• 讲话内容分为三个部分

    My speech is divided into three parts.


  • 总统利用今天演讲进一步阐述上个月讲话内容

    The president used today's speech to expand on remarks he made last month.


  • 可以看看看看讲话内容有没有值得批评

    You can see it and find if you have any criticism of the contents of the speech.


  • 演讲了认真准备,讲话内容压缩分钟

    I had worked hard on the speech and had hammered it down to two minutes.


  • 有时我们使用手机通话时会遇到手机信号不好不清楚对方讲话内容

    It has a bad semaphore when using the mobile telephone sometimes, hearing hardly as talking.


  • 甚至讲话内容翻译成中文以免那些通晓英语学生声称存在译的情况。

    I even had the lecture translated into Mandarin to avoid any claims of mistranslations from my English-proficient students.


  • 讲话内容非常丰富,还需要我们进一步研读以后机会我们再在一起深入交流

    It's a very informative speech that takes time to study and digest. Maybe we could have in-depth discussion later.


  • 听众不仅蓦然凝神,而且侧耳细听,更多寻求讲话内容,探询你演讲的原因

    Not only will listeners sit up and take notice, they'll also listen carefully to find out more about what you just said and why you said it.


  • 同时伯南克坚称救助计划避免极其严重后果”。讲话内容可以美联储网站上找到。

    whose speech is available on the Federal Reserve's site, insisted that the bail-out plan will avoid "very severe consequences".


  • 尽管如此奥巴马语调行事方式可能讲话内容更加重要特别准备开展竞选之时。

    Ultimately, though, Obama's tone and manner may end up being more important than the content of his speeches, especially as he moves into campaign mode.


  • 如果试图记忆讲话内容大声阅读演讲稿内容录制下来,然后反复自己阅读的内容

    If you're trying to memorize a speech, record yourself reading the speech aloud and listen to yourself speaking.


  • 尼克松专人翻译赫鲁晓夫先生讲话内容并且希望他的演讲也可以同样翻译成俄文,并且苏联播出。

    Mr. Nixon said there would be an English translation of Mr. Khrushchev's remarks and added his hope that all his own remarks in the Soviet Union would be given with full translations in that country.


  • 比如,聚会上避开一个讲话内容无聊不断重复一些内容但是你又不能避开因为正在那些你非常不想他又非常想讲的内容充斥耳朵

    At a party you might be done listening to a boring, repetitive guy but can't get away because he's filling your ears with stuff he's eager to say but you are not eager to hear.


  • 讲话声调和内容同样重要

    Your tone of voice is as important as the content of what you have to say.


  • 世界卫生组织官员发表内容丰富讲话帮助人们控制他们的恐慌情绪,以便采取明智的预防措施

    Informative speeches from World Health Organization officials helped people to keep their panic under control so they could take sensible precautions.


  • 细想想你讲话的这一部分内容

    Think carefully about this part of your talk.


  • 他们工作法庭记录逐字记录必要的证据、法庭审理程序会议内容讲话其它事件

    What they do: court reporters transcribe court proceedings, meetings, speeches and other events where verbatim documentation is necessary.


  • 版本允许员工分享讲话产品培训销售会议以及其它视频内容不会泄露公司机密

    It will allow employees to share speeches, product training, sales meetings or other employee video messages without risking unauthorised disclosure outside the company.


  • 讲话时候广告出现别人头上通过内容相关帮助Google挣钱

    These ads will be displayed on top of the head of others as you talk, making Google context-relevant money.


  • 我想他们秒钟,天上鸡蛋横飞——不过对于问题解决倒有些用处,起码他们讲话内容有用(虽然内容中应该会有对过去所作所为的道歉以及解释华尔街过那些好事)。

    What they say in the few seconds before the eggs start flying would matter less than the act of saying it.


  • 使用这个小工具不仅可以搜索视频标题内容描述可以搜索他们讲话内容

    Using the gadget you can search not only the titles and descriptions of the videos, but also their spoken content.


  • 关注个人聆听过分关注讲话者的长相或是说话方式那么所说内容很难入心。

    Personality Listening: You become so concerned with the way the speaker looks or how he talks that what he says fails to penetrate.


  • 打算参加会议要了解一些关于主要讲话及其谈话内容研究兴趣等方面信息

    I plan to attend the conference and would like information about the contributory speakers, the content of their talks, and their research interests.


  • 统计分析方法研究文本讲话风格内容

    A person who USES statistical analysis to study the style and content of text or speech.


  • 也许听上去显而易见研究表明嘈杂环境中耳朵侧向讲话可以提高谈话内容理解。

    It may seem obvious but, turning your ear towards a person when they talk can improve the understanding of speech in noisy environments, a study has found.


  • 没有要一边讲话还一边你讲的内容

    No one wants to both see AND hear your words.


  • 经理咨询的时候,,当他们员工开始不经常和他们讲话无论是更新工作内容询问意见还是仅仅打个招呼,他们中的许多人都能警觉地察觉到一些事情

    When she consults managers, Kay says many of them suspect something is fishy when their employees stop talking to them as often, whether it's to give an update, ask for an opinion or just say hello.


  • 也许上去显而易见研究表明嘈杂环境中耳朵侧向讲话人可以提高谈话内容理解

    Maybe it sounds obvious, but a research shows, it is helpful for you to understand the talk content in noisy environment if you turn your ear towards the teller.


  • 也许上去显而易见研究表明嘈杂环境中耳朵侧向讲话人可以提高谈话内容理解

    Maybe it sounds obvious, but a research shows, it is helpful for you to understand the talk content in noisy environment if you turn your ear towards the teller.


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