• 轿车轮毂实体结构出发,探讨轿车轮毂模型模具设计研究方法

    According to the structure of car hub, the paper puts forward the techniques of designing car hub model and its mould.


  • 体验经济方向入手进行导航产品设计研究整合相关设计研究方法技术理念进行系统化分析

    Experience from the line direction of the economy to start to navigate product design, research, integration-related design research methods, techniques, and ideas for systematic analysis.


  • 大部分学术性风景园林设计研究方法派生历史生物学社会学它们不能完全包含风景园林设计

    Most of the academic landscape architecture design research methods, which are derived from history, biology or sociology, do not cover landscape architecture design in a complete way.


  • 该文综合国内外人机界面设计研究方法基础上,提出一种优化设计评价为一体的装甲车辆人机界面设计方法

    Based on the man-machine interface design research of domestic and overseas, this paper brings forward a direct MMI design method which integrates the optimization with the evaluation.


  • 本文根据流体机械三元流动理论叶片流体机械转轮设计研究方法为出发点,针对流式水轮机转轮设计方法进行了理论探讨。

    According to the quasi-three dimensional theory of hydraulic machinery, this paper discussed the runner design method of the diagonal turbine, based on the blade turbine runner design theory.


  • 来自斯坦福大学研究团队仿效虎鲸耳朵结构做出设计之后非传统方法得以成功验证

    The unorthodox approach proved successful after the team from Stanford University came up with a design modeled on the structure of the ear of orca wales.


  • 澳大利亚研究人员一直设计测试一种狮子方法,即屁股上画眼睛狮子以为自己猎物注视着。

    Researchers in Australia have been devising and testing a method of trickery to make lions think they are being watched by the painted eyes on cow butts.


  • 本文使用案例研究方法说明设计商店部署要注意的典型事项

    This article USES a case study approach to illustrate typical considerations made when designing a multi-store deployment.


  • 这个阶段常用的具体方法包括市场研究用户研究管理规划设计研究小组

    Specific methods include: Market research, User research, Managing and planning and Design research groups.


  • 介绍二十世纪90年代发表指南建议用于死因监测基于死因推断未来研究设计方法使用情况。

    To report on the uptake of guidelines published in the early 1990s with specific recommendations about the design of future studies based on verbal autopsy conducted for mortality surveillance.


  • 当地的一家公司段时间在那里帮助他们提高软件工程实践能力,并公司工程师一起对新的设计方法进行研究

    He spent his time at a local company where he helped them improve their software engineering practices and did research with engineers from the company into new design methods.


  • 这些研究人员正在设计树木感应器这样的装置完全这个方法提供动力

    Those researchers are already designing devices which act as forest sensors powered entirely by this new method.


  • 当前一些研究人员正在评价使用AOP方法设计模式实现

    Currently, some researchers are evaluating the implementation of design patterns using an AOP approach.


  • 人们已经对于UI设计及其改进方法进行了大量研究

    There have been many studies about UI design and how to improve it.


  • 第八研究SOC设计特点方法讨论了面向SOC设计实现DVB - S信道接收芯片字节处理部分策略

    The last chapter studies the characteristics and methods of SOC design, and advances the scheme of byte processing part in DVB-S channel receiver for SOC design.


  • 并且这种思想指引下,一个研究团队已经利用遗传工程学方法免疫细胞设计攻击癌细胞猎人

    And it is in this spirit that a group of researchers have genetically engineered immune-system cells into hunters capable of attacking cancer cells.


  • 来自斯坦福大学研究团队仿效虎鲸耳朵结构做出设计之后非传统方法得以成功验证

    And the unorthodox approach proved successful after the team from Stanford University came up with a design modelled on the structure of the ear of orca wales.


  • 麦克卢思凯小姐爱丁堡皮尔大学学习产品设计。她设计灵感来自听觉障碍研究,她希望找到能帮助人们提高听力的方法

    Miss McLuskey, who studies product design at Edinburgh's Napier University, came up with the idea after studying aural impairments and methods of helping people hear better.


  • 先前研究人员灵敏方法引入认知无线电设计设计通过捕获最佳可用频谱提高吞吐量满足用户通信需求

    Researchers previously introduced this "smart" approach in cognitive radio designs, which sought to improve throughput by capturing the best available spectrum to meet user communication requirements.


  • 尽管如此,越来越研究人员芯片设计探索克服噪音方法目前的迹象令人鼓舞。

    Yet a growing number of researchers and chip-makers are exploring ways to overcome noise, and the signs are encouraging.


  • 麻省理工学院的研究者们设计计划采用了一种不同方法

    A new scheme devised by researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) takes a different approach.


  • 研究设计很多暗中标记某一特殊作用部分大脑方法以便可以容易地跟踪切片

    Researchers have also devised sneaky ways to tag parts of the brain that are of special interest, so that they can be followed more easily from slice to slice.


  • 因此,研究们使用各种方法,以期设计出能够随意弯曲电子部件,电子就是其中的一种。

    Researchers have devised ways to make flexible electronics, for such things as electronic paper.


  • 伯克利州加利福尼亚大学Alex Zettl目前带领研究人员设计一个方法,据他们估计,可以使人类通过电子技术信息保存十亿

    Now researchers led by Alex Zettl of the University of California, Berkeley, have devised a method that will, they reckon, let people store information electronically for a billion years.


  • 第五个研究报告中,研究给269名大学生阅读了智能设计方法篇CarlSagan写自然主义文章,然后相似的几个问题

    In a fifth study, researchers asked 269 college students similar questions after being presented with an intelligent design approach and a naturalist passage authored by Carl Sagan.


  • 移动代理技术协同设计研究开辟新的方法

    The mobile agent technology has brought new research method for collaborative design system.


  • 1553B总线控制器,采用SOC设计方法研究航天器系统总线设计实现

    The SOC design and implementation of the spacecraft system bus was studied, for example of the 1553b bus controller.


  • 1553B总线控制器,采用SOC设计方法研究航天器系统总线设计实现

    The SOC design and implementation of the spacecraft system bus was studied, for example of the 1553b bus controller.


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