• 本文绝对编码法原理进行研究基础上设计一种具有发明专利码道编码规则根据规则制定了相应软件算法

    In this paper, in studying absolute Angle measurement principle basis designed coding rules of a Single-ring code and formulated the appropriate software algorithm.


  • 本文首次使用MATLAB优化工具箱齿轮传动问题进行稳健优化设计求解给出了相应算法程序

    The text USES MATLAB optimization toolbox for solving the problem of robust optimization design of the gear wheel transmission for the first time, and gives the corresponding algorithm procedures.


  • 算法根据运动矢量中心分布特性设计相应匹配搜索模板

    Matching search patterns are designed in the algorithm based on the center-biased characteristics of motion vector distribution.


  • 设计中间语言结构研究这种中间语言SQL语句的转换,给出了相应转换算法算法进行了测试

    The structure of middle language is designed, the change from middle language to SQL sentence is researched, the algorithm is given and the test is done.


  • 该文设计了一基于思想SPDB组织方式相应查找算法使平均查找长度大为缩短

    The article designs a kind of SPDB organization based on key tree and corresponding query algorithm, which makes average query length shorten a lot.


  • 目前研究领域两个重要问题式设计合适分布式数据挖掘系统体系结构相应的分布式挖掘算法

    Presently, the two important matters in this field are that, design for suitable architecture of distributed data mining systems and corresponding distributed mining algorithms.


  • 本文建立了发生贴皮现象部位力学模型提出相应金属表面应力算法作为球铁磨球轧中防止贴皮现象设计准则之一

    The mechanics model is set up for the section caused folding surface and the new algorithm of shearing stress for the corresponding metal surface are produced, as being the one of the design rules.


  • 针对机电产品色彩模型,提出了相应确定主调辅助色、点缀方法算法设计实现了MCSES推荐配色方案的功能;

    Methods and algorithms of inferring primary color, adjunctive color and intersperse color are presented, which led to the implementation of color scheming in MCSES.


  • 论文系统检测原理硬件软件设计相应评判算法分别进行介绍

    The paper introduces the principle of testing, designs of hardware and software and corresponding appraising algorithms respectively.


  • 针对注水井系统设计中的复杂问题,制定了配水工具智能化排布计算机算法编制相应软件

    An intelligently arranged computer method is put forward aimed at the difficulty in the design of water distribution system and a corresponding software is also programmed.


  • 介绍管换热器设计校核计算数学模型算法开发相应软件

    The mathematical model and algorithm of designing and checking a coil heat exchanger in a stirred tank are given, and the relevant software is worked out.


  • 针对一体化设计问题求解要求提出了相应组合优化算法

    An adaptive combinatorial optimization algorithm for solving this integrated optimization design problems is put forward.


  • 并且上面改进设计相应选择算法交叉算子变异算子免疫算子。

    Besides, the thesis also designs the corresponding selection algorithm, crossover operator, mutation operator, and the immune operator for the improvement of the above problems.


  • 文章传统的反序分词典进行了改进设计了反序词典词根HASH给出了相应的分算法,实验表明,改进有效

    HASH toot table is designed based on a new converse segmentation dictionary, which is a great improvement on traditional segmentation dictionary.


  • 这些算法相应查询优化处理器用于作者自行设计并行数据库管理系统原型

    A complete set of a algorithms and techniques are proposed. the algorithms and techniques have been used in a prototype parallel database system designed by the author.


  • 本文根据机械装配配合特征确定装配操作优先顺序设计相应算法

    In this paper, an approach is proposed to determine assembly orders according to mating feature, and corresponding algorithms are presented.


  • 根据SF_6断路器运行过程中的实际情况设计相应硬件电路软件算法,以期较为准确对带电运行状态下的SF_6断路器进行在线监测

    According to the practical operation situation of SF6 circuit breaker, the hardware circuit and the software arithmetic are designed to intend to accurately monitor the SF6 circuit breaker in service.


  • 重点其中主从区域纵联方案进行了深入研究包括故障检测隔离算法研究、相应软硬件装置设计实现通信方案的研究等。

    Focus on the master-slave regional pilot program conducted in-depth research, including fault detection and isolation algorithm, the design and implementation of device and communications programs.


  • 本文首先介绍了SINS导航原理推导了SINS地理坐标系下的导航算法,并进行了相应程序设计仿真

    This paper introduces the navigation principle of the SINS firstly, the navigation algorithm on geographical coordinates is deduced, and then the simulation program is developed.


  • 本课题主要完成离线数字识别系统硬件设计调试完成了相应图像处理和识别算法DSP中的调试。

    Hardware design and debugging of offline digits recognition system were finished. Image processing and recognition algorithm was also implemented in DSP environment.


  • 一定置信度下,将双层规划模型转化为单层随机规划模型,设计相应混合智能算法

    Transform the bilevel stochastic programming model into single-level stochastic programming model under certain confidence, and a corresponding mixed method is designed.


  • 考虑时延系统性能影响,该文归纳出一种并发延时模型利用FIFO数据结构设计相应的并发延时算法

    To analyze the influence of time - delay on system performance, a parallelly triggered delaying model is induced and relevant algorithm is designed based on FIFO data structure.


  • 设计用直方图估计选择运算连接运算结果大小算法,进行了相应实验提出下一步工作的思路

    Algorithms of estimating the sizes of query results of selection operations and join operations are designed, and corresponding experiments are implemented, and a clue of further research is given.


  • 针对油藏分布预测的问题,提出一个叶斯网络融合模型设计相应算法

    Bayesian fusion model is put foreword with a corresponding algorithm designed to forecast the oil reservoir distribution.


  • 设计一个具有多项式时间复杂度算法流程私有部分自动生成相应公开部分。

    An algorithm with polynomial complexity was presented to generate the public part of the process from its private one.


  • 第三研究椭球约束线性模型影响挖掘给出相应统计量,设计异常挖掘算法

    In chapter 3, we study the influence point mining of linear model under elliptic restriction, and show the corresponding statistical function and the outlier mining algorithm.


  • 介绍了计算全息干涉图制作基本原理,并根据实现原理设计相应计算机仿真算法实现各类波面计算全息干涉图绘制。

    According to the basic principle of holographic interference, a new method has been proposed for the implementation of interference type holograms with computer simulation.


  • 一旦等值方程建立起来可以设计相应算法深度数据中提取等值面,从而实现多视场深度像融合

    Once such an equation is build up, the algorithm can be designed to extract iso-surface from range data and the consequent application of multi-view range image integration.


  • 整个系统设计开发电子商务网站案例知识表示相应推理搜索算法设计是首先要解决的问题。

    The essential problems of IDSEB designing and development are knowledge representation of EC website cases and designing of the corresponding reasoning algorithms.


  • 每个控制模块设计相应模糊优化控制算法,并用改进BP神经网络实现算法模糊关系。

    Fuzzy optimal control arithmetic was designed for each module, and an improved BP neural network was introduced to implement the fuzzy relation.


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