• 论证研究中,本文主要集中中国股市上。

    And in the demonstration study, the paper would mainly concenter on the Chinese stock market.


  • 重复程度取决于论证研究结果

    Whether and to what extent replication should be performed should depend on the results from validation studies.


  • 论文中阐述了乌拉特文化乌拉特文化内涵,乌拉特文化农业文化关系,从而深入论证研究乌拉特文化的重要性

    This paper studies the Urad culture and its rich contents as well as its relationship with the agricultural culture of this region and reveals the importance of research into Urad culture.


  • 介绍马钢三烧在机尾除尘干灰回收工艺中引进散装水泥罐车无尘装车机所做方案论证研究介绍了实际改造效果

    The scheme of introducing bulk cement tanker and dustless charger for discharing end dust transport system was discussed, and the operating effect was presented.


  • 本来可使论证更有说服力的研究似乎熟悉

    He does not seem to be familiar with research which might have strengthened his own arguments.


  • 评估研究用于论证社会项目成败

    Evaluation research is called upon to demonstrate successes or failures of social programs.


  • 心理学家莫妮卡·摩尔研究论证一个常识可以拥挤房间里吸引别人注意力,“眼神交流保持微笑”可以展现你的亲切和自信

    It can catch someone's attention in a crowded room, "Eye contact and smile" can signal availability and confidence, a common-sense notion supported in studies by psychologist Monica Moore.


  • 今年公布另一项重大研究中,行为干预药物干预有效结合主意得到论证

    The idea that behavioral and medical interventions are a powerful combination was demonstrated in another important study published this year.


  • 研究论文通过思考一些复杂支离破碎细节涉及希尔伯特系统数学来支持论证

    The research paper, thought a bit esoteric and lacking in detail, supports its argument with math involving Hilbert systems and entropy.


  • 罗迪·伯这本研究美国国际集团破产的著作写好。的确正如书中论证那样,正是美国国集团极其可靠的信用等级使步入歧途

    Indeed, as Roddy Boyd demonstrates in his well-written study of AIG's fall, it was the very solidity of the company's credit rating that led it astray.


  • 今年早些时候美国国家研究委员会就提出过份报告论证这种可以燃烧的称作甲烷水化物一种天然气潜在来源。

    Earlier in the year, a report from the National Research Council identified the combustible water, also known as methane hydrate, as a potential source of natural gas.


  • 以前那些认为二者之间存在关联的研究结论往往论证设计薄弱,数据不够完整或是考虑所有可能影响结论因素。

    Previous studies that suggested such a connection were often poorly designed, had dropout rates or did not control for factors that could affect the conclusion.


  • 随后人们得知这个预言只是基于错误引用了1999年发布篇文章中的调查者观点,并不是在经过仔细论证分析的科学研究基础之上的结论

    It turns out that guesstimate was based on misquoting a researcher in a 1999 news article-not a result from any kind of peer-reviewed scientific study.


  • 论证影响文献表述得如此细致,连研究人员都称这种现象不仅仅交互作用使然,或许正如先前预料的那样,是否因为内心焦躁更喜欢生活城市里

    Literature on the effect is so thorough that researchers say it's not just correlation, as might be expected if anxious people preferred to live in cities.


  • Simon(1947)认定组织研究如此频繁做出安排存在有效假设恶劣的循环论证

    Simon (1947) concludes that the assumption so often made in organizational studies, that an arrangement is effective because it exists, is a circular argument of the worst sort.


  • 一项新科学研究作者运用DNA研究论证所有驯化水稻可能都起源于8千多年中国耕种的单一品种

    The authors of a new scientific study use DNA research to argue that all domesticated rice comes from a single strain that was probably developed in China more than 8, 000 years ago.


  • 一项新科学研究作者运用DNA研究论证所有驯化水稻可能都起源于8千多年中国耕种的单一品种

    The authors of a new scientific study use DNA research to argue that all domesticated rice comes from a single strain that was probably developed in China more than 8,000 years ago.


  • 本文中这个被提名杰出社会心理学研究实验著名的“斯坦福监狱实验(Stanford Prison Experiment)”。它有力地论证处境的作用(Zimbardo 1971)。

    This nomination for the best social psychology research - the famous' Stanford Prison Experiment '- argues a strong case for the power of the situation (Zimbardo, 1971).


  • 华盛顿11月12日ANI):根据研究们的思维论证可能促使没有语言表达能力的孤独症儿童说话的科技诞生。

    Washington, Nov 12 (ANI): According to a proof-of-concept led by researchers, a new technique may help non-verbal autistic children to say their first words.


  • 尽管这些研究无法证明真正黑洞辐射蒸发行为他们为霍金博士论证提供有力支持

    Although such studies cannot prove that real black holes radiate and evaporate, they lend strong support to the ideas that went into Dr Hawking's line of reasoning.


  • 不幸的是,目前已发表许多研究中,研究常常忽略了一点,表示他们的数据可以论证或者推倒出因果关系

    Unfortunately, in many studies published today, researchers forget this fundamental limitation of their research and suggest their data can actually demonstrate or "suggest" causal relationships.


  • 通过自身研究借鉴其他城市生活观察家研究对城镇生活作出了强有力的论证

    He builds a strong case, too, for town-dwelling, drawing on his own research as well as that of other observers of urban life.


  • 篇有组织论文应该建立于详细的研究之上能对需要更多论证素材研究活动提供具体指导

    A well formed thesis should grow out of a broad research phase and guide the more specific research activities required to gather supporting sources for the thesis.


  • 我们研究柏拉图关于灵魂不朽论证,到目前为止要说的是,我发现这些论证并不是说服力

    We've been looking at Plato's arguments for the immortality of the soul, and so far, I have to say I haven't found them very compelling arguments.


  • 帕尔默:“我们研究成果论证卫星能够精确地测定地球指定地点温室气体排放量变化

    Palmer said: "Our study reinforces the idea that satellites canpinpoint changes in the amount of greenhouse gases emitted from a particularplace on earth.


  • 明了其他研究建议——孩子们自己选择书籍时会最棒

    That conclusion confirms other studies suggesting that children learn best when they are allowed to select their own books.


  • 方法理论研究采用文献搜集整理分析论证总结方法

    Methods: Theoretical research: With document, collect and arrange, the method of analysis, demonstration and summary.


  • 如何解释论证是非形式逻辑重要困难研究主题之一

    The interpretation of argument is one of important and difficult research topics in informal logic.


  • 如何解释论证是非形式逻辑重要困难研究主题之一

    The interpretation of argument is one of important and difficult research topics in informal logic.


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