• 这时经文记载说父亲出来

    Scriptures tell us that at this point, the father came out and pleaded with him.


  • 未来历史还会记载我们眼睛弃置不用了。

    The future history books might record that we were deprived of the use of our eyes.


  • 这份文献记载这个地带以前发生过多次地震

    The document recorded that there had been a lot of earthquakes in this area.


  • 未来历史记载我们眼睛弃置不用了。

    The future history books might also record that we were deprived of the use of our eyes.


  • 未来历史记载我们眼睛弃置不用了。

    Thee future history books might also record that we were deprived of the use of our eyes.


  • 国家档案馆,并记载明“有趣历史”是如何来到澳大利亚的。

    The National Archives said there was no record of how the "intriguing piece of history" arrived in Australia.


  • 过去几百年中已经记载,确实有动物养大与世隔绝的狼孩的存在。

    For several hundred years, cases have been reported of children who have been reared in the wild by animals kept isolated from all social contact.


  • 生态学家警告外表可能具有欺骗性,而且这些外来物种中可能许多是为人接受的,只是因为没有记载有害影响

    Appearances can deceive, ecologists caution, and many of these exotics may be considered acceptable only because no one has documented their harmful effects.


  • 然而生态学警告这些表象可能不是真的;而且,这些外来物种有许多可能认为是可接受的,只是因为没有记载它们有害影响

    Yet appearances can deceive, ecologists caution, and many of these exotics may be considered acceptable only because no one has documented their harmful effects.


  • 我们大量时间研究历史,”霍金,“让我们面对现实吧,历史主要对于愚昧记载。”

    "We spend a great deal of time studying history," Hawking said, "which, let's face it, is mostly the history of stupidity."


  • 非洲坦桑尼亚恩格罗恩·格罗自然公园进入名单因为这个地点人类进化特别记载,”UNESCO

    In Africa, the Ngorongoro natural park in Tanzania entered the list as a cultural treasure "because of the extraordinary record of human evolution at the site," UNESCO said.


  • 发现地下通道诺丁汉城堡通往一个私人花园,这与有“追捕通道”一历史记载吻合

    The newfound tunnel, which runs from Nottingham Castle into a private garden, matches historical records of the capture.


  • 唐宁街文件记载撒切尔夫人由于叛变无法提供证据决定不对斯通豪斯提起诉讼。

    The Downing Street file records that Thatcher said that since the defector had not provided information which could be used as evidence, she agreed he could not be prosecuted.


  • 那时哪,我来了经卷上已经记载了。

    Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me.


  • 气候专家数据显示21世纪最初10可能是有记载以来温暖10年。2009年是其中最炎热的一年。

    Climate experts say data for the first decade of the 21st century will likely show it to be the warmest on record, with 2009 its hottest year.


  • 水族馆发言人KateBuss:“这种非常稀有英国记载每次一般仅捕获一只。”

    Aquarium spokeswoman Kate Buss said: 'This type of shrimp is incredibly rare and only a handful have ever been recorded in the UK and usually just one at a time.'


  • Jennings先生作为一个群体食肉植物常常忽视,我们需要其做更多研究分析尤其是关于这些植物的记载很少非洲澳大利亚

    Mr Jennings said that, as a group, carnivorous plants had been generally overlooked and more research and analysis was required, especially Africa and Australia, when there were very few records.


  • JoshTse,史书早在唐朝(619- 907)的时候就描述月饼相似圆形糕点记载

    'There are records in ancient texts describing round pastries similar to mooncakes as far back as the Tang dynasty (619-907),' says Mr. Tse.


  • 这样某种程度上是因为历史记载:美奇家族银行衰落最终崩溃整个银行体系本身影响少。

    He does so, partly to record that the decline and eventual collapse of the Medici bank had little impact on the banking system as a whole.


  • 869年以来,文字记载历史上日本没有发生过这样的地震,”阿特

    There's nothing in Japanese written history for this area since 869 that looks like this, "Atwater said."


  • 一家每日晨报拳击版编辑查记录,然后才能告诉斯达本纳,,至今还没有帕特记载

    The fight editor of a morning daily looked up the re- cords and was able to state that his death had not been noted.


  • 拉巴波特洛夫教授证据1928年,巴甫洛夫医生米凯尔·泽诺乌巴黎的讨论会上,这次讨论会文献记载。文献保存在纽约哥伦比亚大学

    Miss Rappaport said that proof of Pavlov's assertion are in a documented conversation, held at Columbia University New York, he had with a fellow doctor, Mikhail Zernov, in Paris in 1928.


  • 那时看哪,我来了经卷上已经记载

    Then I said, 'Here I am, I have come - it is written about me in the scroll.


  • 那时,我为要照旨意行。的事在经卷上已经记载

    Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, o God.


  • 那时,我为要照旨意行。的事在经卷上已经记载

    Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me, ) to do thy will, O God.


  • 这份最新披露文件同样包括美国空军的一份记载飞行员要求击落一个在英格兰东部出现的不明飞行物,但是当他可以开火的时候,该物体已经杳无踪迹。

    The newly released documents also carry an account by a U.S. Air Force pilot who says he was told to shoot down an unidentified flying craft over eastern England.


  • 搞怪发言人琼·卡尼有关“搞怪节”起源众多法,确切起源并没有文字记载

    Jean Kearney, a spokeswoman for the festival, said there were many wildly inventive legends about how it began but no written record of the first event. "it."


  • 搞怪发言人琼·卡尼有关“搞怪节”起源众多法,确切起源并没有文字记载

    Jean Kearney, a spokeswoman for the festival, said there were many wildly inventive legends about how it began but no written record of the first event. "it."


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