• 美国记忆公司科技史书籍一个被遗忘注脚

    US Memories is a forgotten footnote in the technology history books.


  • 神病咨询师马克·索尔特博士告诉英国广播公司:“烘焙和烹饪是很好的治疗方法。它们帮助病人发展计划技能、短期记忆和社交技能——缺乏这些可能会导致精神疾病。”

    Dr. Mark Salter, a consultant psychiatrist, told the BBC: "Baking and cooking are good therapies. They help patients develop planning skills, short-term memories and social skills—lack of which may lead to mental illness."


  • 结果是尽管最大危机仍然整个行业记忆,但这些公司无动于衷

    As a result, despite the biggest crisis in living memory in the industry, firms are failing to rationalise.


  • 本地化项目完成后所有译文都应该存放公司维护记忆中。

    After a localisation project is completed, all translations should be incorporated into the memories maintained by the company.


  • 公司说:有了这种软件好多了,人们可以扔掉可靠解释,改成可靠实体个人计算机上建立忠实记忆

    Much better, says the firm, to junk such unreliable interpretations and instead build a faithful memory on that most reliable of entities, the PC.


  • 很难期望他们能够痛苦记忆搁在一边,因为(正如五家大型公司头目抱怨)美国武器出口处境危险

    They can hardly be expected to set aside their bitter memories because (as the heads of five big firms have complained) American arms exports are at risk.


  • 尽管IBM高管闭口不谈OS/2污点,是关于一个公司无能自己打倒了自己的耻辱记忆

    Yet all this happens despite, not thanks to, IBM - for whose execs the mere mention of OS/2 is a stain, a disgusting memory of the company's own defeat and internal incompetence.


  • 技术分析师周三他们记忆第一公司新闻限制自己产品中。

    Tech analysts on Wednesday were saying that this is the first time they can recall a company making news available only on its own products.


  • 原文误为2011年9他们事件细节记忆很糟糕比如航空公司名字

    They were also poor at remembering details of the event, such as the names of the airline carriers.


  • Nielsen公司调查发现类似这样句子广告可以提高用户记忆广告68%几率

    A Nielsen study found that a sentence like that in an AD can increase the chance by 68 percent that a user will remember the AD.


  • BatonRouge个总部在路易斯安那州社区咖啡厅有一个成功故事。 这家公司让他用户分享他们童年时期关于咖啡牛奶记忆

    One success story comes from Baton Rouge, Louisiana-based Community Coffee, which asked users to share their childhood memories of drinking coffee milk.


  • 对于一个公司资金平衡表它,循环系统一样。 这样,知识以图像的方式快速的储存在右脑中,记忆东西也变得简单了。

    The balance sheet for a corporation can be like the circulatory system.


  • 同时他们经常由来已久的记忆进行抽调、分化颠覆。 感觉,用词不是很合适。以我的理解institutional memory指的是一些传统、一些管理上已有的程序、经验甚至包括已有的公司氛围、工作环境等等。用记忆字面上是准了但含义上显得不是很准确。

    At the same time, they are often drawn out , disruptive and damaging to institutional memory.


  • RL7不仅需要面对作为人时记忆,还需要制造公司斗争因为公司认为危险的(或者可能仅仅是有缺陷的)。

    RL7 will not only have to confront his memories of being human, but fight against the company that makes him and that sees him as dangerous (or possibly just defective).


  • 第三季度三星公司全球动态随机存取记忆(DRAM)芯片制造商唯一盈利公司

    Samsung was the sole profitable firm among major global dynamic random access memory (DRAM) chip makers in the third quarter.


  • 正是任天堂公司大脑时代》的承诺款游戏声称阅读练习数学题其他脑力体操可以有助于训练记忆保持思维敏锐”。

    That's the promise of Nintendo's Brain Age, which claims tohelp train your memory and keep your mind sharpthrough reading exercises, math puzzles, and other mental gymnastics.


  • 如果哈利·法塔表明人们关于房地产周期记忆短暂的,那么房利公司调查则提示人们某些教训根本就从未被理解和接受

    If the Burj Khalifa shows that memories of property cycles are short, the Fannie Mae survey suggests that some of the lessons are never taken on board at all.


  • 虽然记忆可能遗漏,我们和其中至少公司洽谈全面合作关系

    We pitched the full partnership of six that I can recall, though it's possible I'm missing somebody.


  • 许多苹果公司工作或者经常公司员工接触的人士表示他们最近记忆想不起苹果员工除了iPhone之外还使用过其他手机

    Several people who work at the company or deal regularly with employees there say they can't recall seeing Apple workers with mobile phones other than the iPhone in recent memory.


  • 就是制片公司手工制作”开始阶段,哈里森拥有部分股权。 这家公司制作了许多让记忆犹新电影蒙娜•丽莎》、《漫长美好星期五

    It was the basis of a production companyHandMadepart-owned by Harrison,which led the British film renaissance of the 1980s with memorable productions such as Mona Lisa and The Long Good Friday


  • 公司芯片技术组合扩大记忆模式25aa320a25lc320a ( 25xx320a ) 。

    The company microchip technology enlarged the assortment of this memory by models 25AA320A and 25LC320A (25XX320A).


  • 因为1997-1998年度亚洲金融危机记忆还让大家心有余悸公司债台高筑逐渐侵蚀了投资者市场信心也给韩币带来了冲击。

    It is haunted by memories of the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98, when high corporate debt helped to sap investor confidence and spark a run on the won.


  • 为了借势强化酵母抽提物广大民众认识安琪公司生涩“酵母抽物”单词简化便于记忆的“YE”。

    With the purpose of strengthening the understanding of the public on the yeast extract, Angel abbreviates the obscure "yeast extract" into "YE" that is easy to remember.


  • 结论依旧不明了惠氏制药公司资助研究发现试图保护记忆妇女也许应该坚持猜纵横字谜

    The results are still mixed, but a new study funded by Wyeth Pharmaceuticals finds women trying to preserve their memory may want to stick to crossword puzzles.


  • 记忆所及,公司起初是1978年创办的一家工厂。 膘。

    TO the best of my knowledge, your company was originally a small workshop set up in 1978.


  • 苹果公司安全方面突飞猛进因为所有新的iPhone安装了MobileMe,能使找到丢失iPhone以及远程清除记忆

    Apple is making strides in the security department, as all new iPhones come equipped with MobileMe, which allows you to find your lost iPhone as well as remotely wipe its memory clean.


  • 离开他们台子之前记录好他们公司的印象具体几个记忆点。

    Before moving on to the next table, write down what you want to remember about that company, what the next steps are in its process and what follow up you plan to do.


  • 记忆所及,公司起初1978年开办的一家小工厂。

    TO the best of my knowlbend, your company was agentaccessory a scapital workboutique set up in 1978.


  • 记忆所及,公司起初1978年开办的一家小工厂。

    TO the best of my knowlbend, your company was agentaccessory a scapital workboutique set up in 1978.


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