• 如果被告论坛国家没有最低接触没有管辖权基础服务不能生效

    If the defendant has no minimum contacts with the forum state, there will be no basis for jurisdiction over his person, and service cannot be effected.


  • 论坛成员们都赞同观点商业发展中国家可以成为变革积极推动力

    The forum's members share his view that business can be a positive force for change in developing countries.


  • 格雷戈里·罗德里格斯国家移民论坛撰写的文章中报告说,当今移民没有达到前所未有的水平,也不抵制同化

    Writing for the National Immigration Forum, Gregory Rodriguez reports that today's immigration is neither at unprecedented levels nor resistant to assimilation.


  • 来自100多个国家嘉宾出席了这次一带一路”建设的重要论坛

    Distinguished guests from over 100 countries attended this important forum on the Belt and Road Initiative.


  • 东南亚国家联盟ASEAN( ,区域论坛星期五河内开始举行。

    The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, Regional Forum begins in Friday in Hanoi.


  • 这个星期一年一度产业聚会在田纳西州举行国家邮政论坛人员的心情非常沮丧。

    The mood at the National Postal Forum, the industry's annual gathering, which took place this week in Tennessee, was sombre.


  • 根据世界经济论坛一项调查其他国家相比过去十年来美国基础设施状况进一步恶化

    And according to a World Economic Forum study America's infrastructure has got worse, by comparison with other countries, over the past decade.


  • 此次论坛期间讨论明确目的根据不同国家具体情况加快实现可促进妇女儿童健康成果

    Discussions during the forum are clearly designed to expedite the delivery, in different country contexts, of rapid results for the health of women and children.


  • 令人印象深刻的是,世界经济论坛性别差别指数”排名中,南非在世界134个国家位于第六

    In the world Economic Forum's "gender gap index" it comes an impressive sixth out of 134 countries in the world.


  • 皇后公园运动皇后公园论坛困境引起。和许多社区组织一样国家财政拨款削减威胁的生存。

    The Queen's Park campaign was prompted by the woes of the Queen's Park Forum, a community group that, like many others, is threatened by cuts to its state funding.


  • 但是论坛信用已经升级而且许多国家包括美国现在也派高级代表出席年度大事

    But the forum's credibility has grown, and many countries, including America, now send senior representatives to the annual event.


  • 美国利用计算通信技术方面继续滞后于其他国家根据世界经济论坛星期二发表年度研究发现。

    The United States continues to lag other nations in its use of computing and communications technology, according to an annual study issued Tuesday by the World Economic Forum.


  • 世界经济论坛追踪国家竞争力

    The World Economic Forum keeps track of national competitiveness.


  • 昨天东亚会议上(16个国家论坛美国俄罗斯第一参加)这个问题就已经出现。

    The issue came up at the East Asia Summit, a forum of 16 nations that the U.S. and Russia joined for the first time yesterday.


  • 瑞典世界经济论坛最具有竞争力国家中晋升第二位置领先美国

    Sweden has just been promoted to second place in the World Economic Forum's competitiveness rankings, ahead of America.


  • 世界经济论坛的一份年度指标称,瑞士世界最有竞争力国家

    Switzerland has the world’s most competitive economy, according to an annual index from the World Economic Forum.


  • 国际组委会中国国家组委会此次论坛的召开做大量工作对此表示高度赞赏

    I also wish to express deep appreciation to the International Organizing Committee and the China National Organizing Committee for the tremendous efforts they have devoted to this Forum.


  • 伦比基础设施十分匮乏——其公路网络世界经济论坛的139个国家中排名第79位——但花销却十分巨大

    The costs of Colombia's deficient infrastructure-which came 79th of 139 countries' networks ranked by the World Economic forum-are massive.


  • 高兴来到美丽布达佩斯出席中国-中东欧国家经贸论坛

    I am delighted to come to the beautiful city of Budapest and attend the China-Central and Eastern European Countries Economic and Trade Forum.


  • 中非合作论坛中国非洲友好国家之间一次多边性质双边集体对话

    The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation is for a bilateral group dialogue and of a multilateral nature between China and friendly countries in Africa.


  • 双方中国阿拉伯国家合作论坛框架开展领域形式交流合作。

    Both sides can also conduct exchanges and cooperation in a broad area in various forms within the framework of the Forum on cooperation between China and Arab States.


  • 儿童成长基金会创始人国家肥胖病论坛发言人TamFry研究所强调早餐重要性针对每一个人的。

    Tam Fry, founder of the Child Growth Foundation and spokesman for the National Obesity Forum, said the study underlined the importance of breakfast for everyone.


  • 在中埃及其他非洲友好国家共同努力下,论坛提出中非建立新型伙伴关系实现共同繁荣目标一定能够实现。

    Under the concerted efforts of China, Ethiopia and other friendly African countries, the new partnership raised by the Forum and the aim of achieving common prosperity will.


  • :请问哪些国家领导人出席4月17日开幕的博鳌亚洲论坛

    Q: How many state leaders will attend the Boao Forum for Asia to convene on April 17?


  • Mercy Tembon也门乍得实施类似的方案,另外还有非洲非洲,有些国家非洲教育家论坛负责实施助学金计划

    Mercy Tembon says similar programs are underway in Yemen and Chad, as well as in Africa, where bursary schemes are run in a number of countries by the Forum for African Women Educationalists.


  • 成立于2000年10月中非合作论坛中国非洲国家重要集体对话合作机制

    The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, launched in October, 2000, is a major collective dialogue and cooperation mechanism between China and African countries.


  • 成立于2000年10月中非合作论坛中国非洲国家重要集体对话合作机制

    The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, launched in October, 2000, is a major collective dialogue and cooperation mechanism between China and African countries.


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