• 论文花了一定文字量客观评价儿童文学儿童心理学结合研究现状其发展前景进行了展望。

    At the same time, this paper also evaluated the present study status and prospect of the combination of children's literature and children's psycology objectively.


  • 论文目前存在问题进行了详细分析,结合企业资源计划准时生产管理思想提出一种新型钢铁企业生产管理模式

    This thesis combines the management idea of enterprise resource planning and just in time production, brings forward a new production management mode of steal enterprise.


  • 论文试图结合公共经济学公共管理学理论现行预算管理制度利弊进行分析

    This thesis attempts to analyze the merits and demerits of the current budget control system through combination between the theory of Public Economics and Public Management Science.


  • 论文负载特性做了详细研究结合实际运行情况给出了解决方案。

    This paper acquires the blue print on the basis of studying the load characteristics and practical operating condition.


  • 论文结合教育学心理学以及现代物理教学理论中学生猜想假设思维活动进行的初步研究

    This paper is a primary study on middle school students'conjecture and hypothesis thinking activity on basis of pedagogy, psychology and theory of modern physics pedagogy.


  • 论文传统PID控制基础上,结合控制理论人工智能理论计算机科学数字一体化角位移系统控制策略进行了较为深入研究

    Base on the traditional PID control theory, integrate control theory, computer science and artificial intelligent, deeply research on the control tactic of the global number Angle position system.


  • 论文作者在谈论施工索赔策略时列举大量案例,试图理论实践有机结合起来希望工程承包商索赔管理方面具有指导作用。

    By combining the relevant theories and practices vividly together, the author take lots of cases about construction claims for example and hope that it works for contractors to manage claims.


  • 作者结合实例软件自动化测试方法进行了全面的研究和分析,使得论文具有较高的实用价值

    The author combines some instances into researching the software automatic test, which increases the practical value of this article.


  • 论文结合测试实践影响VDR雷达图像记录性能指标因素进行了分析。

    According to the test practice, the paper also analyzed the factors which affect the performance of VDR radar image recording.


  • 论文这些问题作为切入点,网络经济企业经营管理战略选择进行了详细论证,在论证过程中采用了案例分析理论研究结合方法

    Beginning with these problems, this article demonstrates in detail the choice of business management strategy. The methods of case analyzing and theory research is adopted during the argumentation.


  • 论文主要采用定量分析定性分析相结合的方法教育服务产品成本进行探讨

    This paper mainly used the quantitative and qualitative analysis to study the cost of education service.


  • 论文首先电子商务基本概念进行阐述其次结合实际开发一个网上手机商城。

    The present paper first has carried on the elaboration to the electronic commerce basic concept, next unified has been developing on actually a net the handset commercial city.


  • 论文采用理论分析实验验证结合方法螺杆冷水机组故障诊断技术进行了研究

    This dissertation adopts the combined method including theory analysis and experiment validation to study the fault detection of chilly water set of single screw.


  • 论文结合课题需要实验台设计测试技术进行研究以便下一步工作打好基础

    The paper combines with the issue needs and proceeds research for technology of designing and testing in order to lay foundation for the next step.


  • 论文使用分水岭分割算法区域合并结合方法有效地虹膜图像进行分割,减少过度分割现象

    The method of combining watershed algorithm and re-gions merging technology is used in this paper, segment iris im-age accurately, and reduce over - segmentation phenomena efficiently.


  • 论文通过文献研究统计分析结合方法,汉代至今记载治疗小儿癫痫各类中医文献的方药进行了分析研究。

    Combining literature research and statistic analysis, this dissertation summarizes and compares the TCM formulae for treatment of pediatric epilepsy based on varied literatures since Han Dynasty.


  • 论文基于这种思想结合黄龙大桥维修加固工程,从理论上双曲拱桥病害原因进行分析,并总结了常见的加固方法。

    This paper analyzes the reason of the double arch bridge's damages in theory, combined with the maintenance and reinforcement project of Yellow Dragon bridge.


  • 论文结合一个工程实际项目基于现场总线技术电线电缆生产设备控制系统设计方法进行了研究,在此基础上设计了某汽车低压电线的生产设备控制系统。

    Combine a actual project, the thesis introduce a control system of equipment based on the PROFIBUS field bus technology, and design the control system of the low-voltage wire and cable of automobile.


  • 论文主要结合经济法自身特点和我国经济法运行的环境我国经济法的不确定性进行全面深入分析

    The thesis has a comprehensive and thorough analysis on the uncertainty of economic law, combining with the features of economic law and the conditions of our country.


  • 因此论文结合个人实践经验TUXEDO中间件大型系统中的应用做深入探讨研究

    Therefore, the papers combined personal practical experience, study and research the TUXEDO middleware in large system.


  • 论文通过漏洞检测技术中间件技术研究结合两者特点,提出了一个漏洞检测中间件的系统结构

    By research on the middleware technology and vulnerability detection technology, this paper presents an architecture of security hole detection middleware.


  • 论文研究了如何极值理论VAR计算方法结合进行应用提高计量精度作了实证分析

    The paper studied how to apply the theory of extreme value to the VAR method to rise the degree of estimating precise, and made empirical analysis.


  • 论文最后结合实例总结实践中的成本控制措施今后如何进一步加强房地产开发项目成本控制提出了方向性分析

    Finally, the paper unifies examples, summarized cost control measures in practice, proposed analysis of the direction on how we can further strengthen the real estate development project cost control.


  • 论文最后部分提出了RS理论神经网络理论结合各种室性QRS波进行分类心电图的自动诊断奠定基础

    In the end we use neural network combined with RS theory to realize ventricular QRS classification, thus we set up the basis for the following ECG auto-diagnosing.


  • 论文的第三部分,根据课程实施以来化学知识分类方法结合高中化学必修教材内容功能特点

    In the third part, implement new curriculum based on the classification of chemistry knowledge and functions and features of high school chemistry required teaching contents.


  • 论文RFID技术简要介绍结合RFID技术包装物流业应用实际案例阐述了技术在包装物流业中的应用优势。

    This paper gives a brief introduction RFID technology, combining the RFID technology applied in the actual cases of logistics packaging, expounds the technical application in the logistics packaging.


  • 论文首先提出基于定制结合SOC硬件接口综合方法通过个具体的实例方法进行了验证

    Firstly, a kind of SOC hardware interface synthesis method that is a method based on the library and customization is introduced and validated by an example.


  • 论文最后,作者结合1553B以及其他总线特色CAN总线系统作了一些改进

    At the end of this dissertation, based on the characteristic of 1553b bus and others bus, some improvements have been made for the CAN bus system.


  • 论文最后,作者结合1553B以及其他总线特色CAN总线系统作了一些改进

    At the end of this dissertation, based on the characteristic of 1553b bus and others bus, some improvements have been made for the CAN bus system.


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