约大量的传热面积

    The results obtained from the optimum calculation show that the heat transfer area is reduced obviously under the given constraint conditions.


  • 阐述加工钢叉叉成形方案设计结构设计考虑问题

    The questions must be considered in developing the plan design and the structure design of the four spindle extrusion press for machining the four teeth steel fork tip are explained and discussed.


  • 阐述加工钢叉叉成形方案设计结构设计考虑问题

    The questions must be considered in developing the plan design and the structure design of the four spindle extrusion press for machining the four teeth steel fork tip are explained and discussed.


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