• 股权结构公司治理结构基础设置状况是否合理对公司治理结构效率有着决定性影响

    The common equity structure is a foundation of the corporate governance, whether its installing condition is reasonable has a decisiveness effect for the efficiency of the corporate governance.


  • 一个服务设置必须包含需要传递可用服务所有流程资源理想状况应该包含这些流程和资源。

    A service set must contain all of the processes and resources needed to deliver a highly available service, and, ideally, should contain only these processes and resources.


  • 为了避免这种状况,请确保启动调试会话代码设置一个断点

    To avoid this behavior, be sure set a breakpoint in your code before starting a debugging session.


  • 正如系列文章介绍(参考资料),如果不能真正了解系统运行状况,就无法分页设置进行真正地优。

    As discussed in previous installments of the series (see Resources), you cannot really tune your paging Settings unless you really know what is going on in the host system.


  • 为了改变状况启动进入Windows开始菜单搜索进入高级系统设置

    To change this, boot into Windows and enter Advanced system Settings in your start menu search.


  • 通过HealthCenterCLP基于 CAPI可以对象级或特定对象的健康状况监视器配置默认设置

    You can configure object-level defaults or specific object health indicator settings through the Health Center, the CLP, or a C-based API. For example, using either of these methods you can configure


  • 设置四个字段标识记录状况(status)、日期状态(state)内容类型

    Four fields were set up to identify the status, date, state, and content type of the record. Following is the portion of the agent that flagged the content.


  • 创建了零件数据库设置维护窗口配置异常状况电子邮件联系方式

    You created a parts database. You also set up a maintenance window and configured an E-mail contact in case something goes wrong.


  • 特性包括撤销设置功能并且可以检查系统整体安全状况报告可能更改设置

    This feature includes the ability to undo Settings and also checks the overall security health of the systems to report back on Settings that may have been changed.


  • DB 2Stinger”的DBA可以使用HealthIndicator配置快速启动面板深入查看修改任何健康状况指示器设置

    DB2 V8.2 DBAs can use the health indicator configuration launchpad to drill down and view or change any health indicator Settings. For example.


  • 为了避免出现这种状况可以设置高光级别值。

    To avoid this you must set a lower amount in the specular level slot.


  • 先不谈它功能名称,它功能实际上并没有多么高级丰富.虽然可以很大程度上解决搜索结果过多的问题,但是现在状况设置了太多的障碍用户,具体来说

    There is great power to conquer the overwhelming number of search results, but the current standard presents barriers to users. Specifically


  • 专业设置基本条件以及社会职业岗位状况所决定的。

    This fact is determined by the fundamental conditions for speciality offering and the social profession state.


  • 客户端功能实时监控系统运行状况设置系统运行参数

    The function of client is to monitor the system real-time running status, and to setup system running parameters.


  • 电源状况工程变电所设置界区内的西北侧,其中包括10KV分界配电室

    V. power Supply Situation: transformer station of this project is set at the northwest side of the factory area, of which there is a 10kv separation room and a power distribution and transformer room.


  • 缓慢此外我们没有看到任何问题运行状况进行托管帐户站点设置访问似乎没有问题。

    Additionally, we did not see any issue with the operational status of your hosting account and your site appears to be setup and accessible without issue.


  • 两侧底部设置仿根据不同地面状况调整

    Two imitating boards which installed on the bottom of two side of header can adjust to stubble height according to different ground condition.


  • 因此不管孩子身体状况差,在对情感——焦虑愤怒悲伤害怕等予以尊重的同时,也应当孩子设置一定要求和限制

    You can set limits for your child (whether he or she is sick or well) while showing that you respect his or her feelings of anger, worry, sadness or fear.


  • 不到软化系统总交换容量已经检查系统设置水质状况家庭用水量但是找不到导致这个问题原因

    Running short of softening capacity. You have checked the system set up vs. water conditions and family size, but that hasn't led to the cause of the condition.


  • 分析得出设置沥青稳定碎石基层路面能够改善刚性材料温度状况以及温度应力

    It is concluded that the asphalt treated base pavement can improve the temperature condition in the layer of semi-rigid base material and lower the thermal stress in the bottom of subbase.


  • 系统模拟各种道路天气复杂交通状况,且专门设置危险场景训练驾驶员对于危险情况处理

    This system can simulate many kinds of roads, weather and the complicated traffic situation. In order to train the novice driver to deal with dangerous situation, a danger scene is set in the system.


  • 论述了铁路运输企业用现金流量表取代财务状况变动表必要性,对编制现金流量表所采用结构项目设置问题进行探讨、分析。

    This paper discusses the necessity of the substitution cashflow statement for financial position statement and explores the problems concerning the structure design and items setting up.


  • 工作阶梯设置好了以后,需要投入更多管理工作管好内部劳动力市场运营状况

    Where job ladders are created, further managerial work is involved in managing the operation of the internal Labour market.


  • 公交车站设置不合理状况中国大城市普遍存在,由此造成公交车站拥挤严重制约了公交服务水平提高

    Unreasonable arrangements of bus stops widely exist big cities in China, Bus stop jams due to the arrangements badly restrict the improvement of bus stop service level.


  • 这样课程确实别的课程轻松但是没有我们带来特别实用知识技能如果课程设置有所改变,或许音乐课状况好一些。

    The course is very easy, but offers no value in terms of knowledge or skills. Perhaps music class would be better if the curriculum were changed.


  • 尽管一些人认为设置工资上限或许能够改善目前状况提高棒球比赛竞争性但眼下尚未有任何正式规定出台。

    Although some say salary caps might remedy the situation and increase the competitiveness of the sport, no formal restriction exists at this time.


  • 结合工程实例说明了加强建筑排水系统通气管道设置后,排水系统工况及室内空气卫生状况可以得到改善

    Based on engineer example, it is illustrated, that modified vent il ation of building drainage system can improve drainage system and indoor air quality.


  • 高职院校专业如何设置调整才能适应劳动力市场变化,高职院校专业设置劳动力市场之间的互动状况如何,值得我们深切关注

    How to establish and adjust speciality to adapt to changes in the labor market for higher vocational education institutions deserves our full attention.


  • 对于这两种类型测试设置循环粘结应力滑移关系,循环应变保税玻璃钢到混凝土接缝分布状况提出讨论

    For both types of test set-up, the cyclic bond stress-slip relations, and cyclic strain distribution profiles for the bonded FRP-to-concrete joints are presented and discussed.


  • 对于这两种类型测试设置循环粘结应力滑移关系,循环应变保税玻璃钢到混凝土接缝分布状况提出讨论

    For both types of test set-up, the cyclic bond stress-slip relations, and cyclic strain distribution profiles for the bonded FRP-to-concrete joints are presented and discussed.


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