• OTC有关产品同步设计自然换相点上,使同步触发电源输出更趋稳定可靠

    To set up a sync point coincide with a natural commutation point in OTC products, and will be able to improve reliability and stability of the phase shifting trigger and output of the power source.


  • 某些室内设计例子中颜色可以用来增加视觉吸引力木质碗柜自然色彩

    On some cases of interior design, color can be added to increase visual appeal such as the natural colors of wood of a china cabinet.


  • 认为一个精心设计UI中,用户界面用户几乎是透明的,因为自然符合了用户的思维模式

    He states that in a well orchestrated UI design, the UI becomes almost transparent to the user since it naturally follows their mental model.


  • 这个数列中的数字常常不经意地自然中浮现,数字比率关系接近1.618,它还是建筑设计称为黄金比率的数字。

    Numbers in this series crop up frequently in nature and the relationship between components tends towards 1.618, a figure known as the golden ratio in architecture and design.


  • 为了给顾客进入银行的时候提供一种可触碰自然清爽气氛艾曼纽建筑设计公司采用的开放式天空设计主题

    Upon entering the bank premises Emmanuelle Moureaux architecture + design sought to generate an invigorating atmosphere with a palpable sense of nature based on an open sky motif.


  • 人类进行原型设计之前,自然很早就这样做了。

    Nature has been prototyping designs far longer than humans have.


  • 这些研究课题主要集中如何诱使微生物产出可作为能源使用液态燃料,其改造手段包括设计一些自然尚未被发现代谢通路

    The programs explore options for coaxing organisms to make energy-dense liquid fuel, including the design of metabolic pathways not found in nature.


  • 设计领域中,我们处理一些更为精细、有时候难以数计的人类自然基础

    In design field, we dealt with more subtle and some time hard to quantity elements of human nature.


  • Oxman博士相信目标产品设计构造可以遵循自然规律前提下进行改善,其形成形状不用加法制造的方法无法制造出来的。

    Dr Oxman believes the design and construction of objects could be transformed using principles inspired by nature, resulting in shapes that are impossible to build without additive manufacturing.


  • 通过设计掺杂物性质形状密度可以获得一些整体性质上,自然不同寻常而且难以得到东西。”Engheta

    "By designing the properties of the inclusions, as well as their shapes and density, you achieve in the bulk property something that may be unusual and not readily available in nature," Engheta said.


  • 根据设计彼得·斯普里格斯设想,空中运输工具全球气候变暖导致频繁自然灾害无法进入特定区域时,这款概念便可以披挂上阵。

    Designer Peter Spriggs intendsLandstorm to be needed “when airborne vehicles will not be effective to reach aparticular area because of frequent natural disasters as a result of futureglobal warming.”


  • 第五个研究报告中,研究者给269名大学生阅读了智能设计方法篇CarlSagan写自然主义文章,然后相似的几个问题

    In a fifth study, researchers asked 269 college students similar questions after being presented with an intelligent design approach and a naturalist passage authored by Carl Sagan.


  • 布莱尔55号通过自然光线的规划设计排屋并不常见方式创造了一种令人兴奋空间体验

    Blair Road produces a spatial experience that excites the senses by promoting light open plan living which is unusual to this type of terrace house.


  • 诺登焦点自然,所有的房间被设计室内室外之间屏障消失结构

    The focus at Norden is nature andall the architecture is designed to dissolve the barrier between the inside andthe outside.


  • 研究人员自然物理杂志上发表的报告称他们已经利用设计装置将反氢子存时间延续到了16分钟。 (原子物理术语上相当于亿万年)。

    Now, as they report in Nature Physics, the researchers have used their device to preserve anti-hydrogen for 16 minutes (aeons in atomic-physics terms).


  • 自然而然我们就被刘洋(音译)精巧EastmeetsWest系列信息图的设计所折服,它解决自我认知的差异性自我进化路途中的一切

    Naturally, we’re head-over-heels with designer Yang Liu‘s ingenious East Meets West infographic series, tackling everything from differences in self-perception to evolution of transportation.


  • 可以封闭环境中生长的植物能够利用空间自然光线,这些植物用于景观设计当中

    Plants that can sustain in closed environment and are able to use the natural light that space can provide are selected in the landscape design phase.


  • 阐述了具体地质环境条件下,形成这些问题自然地质原因分析了主观认识上的不足,相应设计施工组织方面的失误

    Natural geological causes of these problems in specific geological environment are expounded. Deficiencies of subjective knowledge and mistakes in design and construction are analysed.


  • 自然设计使我们身体保持健康的状态

    Nature made our bodies to stay healthy.


  • 上海提出的口号大家指明我们设计建设城市时方向追求文化自然现代古代之间和谐

    The Shanghai slogan is a telling message for us in the way we plan and build cities, finding a harmony between culture and nature, modernity and antiquity.


  • 我们学校西侧可以找到幼儿园入口这座建筑设计一半自然地面以下,为初学走路的儿童提供便利。

    In the west of the school we find the preschool entrance, this building is designed half a story below the natural terrain to ease the walk for toddlers.


  • 这种材料透明度有概念,允许自然进入空间中心把它设计会议衣帽间变换工作空间,”工作室

    "This material plays with the notion of transparency and allows natural light to access the centre of the space, designed as a meeting area, cloakroom, and changing workspaces," said the studio.


  • 保证这些房间的通风设计一个中庭下方厕所提供了自然采光

    A small atrium was placed at the end for cross-room ventilation, it also provides beneath toilets with natural light.


  • 之内每个设计自然而然地运行着进化计划,实现这个计划通过运动成长正如人类所说改变来达成。

    Each design carried within it, inherently, the plan of its evolution, which was to be accomplished by movement, growth, or as humans calls it, change.


  • 这个从洛杉矶发迹事务所以设计达拉斯佩罗自然科学博物馆好莱坞爱默生学院闻名

    The LA-based firm is known for buildings including the Perot Museum of Nature and Science in Dallas and the Hollywood campus of Emerson College.


  • 由于业主喜欢山野环境,因此希望空间设计时能够巧妙嵌入山林户外元素,享受自然美好

    Since the client also enjoyed the mountains, the space was specially but subtly designed to hint at mountain landscapes and the great outdoors.


  • 由于业主喜欢山野环境,因此希望空间设计时能够巧妙嵌入山林户外元素,享受自然美好

    Since the client also enjoyed the mountains, the space was specially but subtly designed to hint at mountain landscapes and the great outdoors.


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