• 虽然无法拍摄视频录音,但你确实可以用它来记录声音笔记

    While you cannot record audio from this while shooting video, it does work for recording voice notes.


  • 注意,对全国公共广播电台节目权威记录音频

    Please be aware that the authoritative record of NPR's programming is the audio.


  • 如果发现同时听讲笔记很难,那么可以考虑一个录音设备来记录课程讲解。

    If you find that are having trouble both listening and taking good notes then you might consider bringing in a tape recorder and record the lecture.


  • 互联网获得免费个人电台录音可以记录网络上数百个电台。

    Get your free personal radio channel recorder on the Internet with the possibility to record from hundreds of radio channels.


  • 于是麦克·康姆团队训练这些主人们猫儿录音记录猫儿寻找食物叫声不在觅食时的叫声。

    So McComb and her team trained cat owners to record their pets' cries - capturing the sounds made by cats when they were seeking food and when they were not.


  • 如果最新音调队列检查连续音调检查通过记录音调事件及其时间以供稍后打印比较

    If both the recent tones queue check and the contiguous tone check are passed, record the tone event and its time for later printing or comparison.


  • 2008年开始语言学家的考察,有史以来首次柯罗语进行录音记录下了数千个柯罗语词汇

    The linguists made the first-ever recordings of Koro, capturing thousands of words during their expedition, which began in 2008.


  • 当时,披头士的这场新闻发布会大加报道,没有已知现存的电视录音记录

    The press conference was well reported at the time but there is no known television or audio record


  • 录音应当在不移动任何部件情况下进行,“,”并且应该记录讲话者能够传递给耳膜任何可以听到声音

    "Recording should be done without any moving parts," he says, "and played through speakers that can convey all the sound our eardrums can hear."


  • 没有录音记录,仅凭这个供词,证据对于CRESPO不利的:谁相信杀人嫌疑犯而不信一个纽约市探员呢?

    Without that recording, it was the detective's word against Crespo's. And who would believe a murder suspect over a New York City detective?


  • 有些孟加拉国报纸引述了参加3月1号会议参与者的讲话。不过,达卡媒体来源他们避免刊登那段录音的全文记录

    Some Bangladeshi newspapers quoted participants at the March 1 meeting, but media sources in Dhaka say they are refraining from publishing a transcript of the tape.


  • 有些孟加拉国报纸引述了参加3月1号会议参与者的讲话。 不过,达卡媒体来源他们避免刊登那段录音的全文记录

    Some Bangladeshi newspapers quoted participants at the March 1 meeting, but media sources in Dhaka say they are refraining from publishing a transcript of the tape.


  • 总部位于亚特兰大的一家名为Recordant店内监控公司为超市导购员提供了数码声音录音器,他们把这个装置在他们颈项周围,他们顾客的谈话也会因此记录下来。

    Recordant, an in-store monitoring company based in Atlanta, provides shop assistants with digital-audio recorders, to be worn around their necks, which record all their conversations with shoppers.


  • 其中声称记录间谈话。本杂志录音上传至互联网

    One of them claimed to have recorded his pillow-talk; a magazine put her recordings on the Internet.


  • 赫尔NTSB调查人员没有检查机舱语音录音飞行数据记录这些已经送到委员会华盛顿实验室去做分析

    Mr Holloway said NTSB investigators had not yet examined the cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder, which were being sent to the board's lab in Washington for analysis.


  • 这份工作是把口述历史录音文字记录下来,而倒是很相宜苦修味道,尽管了一阵子,不无懊恼发现乐在其中。

    The job, which involved the transcription of oral history tapes, had about it a quality of penance that suited me, though after a time I discovered to my chagrin that I was having fun.


  • 醒来笔记本或是磁带录音记录梦境

    Take notes. Using a notebook or tape recorder, retype your dreams when you wake up.


  • 研究小组录音设备一周记录了50谈话的内容,这些谈话内容男女分开,包括严肃的谈话社交闲聊。

    The team of researchers carried recording devices over a one week period in order to transcribe50 conversations, which were split between men and women in serious and social conversations.


  • 调查办公室检查麦道公司时,麦道夫进行次约见,没有正式程序进行录音文档记录

    The investigations office, which conducted several interviews with Mr. Madoff during its examination of the firm, did not have formal procedures to record and document the conversations.


  • 就阿卡迪亚音乐而言,不仅突出而且没有任何录音设备记录推动

    Acadian music, for its part, was not only less distinctive but there was no recording industry on hand to record it and promote it.


  • 然后如果以后使用支钢笔潦草笔记中某部分时,可以重播记录笔记当时对应的录音

    Then, if the pen is later tapped on one of the scribbled words, it replays what was said when that note was taken.


  • 然后做出回答可以录音记录下你的回答,如果你更喜欢说出自己想法的话

    You might also answer into a tape recorder if you'd rather talk out your ideas.


  • 报纸津津乐道泄露电话录音带,记录着一位收了某些印度大亨的说客正意图昭彰地游说国大党的政客。

    Newspapers have been gleefully reporting on leaks of tapped phone conversations which show a lobbyist, paid by some of India's best-known tycoons, apparently swaying the minds of ruling politicians.


  • 一台崭新盒式磁带录音记录他们誓言

    A new cassette recorder recorded their love swear.


  • 相反通话需要录音需要记录在案

    By contrast, his phone calls don't have to be recorded, though they do need to be logged.


  • 如果错过了会议,你要是购买了All -Access Pass,你就可以收听MP 3录音下载2的会议记录

    If you missed it, you can listen to the mp3 recording and download the two-page handout when you purchase an All-Access Pass.


  • 如果错过了会议,你要是购买了All -Access Pass,你就可以收听MP 3录音下载2的会议记录

    If you missed it, you can listen to the mp3 recording and download the two-page handout when you purchase an All-Access Pass.


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