• 议会法案明令禁止药品

    The drug was banned by an act of parliament.


  • 根据议会法案消防队用于灭火全部免费供应

    All water used by the fire Brigade for fire extinction purpose is supplied free by an act of Congress.


  • 委员会根据议会法案1974年设立

    The committee was constituted in 1974 by an Act of Parliament.


  • 今年早些时候,欧洲议会投票通过了一项法案法案阻止食品业巨头采取不公平交易行为,因为这种行为会导致生产过剩从而产生浪费

    Just earlier this year, the European Parliament voted in favor of legislation that would stop grocery giants from unfair trading practices that result in overproduction, thus creating waste.


  • 尽管议会投票议会会议室里得到了掌声,但包括苏打水一方请来的说客在内的法案反对者们对该法案提出尖锐的批评承诺法庭上这项征税提出质疑

    While the city council vote was met with applause inside the council room, opponents to the measure, including soda lobbyists, made sharp criticisms and a promise to challenge the tax in court.


  • 法案毫无疑问最终成为法律因为GNP议会拥有个可靠的多数

    The bill will no doubt become law eventually because the GNP has a comfortable parliamentary majority.


  • 议会仍旧争论排放限制与额度交易法案,而此时美国北方工业中心地区发现自己角色相当尴尬

    As the battle over a cap-and-trade bill continues in Congress, the industrial Midwest finds itself playing an awkward role.


  • 议会法案足够使英国放弃一些实在微不足道的否决权比如说,在欧盟机构使用何种语言问题就没有必要再争了。

    An act of Parliament would suffice for Britain to drop some more trifling vetoes, for example over the languages used inside EU institutions.


  • 于是1765年英国议会通过印花税法案这样能在殖民地征收四十多种交易税

    So, in 1765, Parliament passed the Stamp act, which taxed more than forty kinds of business transactions in the colonies.


  • 对于强制性退休泰勒似乎忘记不是大学废除而是议会一项法案废除的,各个大学是希望恢复这个制度的。

    As for mandatory retirement, Taylor seems to forget that this was not abolished by the universities, which would love to bring it back, but by an act of Congress.


  • 共和党人议会19比14占据多数优势他们需要至少民众党人士的出席以确保法案投票的进行。

    Republicans hold a 19-14 majority in the state Senate, but they need at least one Democrat to be present before taking a vote on the bill.


  • 个月以后议会通过了这项建设宏伟巴黎的法案

    Eight months later, parliament has passed a law to create Greater Paris.


  • 作为法案议会应该前任放弃具有240历史的君主制度做出最终裁决

    As its first act, the new assembly is supposed to finalise a decision of its predecessor to scrap the 240-year monarchy.


  • 上个星期法国议会通过了法案要求网络运营商那些一年内收到三次警告仍有提供非法侵权资料嫌疑的用户停止提供网络连接服务。

    Just last week the French Assembly passed a law that forces ISPs to disconnect those suspected of illegally sharing copyright infringing material on the third warning for up to a year.


  • 议会中的共和党领导试图彻底废除法案

    Republican leaders in Congress are trying to repeal the law outright.


  • 但是总得什么地方找到所需吧!截至本文发稿举措包含增收法案中并提交给议会考虑

    But money needs to be found from somewhere, and as the Economist went to press the measure was still included in the revenue bill being considered by the state senate.


  • 巴马再三表示,最好议会负责管理污染气体排放的工作,而不用EPA清洁空气法案其进行管制最高法院表示议会担当此任。

    Mr Obama has repeatedly argued that it would be better for Congress to take charge of emissions than for the EPA to regulate them under the Clean Air Act, as the Supreme Court has said it can.


  • 这样,人民党不仅赢得首相一职,可以凭借强有力的授权议会通过该党试图获取的任何法案

    That gives it not only the prime minster position, but also a strong mandate to pass whatever legislation it basically wants.


  • 议会下议院强调父母监护重要性之外通过要求学校儿童慢慢灌输“对国家”的法案

    Parliament's lower house has approved legislation which, besides stressing the importance of parental guidance, requires schools to instil “a love of one's countryin children.


  • 建立之初美国出现了银行,即议会特许成立商业银行由美国国会法案批准成立的美利坚银行。

    In the new nation emerged two kinds of bank -the commercial Banks chartered by state legislatures and the bank of the United States deriving its authority by act of the U.S.Congress.


  • 叫嚣着一旦入主议会就要废除奥巴马医保法案共和党似乎中期选举找到有力武器

    Republicans, who have noisily declared their intention to repeal the new health laws if they win control of Congress, appear to have found a useful weapon in the campaign.


  • 尽管议会推出了众多法案

    Still, the state legislature has provided plenty of drama.


  • 然而委员会成立取决于国会能否通过法案让参议会五分之四的石油泄漏罚款用于海岸恢复

    The creation of the council, however, depends on Congressional passage of a bill making its way through the Senate that would direct four-fifths of the spill penalties toward coastal restoration.


  • 基于议会下周要就排放限制额度交易法案辩论,“带”工业及其政客们就成了争论焦点。

    With the Senate due to debate a cap-and-trade bill next month, the rustbelt and its politicians are at the heart of the battle.


  • 建立之初的美国出现了银行,即议会特许成立的商业银行由美国国会法案批准成立的美利坚银行。

    In the new nation emerged two kinds of bank -the commercial Banks chartered by state legislatures and the bank of the United States deriving its authority by act of the U. s. Congress.


  • 伹是难以预料的是,当地议会的领导认为人们应该更多地考虑由谁来建造所学校不是这所学校本身,并决定接下来的教育法案认真对待这一条款

    Then something unprecedented happened: its leaders decided to take seriously the clauses in successive education acts saying that it should consider suppliers other than itself.


  • 伹是难以预料的是,当地议会的领导认为人们应该更多地考虑由谁来建造所学校不是这所学校本身,并决定接下来的教育法案认真对待这一条款

    Then something unprecedented happened: its leaders decided to take seriously the clauses in successive education acts saying that it should consider suppliers other than itself.


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