• 实践证明采用训练方法符合高校训练规律有利于提高运动成绩

    It conforms to the law of train that adopt the ways after the practical certificate, and it is useful to raise the achievement of sports.


  • 结合本队实际棒球运动专项素质及其训练规律进行探讨提出一些看法

    Combining the practical condition of our team, making a research of the special item quality and its training regulation and also to make some proposals.


  • 为此进一步探索皮划艇项目特点训练规律,尽快组建一支高水平教练队伍,积极开展2008年北京奥运会皮划艇备战的科学论证工作

    Therefore, characteristics of canoeing and training rules should be discussed, high-level coach teams should be set up and preparing work of 2008 Olympic Games should be done in advance.


  • 运用文献资料专家咨询等方法,竞技特点角度对同场对抗性集体球类项目的训练规律进行了探讨和论述,以期提高此类项目训练水平提供帮助

    The emphasis of the study lies in the training rule of the antagonistic court game, documentation and expert inquiry used to offer help for the event's promotion.


  • 需要规律训练

    Horses need to be exercised regularly.


  • 只要坚持进行规律力量训练就会继续增强力量——即使你开始身材已走样。

    With regular strength training, you'll continue to increase your strength - even if you're not in shape when you begin.


  • 规律力量训练能够帮助减少身体多余的脂肪加强肌肉力量有效地燃烧卡路里

    Regular strength training can help you reduce body fat, strengthen your muscles and more efficiently burn calories.


  • 如果规律跑步而且为了一个长跑项目训练适当的营养表现非常重要

    If you're running regularly and you're training for a long-distance event, proper nutrition is especially critical for your performance.


  • 不过即便各种病例的增加促使人们进行更为激烈锻炼行为研究显示,难以坚持的锻炼规律痛苦而乏味的重复训练降低人们锻炼的意愿。

    Still, even as the medical case mounts for people to get more vigorous exercise, behavioral studies are showing that hard-to-sustain regimens and painful routines can diminish the will to work out.


  • 掌握课程理解现象方式不同于未受训练同龄人注意到他们忽视规律

    After you master the lessons contained within these pages, you will be able to understand events in ways that your untrained peers will Miss. You will notice patterns that they will overlook.


  • 健康而言,为进行坚持不懈训练身体需要规律的休息,如休,休或年休。

    For healthy, consistent training, your body needs regular—that is, weekly, seasonal, and annual—recovery periods.


  • 研究掌握广西优秀男子自由式摔跤运动员训练期间生化指标变化情况规律特征

    To study and master the rule and characteristics of the changes of biochemical indicators for the outstanding freestyle wrestlers during their training.


  • 至少大多数人都相信,定期做有规律思维练习可以大脑中注入新的神经元,就像努力进行举重训练可以增强身体一样

    At least that's the common belief, which holds that a regular schedule of cognitive exercise can bulk up8 your brain with new neurons, the same way vigorous weight lifting can build muscle mass.


  • 这本关于有系统规律训练

    This book is about systematic and methodical training.


  • 经过研究,希望教学训练的理论上能够找到有关空心投篮规律指导监督教学训练实践,更好的提高学习效率

    So we need to cite electronic analysis methods to supervise and guide students, try to reduce students'unnecessary time for practicing and finish the course and training faster and better.


  • 刘翔教练建议规律地进行训练

    Liu Xiang was advised by his coach to train regularly.


  • 但是教练孙海平一直确保进行有规律训练

    But his coach Sun Haiping is making sure that he trains regularly.


  • 专业人士通过完成完整科研训练等途径,逐步掌握定性研究规律

    Actually, the professionals can gradually master the rules of quantitative research by accomplishing the integrated scientific research training.


  • 很容易就可以训练一队社区工人关注老年城市居民,为解决“空巢”进行有规律的、目标化家庭访问提供医疗保障。

    Squads of lightly trained social workers monitor the city's older residents, paying regular house visits aimed at combating isolation and assuring that medical problems are attended to.


  • 必须服从严苛规定遵守适当饮食限制,有规律激烈训练不管天气多冷以及戒酒

    You would have to submit to demanding rules, follow a suitable diet, vigorously exercise at a regular time in both heat and cold, and give up drinking.


  • 平时训练加强规律变速跑的适应有助于比赛中更好发挥水平

    Routine training to strengthen the laws that do not adapt to varied pace will help to better play the game level.


  • 本文对“从众”之合唱训练意义规律加以探究

    This paper investigates the significance and rules of "Conformity to the public" in chorus training.


  • 飞行学员心理素质训练一门综合学科独特理论规律可循

    The pilot psychological character training is a synthetic subject and it has its own special theory and rule to follow.


  • 规律训练对照组成员总是很高兴听到他们燃烧了近乎15,000卡路里大于实验组的成员。

    Proponents of steady-state training were pleased to hear that those subjects burned 15,000 calories more than their HIIT counterparts.


  • 平时我会很多跑步训练,跑步斯诺克之外生活更有规律并且保持健康

    "I've been doing a lot of running because it gives me discipline outside snooker, and it improves my fitness, " he said.


  • 实战需要出发就是认清项目本质特征制胜规律反映专项训练比赛一致性上

    Revolving from the needs of actual competitive means clearly recognizing the essence characteristic and subdues rules of item, reflecting the uniformity in the special training and competition.


  • 训练专家争论低强度有氧运动可以燃烧更多的脂肪缓慢规律训练的确是有效

    Trainers and other experts argue that since lower-intensity cardio exercise burns a higher percentage of fat for energy, slow and steady indeed wins the race.


  • 结论模拟提高有氧能力有效措施,EPO变化规律传统高原训练不同

    CONCLUSION: Simulated living high training low training is an effective way to improve aerobic performance, but the changing law of EPO is different from that of traditional altitude training.


  • 结论模拟提高有氧能力有效措施,EPO变化规律传统高原训练不同

    CONCLUSION: Simulated living high training low training is an effective way to improve aerobic performance, but the changing law of EPO is different from that of traditional altitude training.


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