• 地球任何特定地点阳光不断变化使能量储存成为地球太阳能系统的一个必要设计特征

    Constant variations in the amount of sunlight available on Earth at any given location make energy storage a necessary design feature of terrestrial solar-energy systems.


  • 设计特征直接支持加强内容的表现。

    Design traits directly support and reinforce content.


  • 用来定义相反设计特征浮动比例例子

    An example of a sliding scale used to define opposing design traits.


  • 耐心定位系统独特要求设计特征提出

    The unique requirements and design characteristics of the patient positioning system are presented.


  • 并且根据建模方法建立了模具设计特征制造特征

    Based on the modeling method, design feature and manufacture feature of cross wedge rolling tool are founded.


  • 第三章介绍基于局部特征识别设计特征加工特征同步建模方法

    The method of synchronous design feature and machining feature modeling based on local feature recognition is presented in Chapter 3.


  • 阐述基于特征设计制造技术,以及设计特征加工特征转换技术

    Design and manufacture technologies based on features are introduced. Extraction technology of machining features from design features is studied.


  • 麦昆设计特征很多一个,都独特的风格,成就了坏孩子的名声。

    McQueen's hallmarks were many, and each, in its way, contributed to his bad-boy reputation.


  • 设计特征引入概念设计阶段,对概念设计阶段设计特征的内涵进行了界定

    Design features are introduced into the conceptual design phase, and then defined and analyzed.


  • 本文介绍显示理解这两指标一些工具以及如何通过组合指标帮助发现设计特征

    You'll learn about some tools for visualizing and understanding both of these metrics and how combining metrics can help you reveal design characteristics.


  • 分析主要风格流派设计理念设计特征追求目标及其代表人物主要作品

    And we analyze the design concept, characteristic, goal with their typical designers and works of the main styles and genres.


  • 语义Web如此有意义有用关键设计特征之一就是web数据间互连数据的确立

    One of the key design features that makes the Semantic Web more meaningful and useful is the establishment of interlinking data between data sets across the Web.


  • 授予专利权的外观设计现有设计或者现有设计特征组合相比应当具有明显区别。

    As compared with the existing design or combination of the existing design features, the design for which a patent is granted shall have distinctive features.


  • 设计特征作为功能单元建立用户需求原理解的关系,也能设计信息带到下游应用

    Design feature can be a function cell to establish the connection between user requirement and theory solution and bring the design information to downstream application.


  • 结合榆树市法院建筑具体设计从功能布局造型设计方面总结法院建筑设计特征

    Combining with Yushu city court the building specific design, functional layout, modeling design, etc, we summarized the design characteristics of the court buildings.


  • 本文尝试集成特征识别技术基于特征设计技术实现设计特征模型中提取制造特征

    This paper attempts to integrate feature recognition and design-by-feature technology to accomplish extraction of manufacturing features from a design-oriented feature model.


  • 特征相关完整地描述设计特征之间制造特征之间及设计特征与制造特征之间的相关关系

    Feature relation graph is designed to completely describe the relationship among design features and machining features.


  • 根据敏捷制造和机械加工工艺设计特征要求,建立面向计算机辅助工艺计划的工艺制造资源模型

    The manufacturing resource model of process for CAPP is established based on the requirement of agile manufacturing and the character of machining process planning.


  • 随后给出了基于设计特征概念设计方案生成方法及方案评价方法,并用实例验证了方法的有效性

    A design feature-based method for scheme generation in conceptual design is presented. An example is given to verify the effectiveness of this method.


  • 对由设计加工域的转换知识表示建立进行研究。实现设计特征模型到加工特征模型的转换。

    Representation of conversion knowledge is studied and conversion rules are constructed, which implement the conversion process from design feature model to machining feature model.


  • 介绍了“中华之星高速列车钢质拖车结构特点主要技术参数,阐述了拖车各部件结构设计特征

    Structural characteristics and main parameters of the steel trailer for "China Star" high speed EMU are presented. Component structures and design features are stated.


  • 成员可以规定新颖原创,系指某外观设计已知设计或已知设计特征之组合相比,明显区别

    Members may provide that designs are not new or original if they do not significantly differ from known designs or combinations of known design features.


  • 采用一般卡车通用动力学分析程序,只需补充描述原木拖车特殊设计特征约束方程,上述算法即可实现

    To implement the constraint equations for the special design feature in log hauling trucks, a procedure is developed allowing the use of the code for general-purpose dynamic analysis of the trucks.


  • 美国正在进行器械临床研究豁免(IDE)试验的颈椎假体设计特征已出版临床资料进行回顾分析。

    A review of the design characteristics and published clinical data for cervical prostheses undergoing Investigational Device Exemption (ide) study in the United States is provided.


  • 本文主要介绍PC总线标准兼容自动测试控制系统基本设计原理误差处理技术和系统软件设计特征

    This paper describes the basic design principle of automatic measure and control system. Which is compatible with PC BUS standard. technology of error processing as well as feature of software design.


  • 核电厂设计特征其它类型反应堆核电厂不相同这些设计特征CANDU6安全经济运行主要保证

    The design features of CANDU 6 Nuclear Power Plant are very different from those of some other reactor concepts, which are the major assurance for CANDU 6's safe and economic operation.


  • 通过设计特征特征参数进行分析归纳总结提出一种基于边界信息模型的、复杂拉伸设计特征识别方法

    By analyzing, inducing and summarizing the design features and feature parameters, a recognizing method based on the boundary information model and completed stretch design features is put forward.


  • 文章解读标题独具特色修辞格,分析严谨的篇章结构句型设计特征,精当遣词造句独到的写作风格

    It deals chiefly with the rhetoric devices of the title, the best arrangement for the structure of the text, the design of the sentence patterns, the vocabulary choices and the writing style etc.


  • 第七代丰田凯美瑞将于103日正式上市车型继承了前辈车型的绝大部分机械内部设计特征,但采取了崭新的外形设计

    Toyota's (TM) seventh-generation Camry, which goes on sale Oct. 3, keeps most of the mechanical and architectural underpinnings of its predecessor.


  • 分析了符号演进过程原始艺术符号意义来源,从符号特征、艺术特征设计特征三个层面艺术设计符号的特征作了阐述

    It analyses the evolution of sign and the sense of original art sign, and explains the character of design sign by sign character, art character and design character.


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