• 配置文件包含模块调用所有应用程序可以使用这个设备了。

    When you include the module call in the configuration files, your device will be available to all your applications.


  • AIX使用相当独特的系统对象数据管理器(Object Data Manager,ODM)管理设备配置文件

    AIX USES a rather unique system, the Object Data Manager (ODM), for managing devices and configuration files.


  • 如果稍后需要新的配置文件定义帐户设备请单击Finish

    Click Finish if you want to define accounts and devices for the new configuration file later.


  • 对于Linux没有对象数据管理器(Object Data Manager,ODM),AIX利用OD m管理设备配置文件

    With Linux you also won't have the Object Data Manager (ODM), which AIX utilizes for managing devices and configuration files.


  • 创建配置文件(TrialConfiguration . wss)具有新的帐户设备

    A new configuration file (TrialConfiguration.wss) is created with the new accounts and devices.


  • 如果Informix配置文件中的tapesize0,ids 9.40将允许使用备份媒体设备中的所有可用空间

    If you set TAPESIZE parameter in Informix configuration file to 0, IDS 9.40 will allow you to use all available Spaces on the media or devices for backup.


  • amee获得释放量,我们需要我们想要测量每个设备创建相应的配置文件

    To obtain a carbon emission value from AMEE, we need to create profile items for each piece of equipment we want to measure.


  • 可以设备上装些感兴趣应用这些应用永远无法获得访问权限或者升级安全应用因为它们完全被环境配置文件隔离了。

    He can also have his fun apps on the same device, but they'll never be able to get access or break into a more secure app because of the complete segmentation of profiles.


  • 这种类型更改目的支持不同配置文件同时避免加载资源受限需要部分引擎例如手持设备

    The purpose of that type of change is to support different profiles, avoiding the loading of parts of the engine that are not required where resources are limited, such as on handheld devices.


  • 配置文件就是一个标签指明ambulant正在运行哪个设备哪些组件应该加载最为有效地使用资源

    A profile is a label which indicates to the device on which Ambulant is running what components should be loaded to use its resources most efficiently.


  • 现在美国联邦贸易委员会表示如果设备用来构建孩子们的配置文件或者作为广告目的行为需要父母同意。

    Now the FTC says that requires parental contest too if the device ID is use to build the profile on the child, or target him with behaviour advertising.


  • 基于服务发现应用配置文件规定任何应用程序能够任何要连接蓝牙设备找出有哪些有效服务

    Based on this, the service discovery application profile requires that any application be able to find out what services are available on any Bluetooth device it connects to.


  • 规范层次结构基部通用访问配置文件(GAP),定义了一系列实现在不同设备建立基带连接方法

    At the base of the profile hierarchy is the generic access profile (GAP), which defines a consistent means to establish a baseband link between Bluetooth devices.


  • 通用对象交换配置文件其他使用OBEX协议配置文件提供一个通用蓝图定义了设备客户服务角色

    The generic object exchange profile provides a generic blueprint for other profiles using the OBEX protocol and defines the client and server roles for devices.


  • 头戴式耳机配置文件描述了蓝牙耳机如何电脑蓝牙设备移动电话通信

    The headset profile describes how a Bluetooth enabled headset should communicate with a computer or other Bluetooth device (such as a mobile phone).


  • 支持每个配置文件使用GAP提供功能确保应用程序设备高度互操作性。

    This allows each profile to take advantage of the features the GAP provides and ensures a high degree of interoperability between applications and devices.


  • 用户接口设备(HID)配置文件描述了如何使用蓝牙链接HID类设备通信

    The human interface device (HID) profile describes how to communicate with a HID class device using a Bluetooth link.


  • 服务发现应用配置文件描述一个应用程序应该如何使用SDP蓝牙协议”中描述发现远程设备服务

    The service discovery application profile describes how an application should use the SDP (described in "The Bluetooth Protocol Stack") to discover services on a remote device.


  • 设备管理系统模型增加配置文件模块解决了流程控制结构不清晰实时响应性使得流程更加明确、能更好控制导航

    The config file modules solves the problem of unclear process control structure and improves real time response, it makes process more clear, better supports controlling of navigation.


  • 为什么需要知道设备是否安装配置文件

    Why do you need to know if a configuration profile is installed on the device?


  • 主要介绍了逻辑生成模块配置文件下载模块FPGA映像装载设备驱动模块具体实现系统的运行结果给出了测试。

    The concrete realization of the logic module , configurable file downloading module and device drivers module which load FPGA reflection are mainly introduced. The result of the system is also tested.


  • 移动设备一般设计单个用户使用的,除了一个简单密码以外,经常缺少基本用户配置文件安全追踪策略。

    Mobile devices are usually designed to be single-user devices and normally lack basic user profile and security tracking beyond just a simple password.


  • 编写新的设备适配器代码相比添加设备浏览器配置文件容易一些。

    It is easier to add a new browser configuration file for a device than it is to write new device adapter code.


  • 用户配置文件服务器储存用户配置文件信息包括关于用户媒体网络信息关于用户媒体网络相关的用户设备装置的信息。

    The user profile server may store a user's profile information including information about the user's media network and about user equipment devices associated with the user's media network.


  • 用户配置文件信息提供媒体网络没有用户配置文件信息设备装置

    The user's profile information may also be provided to user equipment devices of the media network not having the user profile information.


  • 规定时限协调器负责收集终端设备绑定请求消息然后根据相同配置文件标识标识号建立相应绑定表格条目

    The End Device Bind Request messages are collected at the coordinator within the timeout period and a resulting Binding Table entry is created based on the agreement of profile ID and cluster ID.


  • 蓝牙配置文件不同方式,蓝牙?设备其他设备通信

    Bluetooth? Profiles are the different ways that Bluetooth? Devices communicate with other devices.


  • 返回属于当前硬件配置文件一部分的专用设备设置DIGCF _ PROFILE标志

    To return only devices that are part of the current hardware profile, set the DIGCF_PROFILE flag.


  • 返回属于当前硬件配置文件一部分的专用设备设置DIGCF _ PROFILE标志

    To return only devices that are part of the current hardware profile, set the DIGCF_PROFILE flag.


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