• 现在检查第二记录其中它的日期事实数据会被添加查询

    Now examine this second record set in which date and fact data were added to the query.


  • 无论何种情况可以具有相同数据记录

    In all cases, you can have the same set of data records.


  • 气候记录疑虑的“怀疑论者应该利用美国公开资料编制他们自己的数据集

    He said "sceptics" who doubted his climate record should compile their own dataset from material publicly available in the US.


  • 程序VSAMKSDS中读取记录数据CICS区域必须处于打开状态

    For your program to be able to read a record from the VSAM KSDS, the dataset must be in opened state in the CICS region.


  • 如果记录一个此列中的数据将会继续增加,另一个显示null如下所示。

    If one record set has more rows than the other, data in that column will continue while nulls will be displayed for the other as seen below.


  • 通常来说这些表格记录数量相当可观的,数据不能表格中得到所有数据集因为服务器不会返回所有的信息

    Usually the number of the records in those tables is huge, and the data sets cannot get all data from the tables because the server does not return all information at once.


  • 将会看到使用就是技巧1讨论理念一个存储过程返回两个结果记录总数请求数据

    You'll see that I am using the ideas discussed in Tip 1, returning two resultsets from one stored procedure: the total number of records and the requested data.


  • 话说报表一个组成,这个表的数据记录数相同,而数与细节区域定义素数相同。

    In other word, the report consists of a table with as many rows as records in the dataset and as many columns as elements defined in the detail band.


  • 使用前面介绍方法准备一个包含10000记录输入数据

    Prepare a set of input data with 10000 records using the previously described approach.


  • 这个程序接受操作记录作为输入然后读取VSAM数据集记录返回CICS

    This program accepts an operation code and a record key as inputs, then reads the VSAM dataset and returns the record back to CICS.


  • 如果科学家想要研究大型数据比如移动电话记录搜索查询电影评级相关数据集这些数据集拥有者需要释放这些数据进行数据匿名化处理。

    If scientists are to study massive datasets such as mobile phone records, search queries and movie ratings, the owners of these datasets need to find a way to anonymize the data before releasing it.


  • 如 图10这个模式扩展其他模式它允许用户更新数据辅助数据集或者创建在后端系统持久化记录

    This pattern, shown in figure 10, extends the other patterns by enabling a user to update primary and secondary data sets or to create new records that are persisted on back-end systems.


  • 这条单独记录可以视频内容文档内容或者某一数据对象数据(属性)的所有

    A single record can be a video, a document content or all or subset of one item object metadata set (attributes).


  • 考虑即时消息日志电话记录其他来源中提取登录时间活动时间构建附加数据重叠数据集

    Consider extracting login and activity times from your instant messaging logs, phone records, or other sources to build additional and overlapping data sets.


  • 相反缓存中一旦进行更新操作,缓存就会跟踪记录列表定期当前记录刷新数据中。

    Instead, updates occur in the cache, the cache tracks the list of dirty records and periodically flushes the current set of dirty records to the data store.


  • 目标装载模块不是分区数据没有装载模块数据集相同记录格式u

    The target load module is either not a partitioned dataset, or does not have the same record format, u, as the source load module dataset.


  • 是因为这个地方来自两个输入源的工作数据11.2M900K记录剧减至1 M记录

    This is because, at this point, the working data set is dramatically reduced from 11.2m and 900k records from the two inputs to just over 1m records.


  • [HistoricSales]数据用于记录需要频繁更改历史销售信息

    The [HistoricSales] cube is used to record the historical sales information that does not change frequently.


  • 的[currentmonthsales]数据用于记录当前月份每天销售信息

    The smaller [CurrentMonthSales] cube is used to record the daily sales information for the current month.


  • 每一次分析都会涉及到大部分数据甚至整个数据因此读取整个数据集时间读取第一记录延迟重要

    Each analysis will involve a large proportion, if not all, of the dataset, so the time to read the whole dataset is more important than the latency in reading the first record.


  • SDP服务保持自己的SDP数据一个包含服务器所提供服务记录

    An SDP server maintains its own SDP database, which is a set of service records that describe the services the server offers.


  • 执行用户调研时,用户提供测试任务记录观察其行为量化测量数据问卷调查结果等等

    User studies are conducted with a group of people by giving them a set of test tasks and recording observed behavior, collecting quantitative measurements, results of questionnaires, among others.


  • 层次型数据树型组织记录每一记录分解更小的属性

    The records in hierarchical databases are organized in a treelike structure, with each level of records branching off into a set of smaller categories.


  • 记录声明参数数据成员方式

    How to declare parameter data members in your recordset class.


  • 摘要:地震现场特征需要大量地面运动记录很少这样可用数据

    Seismic site characterization requires large numbers of ground‐motion records, and such data sets are rarely available.


  • 框架记录加载记录字段数据成员

    The framework loads the record into the field data members of the recordset.


  • 记录字段存储记录对象字段数据成员中

    The values of this record's fields are stored in the recordset object's field data members.


  • 论文主要考虑分布式环境下数据记录增加全局频繁项目快速更新

    This paper focuses on the fast update for globally frequent item sets in distributed environment when the records in database increase.


  • 指定支持文档视图中存储数据记录对象

    Specifies support for storing database or recordset objects in documents and views.


  • 返回刷新数据记录存在冲突链接形状数据记录行的ID组成数组

    Returns an array of the row IDs of data-recordset rows linked to a shape that are in conflict after the data recordset is refreshed.


- 来自原声例句

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