• 如果初始事务中的代理服务器通过请求自身添加到了事务中记录路由确认信息将通过这些服务器发送

    If the proxy servers in the initial transaction flows have added themselves to the transaction through requests to record the route, the acknowledgement is sent through those servers.


  • 每个文件记录中的部门ID用于记录路由标签之一ELECTRICALGIFTKITCHENHOME,这四个标签分别与商店中的四个部门名称对应。

    The department id in each file record is used to route records to one of four labels: ELECTRICAL, GIFT, KITCHEN or HOME, corresponding to the four department names in the store.


  • 中介模块记录每个请求每个响应消息请求路由实际服务逻辑两个实现之一

    The mediation module logs each request and each response message, and routes the requests to one of two implementations of the actual service logic.


  • 另一种常见复杂中介转换记录路由模式

    Another common complex mediation is the transform, log and route pattern.


  • 例中网关执行某些基于内容路由记录功能

    In this case, the gateway could perform some content-based routing or logging functionality.


  • 中介模型具有很大灵活性可以满足各种各样的需求其中包括基于内容路由记录数据转换

    The mediation model has flexibility to meet a large variety of requirements, including content-based routing, logging, and data transformation.


  • 使用RouteToLabel节点通过消息基于消息内容路由文件记录方法之一。

    Using the RouteToLabel node is one method of routing file records through a message flow based on message content. In this example, the FileInput node reads an input file as shown.


  • 管理控制台提供了指导操作记录常规任务配置数据库连接Web服务器应用服务器容器路由请求

    The administrative console provides guided activities to document common tasks, like configuring database connections and routing requests from a Web server to an application server container.


  • 重要是,容许全世界每台设备具有各自唯一的IP地址路由记录稀少如此路由的代价大为降低。

    More to the point, it allows every device to have its own IP address, and the routing tables to be sufficiently sparse that routing is cheap.


  • 由于本来就具有灵活性,所以中介可以转换路由消息或者用于日志记录目的正如本文所述

    Flexible by nature, mediations can transform and route messages, or simply be used for logging purposes, as shown in this article.


  • 路由配置SNMP记录发送一个搜集器主机(这里AP)IP地址

    I configured my router to send its SNMP records to the IP address of a collector host (which in my case is the AP).


  • 必须路由进行特别配置使之发送记帐记录RADIUS服务器

    The router must be specifically configured to send accounting records to the RADIUS server.


  • 文章,连同IBM同事最近发表其他文章,主要介绍路由消息简单日志记录

    These articles, along with others recently published by IBM colleagues, have primarily focused on routing messages and simple logging.


  • 记录所有连接服务提供者以便它将服务使用请求服务使用者路由正确的服务提供者。

    Keep a log of all service providers connected to it, so that it can route a service-consumption request from a service consumer to the appropriate service provider.


  • 使用深入实例数据历史记录大大优化事件路由、事件处理、仪表板延迟仪表板响应时间

    Significant optimizations were made to event routing, event processing, dashboard latency, and dashboard response time with a deep history of instance data.


  • 了解如何配置运行时,以便将消息路由不同端点地址以及如何更改记录详细消息二者都无需重新部署中介

    You will also see how to configure the runtime to route messages to a different endpoint address, and how to change which details of the message are logged, both without redeploying the mediation.


  • 中介模块中,可以消息进行日志记录充实、传输路由,从而通过总线集成服务

    Within the mediation module, the message may be logged, augmented, transformed, or routed to integrate services across the bus.


  • 现在一个定义良好位置(网关中介)添加中介功能服务器端的记录基于内容路由等。

    There is now a well-defined place (gateway mediations) to add intermediate functionality like logging or content-based routing on the server side.


  • 另一个策略动态检索强制,这些策略对日志记录过滤数据转换路由方面交互有效

    Another use case is dynamic retrieval and enforcement of the policies that are in effect for a service interaction in the areas of logging, filtering, data transformation, or routing.


  • 此类应用程序例子包括路由转换服务日志记录服务等等

    Examples of such "applications" would include routing and transformation services, logging services etc.


  • 消息中间件中的中介提供了消息转换日志记录路由中介功能

    The mediation capabilities like message transformation, logging, routing, etc, are provided by the mediations in the message middleware.


  • 服务请求程序提供程序知道消息流经esb,也不知道esb路由记录任何消息。

    The service requester and provider are not aware the messages are flowing through the ESB and know nothing about the routing or logging in the ESB.


  • 脚本读取TED每时输出的数据,然后将其记录到OPENWrt路由一个文件

    The script reads output from the ted every second and records it in a file located on the OPEN Wrt router.


  • log_mailrouting指定需要记录路由进程执行路由事件级别

    Log_mailrouting Specifies the level of logging of router events performed by the router process.


  • 执行调解消息转换路由流程编排提供服务质量(安全可靠消息传递交易记录管理)。

    It performs mediation, message transformation, routing, process choreography, and provides quality of service (security, reliable message delivery, and transaction management).


  • 可能路由另一个MX记录冲突

    Is it possible to route the root of a domain to another domain without conflicting with MX records?


  • 这样电子邮件记录互联网发送接收路由信息一部分确定到底是谁方法发现一个骗局

    Reading the "header" of such ane-mail, the part of the message documenting its route over the Internet from sender to receiver, to determine who really sent it is one way to spot a scam.


  • 与基于安全向量扩展安全向量容错路由算法相比,MSPVSV以及ESV的最大扩展,解决如何向量形式记录最多通路的问题。

    Furthermore, it proves MSPV is the final extension of safety vectors (SV) and extended safety vectors (ESV), which also use the vectors to record the optimal paths in hypercube multi-computers system.


  • 通过路由流量记录器管理工具配置实现被动流量测量环境测量实验中得以验证。

    Passive traffic measurement was realized through configured Multi Router traffic Grapher (MRTG), and the method was used in the test network environment.


  • 通过路由流量记录器管理工具配置实现被动流量测量环境测量实验中得以验证。

    Passive traffic measurement was realized through configured Multi Router traffic Grapher (MRTG), and the method was used in the test n.


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