• 犯的许多错误中的

    It was one of my many mistakes.


  • 坚持认为仅仅许多平等人们中的个。

    Zach insists that he is but one among many who are fighting for equality.


  • 许多婚姻中导致冲突主要原因

    Money is a major cause of strife in many marriages.


  • 时刻我们记忆中留存许多

    This moment will live in our memory for many years to come.


  • 那么我们同居了,为何我们中的许多觉得有必要结婚呢?

    So, once we have cohabited, why do many of us feel the need to get married?


  • 漫长生中目睹了许多多的变化

    He's seen many changes in the course of his long life.


  • 我们许多竞争而发展竞争逐渐侵入我们生活中需要方面

    Many of us thrive on competition, but it can seep into areas of our lives where we do not want it.


  • 东方希腊文化根深蒂固罗马早期希腊帝国继承许多希腊近东城市

    The East also had a more deeply rooted unity in the Greek culture of the numerous Greek and Near Eastern cities that Rome had inherited from earlier Grecian empires.


  • 他们中的许多人是家族美国出生的。

    Many of them are the first in their families born in the United States.


  • 撞击所释放强烈高温许多类型岩石中形成种热冲击石英

    The intense heat of the impact would produce heat-shocked quartz in many types of rock.


  • 尽管研究人员研究了 FKF1蛋白拟南芥如何工作,但他们认为许多其他植物中也是的,包括水稻小麦作物

    Although researchers have only studied how the FKF1 protein works in the Arabidopsis, they believe that it is the same with many other plants, including crops such as rice and wheat.


  • 你们许多你们中好的运气欧洲美妙的城市之

    Many of you or some of you have had the good fortune to go to one of Europe's most wonderful cities.


  • 发现残骸许多都不完整包含完整后腿部有三个脚趾,这是原始动物骨骼中的首例

    Many incomplete skeletons were found but they included, for the first time in an archaeocyte, a complete hind leg that features a foot with three tiny toes.


  • 员工这种情况已经导致明确愿望转变与其组织自己方式往上爬许多现在愿意自己的方式摆脱困境

    Among employees this situation has resulted in a decided shift in desire: instead of working their way up in an organization, many now prefer to work their way out.


  • 我们化石燃料的依赖如此之深,已经排放大气中的二氧化碳又是如此多,以至于许多专家认为,目前情况全球变暖不可避免的。

    Such is our dependence on fossil fuels, and such is the volume of carbon dioxide already released into the atmosphere, that many experts agree that significant global warming is now inevitable.


  • 许多大学生左右的休学中获益

    Many college students profit from taking a year or so off.


  • 最近发现有力支持这样理论即银河系中心宇宙估计存在1000亿个其他星系中的许多里有黑洞

    Recent findings lend strong support to the theory that a black hole lies at the center of the Milky Way and of many of the 100 billion other galaxies estimated to exist in the universe.


  • 他们温迪起度过的许多愉快夜晚中的个晚上。

    That was the first of the many joyous evenings they had with Wendy.


  • 人们意识到不仅仅暂时的干旱时,他们中的许多迁移到了尼罗河谷合乎逻辑假设

    It's only logical to hypothesize that a lot of these people migrated to the Nile valley when they realized that this was more than a temporary drought.


  • 他们中的许多次又他们黑莓手机地上,而手机外壳上只有处划痕。

    Many of them have dropped their Blackberry over and over with little more than some scratches on the casing.


  • 这种正统宇宙观现在受到文学家的挑战。天文学家认为场巨大气体”正星系周围所谓空无物的空间落入许多星系中。

    This orthodox view of the universe is now being challenged by astronomers who believe that a heavy "rain" of gas is falling into many galaxies from the supposedly empty space around them.


  • 康纳最高法院任职24许多重要案件中投出决定性

    Connor gave the deciding vote in many importance cases during her 24 years on the top court.


  • 这些采购中价格只是许多需要考虑关键因素

    With such purchases, price is only one of many crucial factors to consider.


  • 许多西方人来说,除夕年中最大聚会

    For many people in the West, New Year's Eve is the biggest party of the year.


  • 许多不同文化中鸽子几千年来和平纯真象征

    The dove has been a symbol of peace and innocence for thousands of years in many different cultures.


  • 生中尽管做了许多手术,但她背部剧痛还是没有治愈

    Throughout her life, despite many operations on her, nothing can be able to cure the terrible pain in her back.


  • 他们中的许多来说,与人交往拥有社交生活方式

    For many of them, it's a way of meeting people and having a social life.


  • 报告中的数据表明阅读仍然许多儿童生活重要组成部分

    Some data in the report shows that reading remains a big part of many children's lives.


  • 祖父漫长生中目睹许多多的变化

    Grandfather has seen many changes in the course of his long life.


  • 我们知道你们中的许多我们哀悼这种痛苦时期,我们也希望你们尊重我们的隐私

    We know many of you will mourn with us, and we ask that you respect our privacy during our time of sorrow.


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