• 有时候跑,我让自己更加苗条点。

    Sometimes I jog in early morning, I love myself to be slimmer.


  • 愤恨只会自己更加受伤

    Resentment always hurts you more than it does the other person.


  • 自己更加快乐地过日子。并记忆里的不快乐门外吧!

    To be happy, close the door on an unhappy experience that you hold in your memory.


  • 经常和上司联系才能够建立更牢固工作关系让自己更加显著

    Having established communication paves the way for a stronger work relationship and more visibility.


  • 他们有着很好的关系但是必须努力自己更加领导力

    I have great relationships with everyone on this team, but I've had to work to be more vocal.


  • 那些曾经对斯琳雅指指点点的也开始购买蓝色隐形眼镜,以期让自己更加迷人。

    The people who oncepointed fingers at Miss Burbridge now buy blue contact lenses in hopes oflooking more beautiful.


  • 通过了解他正一切的想知道什么让自己更加主动起来。

    Be emboldened by knowing that he is desperate to know what works for you.


  • 觉得是的因为我们曾经都寻找一个自己更加舒服的生活方式

    I think so, and because we'd both been searching for a more peaceful way to be in our own bodies.


  • 静悄悄地,三星进入科技行业,自己更加熟悉行业事务等待自己时机

    Samsung tiptoes into the technology to get familiar with it, then waits for its moment.


  • 有些地方愚蠢弄丢我在坚持努力踢球,努力让自己更加自信。

    I think I lost the ball in stupid areas sometimes but I just carried on working hard and carried on being confident.


  • 我们一起讨论问题提高彼此成绩,自己更加充实睿智。有的依傍在栏杆上,凭栏远眺;

    We chat to promote friendship, add the precious wealth of the soul, We discuss the problem to improve each other, let oneself more substantial and wise.


  • 问上苍,我们为什么会遇见那么或许上帝我们最后遇见时候让自己更加珍惜和感恩

    May be God wants us to a few wrong people before to meet the right people, so that when finally meet the right person we will know how to be grateful.


  • 即使生活一千个理由,你也要找到一个理由自己因为就是人生我们只是自己更加坚强

    Even if life has one thousand reasons to make you cry, you have to find a reason to laugh, because this is life, we can do is to make ourselves more strong.


  • 带着沉重心情回到家中沉思片刻突然意识购物可以自己更加快乐于是离开家开始购物完成一个动画循环

    After a moment of meditation, she suddenly realizes that shopping can make her happier, so she leaves home again for shopping when an animation circle is completed.


  • 认为希腊人之所以创造出“半神人”这个概念,是因为他们希望尽可能接近神灵自身形象赋予其中,让自己更加接近神灵。

    I suspect that the Greeks invented this idea because they wanted to reach the gods as much as possible, to create images of themselves that are closer and closer to the gods.


  • 不论目标最终摆脱单身或者只是让自己更加接受单身的事实,以下信息都将帮助到你的单身日子成为积极生活体验

    Whether your goal is to eventually find a relationship, or if you just want to become more accepting of being single, this information should help you make your time as a single a positive experience.


  • 对外贸企业面临的困境及对策仔细分析结合自身即将就业现状进行自我思考与总结从而自己更加明确自己职责态度。

    Through the careful analysis of their difficulties in combination with my own job-hunting situations, I have made self-reflection and summary, making me clearer about my obligations and attitudes.


  • 恰恰相反,要这些变化点燃意志激发创造力,增添你坚定不移的信心,自己更加明确真正需要集中精力为之而奋斗的重要目标。

    Instead, let the changes ignite your determination. Let them spur you to be more creative, more purposeful, and more focused on what's truly important.


  • 事实上几乎任何遵循蜜蜂法则团体都将自己更加明智,《大众智慧作者詹姆斯·苏洛·维尔奇(JamesSurowiecki)讲道。

    In fact, almost any group that follows the bees' rules will make itself smarter, says James Surowiecki, author of the Wisdom of Crowds.


  • 大都会美术馆,百科全书式的收藏内容,囊括杰克逊·波洛克中世纪盔甲一切,其规模足以与卢浮宫媲美。大都会美术馆试图自己更加离奇更具特点

    At the Met, the encyclopaedic range - encompassing everything from Jackson Pollock to medieval armour - is as dazzling as at the Louvre, but there place itself has more quirkiness, more personality.


  • 事实上如果礼物自己亲手的,更加感激

    As a matter of fact, your gift would be appreciated all the more if you make it yourself.


  • 杰克维别人一起锻炼可以约束自己锻炼的过程更加有趣,你因此有可能会再次锻炼”。

    Exercising with others "can keep you accountable and make it more fun, so you're more likely to do it again," Jackovitz says.


  • 月亮会在星盘顶部更加相信自己能力

    The moon goes to the top of your chart to give you a stronger belief in your abilities.


  • 过去的一年半里,新冠疫情很多人都更加关注自己的健康。

    During the past one and a half years, the COVID-19 pandemic has led many people to pay more attention to their health.


  • 在社交媒体上的名气给了他更大的勇气,他朝着自己的伟大目标更加努力:成为一名职业篮球运动员。

    His being famous on social media has given him even more courage to work harder towards his great goal: becoming a professional basketball player.


  • 唠叨他们更加感觉到自己不能自控。

    By nagging, you make them feel like they are even more out of control.


  • 挑战自己生活变得更加充实…跳出舒适常规习惯中关掉一个电视看看什么事情会发生

    Challenge yourself to live life fuller... get out of comfort routines... turn off the TV for a month... see what happens.


  • 毫不怀疑其他主的声音分心这种分心会自己的博客也更加出色。

    I have no doubt that their words will distract me, and that such distractions will make this blog a lot better.


  • 就是说通过否定他人的某种特质人们自己特质中显得更加优秀。

    That is, by seeing the other person negatively on a trait, people came to have higher regard for themselves on that trait.


  • 就是说通过否定他人的某种特质人们自己特质中显得更加优秀。

    That is, by seeing the other person negatively on a trait, people came to have higher regard for themselves on that trait.


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