• 智能旋转定位灯箱静止设定位置上。

    Intelligent rotation position, when the light box is still at the setting position.


  • 保罗2009年设定位置甚至更高标准

    Paul set even higher standards for his position in 2009.


  • 根据预设专案建立选项对话方块环境专案方案设定位置

    By default, new solutions are created in the location set in the Projects and solutions, Environment, Options Dialog Box.


  • 汽车中,乘员都是坐在预先设定的位置,这样一旦传感器检测到了撞击气囊适当的时候打开。

    In a car, where the occupants are sitting in known positions, the airbags can be deployed at the optimum time after sensors detect an impact.


  • 当然“主动分享时间可以这样设定所以下班后,不会打搅或者位置透漏出去

    Also, the 'active sharing' hours can be set so that, say after work, you are not disturbed or giving your location away.


  • 首先设定位置然后选择类别例如工作人事住屋键入一个关键字。

    Start by settting up your location, then choose a category (e.g. jobs, personals or housing) and type in a keyword.


  • 可以这样来设置这个域中顺序要么首先选择列表中显示在开头然后选择要显示在第二位置的域,依此类推,或者您拖拽放置这个域位置时进行位置设定

    You can set the order of the fields either by selecting the first field that you want displayed in the list, and then the next, and so on, or by setting the position as you drag and place the fields.


  • 设定优先级,调拨充分资源,无异于告诉所有员工,企业并不这些任务放在头等重要的位置

    Setting priorities without allocating sufficient resources to achieve them tells everyone that you weren't serious about the priorities in the first place.


  • 协作规则——现在协作已经是个潮流了,所有CRS规则都可以设定事务性变量指定匹配规则匹配位置匹配的负载数据

    Collaborative rules - Now operates in a collaborative fashion where all CRS rules can set transactional variables to specify what rule matched, the location of the match and what payload data matched.


  • 并不是其他人觉得舒服位置因为他人的影响而设定自己价值

    Not where someone else would be most comfortable at or where people have influenced you to put your value in the past.


  • 通过版本控制可以告诉用户您修改哪些内容,并这些修改出现位置设定明显的界限

    Through versioning, you are telling your users that you have changed something and are giving explicit boundaries for where those changes occurred.


  • 修改位置脚本仍旧可以使用直到位置设定以后这个才能起作用

    Scripts that modify the old location can still be used; that value will be in effect until a value in the new location is set.


  • 软件甚至提供校准”的功能能够一边按照设定播放铃,一边让手机放在不同的位置以帮助找到最合适您的闹铃音

    There's even a "calibration" feature that lets you hold the phone in a specific distance while playing the alarm and helps you figure out the optimal volume.


  • 设定转换率目标进行正确分析以便追踪哪个广告位置真正产生最大转换

    Ensure that you have a back-end conversion goal set up and the right analytics in place so that you can track which AD position is actually resulting in the most conversions.


  • 能够并且应当去)设定自己内在表现标杆时,如果也大致了解下那些针对非盈利组织而设立的参考的话,将是非常有益的,因为你可以发现你所属的非盈利组织到底处于什么样的位置

    While you can and should set your own internal performance benchmarks, it can be helpful, too, to look at benchmarks for the nonprofit sector in general, to see where your organization stands.


  • 第一次探险之前汉密尔顿及其同事堪萨斯大学·斯蒂尔·斯(Leigh Stearns)利用卫星数据设定在冰川上降落准确位置

    Before their first expedition, Hamilton and his colleague Leigh Stearns, from the University of Kansas, used satellite data to plan exactly where they would land on a glacier.


  • 除了每个成员启用可用性设定恢复日志所处位置外,使用模式无需额外WebSphereApplicationServer配置步骤

    Apart from enabling high availability and configuring the recovery log location for each cluster member, no additional WebSphere Application Server configuration steps are required to use this model.


  • locale-config元素使得系统能够依据浏览器语言设定找出正确位置

    The locale-config element enables the system to find the correct locale based on the browser's language settings.


  • 油门已经设定在了需要位置因此只需要向前直飞

    The throttles are already where I want them, so I simply fly the line.


  • 位置可以分析测距,可以下达瞄准设定火炮,更可以观察弹着据以估算落点修正。

    From his elevated station he could estimate or measure range, could transmit sight Settings to the guns, and could observe the fall of shot and estimate corrections known as spots.


  • 第五自助餐厅设计装修档次定位根据餐厅所处地理位置当地消费群体设定

    Fifth. The level of design and decoration of the cafeteria should be set according to the location of the restaurant and the local consumer groups.


  • 第一个要修改的设定,是客户端定期连接远端管理伺服器,以便日后的中央管理,图中所指位置应该自动被填上。

    The first setting will let the client connect to the Remote Administrator Server periodically. This enables an easy and centralized management. The address should be detected automatically.


  • 设计设定浇口位置形状

    The gate design will set the location and the shape of the gates.


  • 设定当前鼠标指针位置

    Sets current mouse cursor position.


  • 自动记住不同位置相关设定

    Automagically remembers relevant Settings for different locations.


  • 使用绝对位置设定目前资料录方式

    How to set the current record using absolute positions.


  • 针对阴影复制档案设定自订位置可能几个理由

    There are a few reasons why you might want to set a custom location for shadow copied files.


  • 8 - 16所示,脚本系统玩家位置预先设定比较,它们相等的时候陷阱被触发

    As Example 8-16 shows, the scripting system can compare the player position to some predetermined value and then trigger a trap if they are equal.


  • 8 - 16所示,脚本系统玩家位置预先设定比较,它们相等的时候陷阱被触发

    As Example 8-16 shows, the scripting system can compare the player position to some predetermined value and then trigger a trap if they are equal.


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