• 赛普拉害怕只是记忆中的

    Sephora: I feared only his memory of you.


  • 名字叫《记忆中的》。

    And the name of the song was called Memories of You.


  • 即使一辈子时间忘不了记忆中的

    I think, even a lifetime of time, all unforgettable memory of you.


  • 漫漫长路十几光阴如今记忆中的依然一袭粉色

    Long road, and 10 years of your time and now memories of you are still dressed in pink.


  • 然后女性依靠她们记忆中的的样子或许会或者不会作为一个潜在伴侣来评价

    Then, depending on what they remember about you, they may or may not rate you as a potential mate.


  • 珍爱记忆中的就像珍爱张张页页日记那里心语,记着刻骨铭心痕迹

    I cherish the memory of you, like treasure Zhang pages of the diary, which, remember my heartfelt thoughts, remember your unforgettable scene.


  • 并不真的是记忆不好,而是记忆中获取信息能力失望而已

    It is not really your memory letting you down, just your ability to retrieve information from it.


  • 郑爱强电视节目超级大脑中的记忆运动员”,可以小时内记住2660个数字认为这样的一定特别头脑

    Zheng Aiqiang, a "memory athlete" on TV show Super Brain, can remember 2,660 numbers in just one hour! You would think people like him must have special brains.


  • 如果依赖记忆”,小说家迈克尔·弗雷,“就算意图怎么辨别哪些记忆中的哪些是编造的?”

    "If you're relying on memory," says novelist Michael Frayn, "how - even with the best of intentions - can you distinguish between what you remember and what you make up?"


  • 后记-如果记忆感兴趣的话,也许愿意了解早先的“5提高记忆的捷径”系列关于记忆”中与菲欧娜·麦克福广播片段。

    P. S. - If you are interested in memory, you may also want to see my earlier series on 5 Key Paths to Improving memory as well as my podcast with Fiona McPherson from About memory.


  • 可能会伤心难过,因为不得不承认记忆中的母亲已经消失了,不会再回来了。

    And that might take some grieving, because to look at it like that you gotta admit that that other mother, the one you remember, is gone.


  • 越快的将力量填充记忆情景中的薄弱环节,重新构架容易对于帮助处理疯狂的东西即我们生活有效

    And the quicker you muscle in those poorly filed memories, the easier it is to reframe them in a way that helps you more effectively deal with that crazy thing called life.


  • 快速检查过程中能够移除已经完成任务,必要附加信息编辑任务,更新所有开放型任务的记忆

    During this quick review process you will be able to remove tasks that have been completed, edit tasks as necessary with additional information and refresh your memory on all the open tasks you have.


  • 今天世界中,特别是政策制定者没有亲身参与二战,对30年代缺乏记忆的情况下,如何推销自由贸易的?

    How do you sell free trade in the world today, especially with players who were not involved intimately in the second World War and remember the '30s?


  • 妈妈混音专辑——一张专辑妈妈。专辑中收集能够让妈妈想起或者唤起养育记忆所有歌曲

    Mom Mix - Make a CD for her, a collection of all the songs that remind her of you and you growing up.


  • 大脑细胞在这个过程中更新研究表明缺乏睡眠使认知记忆变差。

    Your brain cells renew and studies show that people who don't get adequate sleep do worse on cognitive and memory tasks.


  • 尽管肥皂剧总结道:那些受新的长期记忆中的信息干扰普通失忆症,常常大脑主要部分受损结果

    Although soap operas might lead you to conclude otherwise, most common forms of amnesia interfere with the formation of new long-term memories-usually as a result of a major brain injury.


  • 不仅锁定记忆中的那一刻而且使获得更多体验

    Not only does this lock a moment into your memory, but it also allows you to get a lot more out of the experience.


  • 如果一样实践得知记忆在睡眠不足的情况下无法好好工作。

    If you are like me, you know from practical experience that your memory doesn't tend to function as well when you are sleep-deprived.


  • 可能会伤心难过,因为不得不承认记忆中的母亲已经消失了,不会回来了。

    And that might take some grieving, because to look at it like that you gotta admit that that other mother, the one you remember, is gone. She's not coming back.


  • 就是F度,实际应用如果必须计算一个向量旋度,不要尝试记忆这个公式

    And that is indeed going to be the curl of F. in practice, if you have to compute the curl of a vector field, you know, don't try to remember this formula.


  • 一旦这些信息储存进入记忆中,那么醒来一些行为决定受其影响

    Once the information is in your memory, it influences your waking behavior and decisions. For instance, research has revealed that dreams can.


  • 记忆冠军赛中谈到过如何在5分钟之内记住幅扑克牌以及如何通过怪异甚至肮脏图像来进行联系,进一步解释一下究竟是怎样运作的么?

    You talk about memorizing two decks of cards in five minutes for the Memory Championship, and how weird and even dirty images help an image stick. Could you explain how this works?


  • 记忆冠军赛谈到如何5分钟之内记住幅扑克牌以及如何通过怪异甚至肮脏图像来进行联系,能进一步解释一下究竟怎样运作的么?

    You talk about memorizing two decks of cards in five minutes for the Memory Championship, and how weird and even dirty images help an image stick.Could you explain how this works?


  • 有人告诉自己记忆表现产生怀疑疑虑是很好的,这样就不会简单相信记忆中的一切都真的

    ‘It'sgood to have an informed doubt or informed scepticism about your memoryperformance, so you don't just easily trust whatever comes to your mindas true and for granted.’


  • 哪怕忘了一个难记的网站加入书签——比如zedropratodretua . co . za——依然可以记忆历史中搜索,关键字只要选能记得住的页面上内容中的几个字就行。

    So if you forget to bookmark a difficult-to-remember site — say zedropratodretua.co.za — you can still find it in your history if you remember bits of its content.


  • 眼睛注视左上方(右方)——表明对方正在回想记忆中的画面

    Up and to the left - This indicates a visually remembered image. (your right).


  • 眼睛注视左上方(右方)——表明对方正在回想记忆中的画面

    Up and to the left - This indicates a visually remembered image. (your right).


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