• 意思的话觉得法律程序,像建立一个法律案件拥有证据越多们就接近真相。

    What you are saying is, I mean, I get the feeling that this is like a legal process, like building a legal case, the more pieces of evidence we have, the closer we get to the truth.


  • 公交车司机打开车门,想付车费时,令惊讶的,他挥手让我过去,:“亲爱的,不需要付钱。”

    When the bus driver opened the door and I wanted to pay the bus fee, to my surprise, he waved me through and said, "Honey, you don't need to pay."


  • 没有不要花钱可以得到快乐东西的意思消费的时候等一下,想一想,确定购买的东西即重要又有用,而一味的买东西,要基于目的价值消费而不习惯性消费。

    Don’t just buy a bunch of Stuff.” Buy based on your goals and values, not out of habit.


  • 的,为什么让我以为

    You make me believe you wanted to marry me.


  • 无语也许的,或许只有那些笑个不停的男生认同,不会话的只能在那一角注视着

    You told me I made you speechless, maybe you were right or maybe only those humorous boys can be accepted by you, and I, the boring one, can only watch you from a corner.


  • 经历了这告诉胖人性变态的。这么意思寂寞变态了。

    And I'll tell you what I learned during those two years: fat people are perverts. By which I mean to say, loneliness perverts you.


  • 如果精力放在那些真正朋友身上,忽略造谣者拒绝传播那些人们感到尴尬的“趣闻轶事”(比如婴儿)。

    If I were you, I'd focus on my real friends, ignore rumors, and refuse pass along those "juicy tidbits" (about, say, baby blankets) that maybe embarrass people.


  • 很欣赏长相其他一些东西看去上去那么的舒服

    Let's acknowledge them and move on. But when I say I admire your looks, I'm referring to something else - how comfortable you seem with yourself.


  • 喜欢个,或者最喜欢的释义之一来源于艾森豪·威尔将军,他领导他人自愿实现的目标的艺术

    The one I like the best or one of the ones I like the best was from General Eisenhower who called leadership "the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because they want to do it".


  • 走进立马:“本书……”,真正意思:“找一本书……”。

    When you walked in and immediately said, “I’m looking for a book, ” what you really meant to say is, “I would like you to find me a book.” You never looked.


  • 这些有可能,指望理论提出问题如果:,这些仍然无法信服,这些都只不过个人学术生活中的重要方面,并不因此责备

    These are the sorts of questions that we might expect theory to ask and if you say Well I'm still not very convinced that that's an important aspect of one's intellectual life I don't blame you.


  • 今晚看艺术展或者晚上儿子一起后院,”,“必须找到一个焦点度过那些糟糕时候。”

    Think, "Tonight, I'm going to that art exhibit or I'm going to play with my son in the backyard, " he says. "You have to find a focus, an anchor to get you through those bad times."


  • 最喜欢名言之一阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的。拥有科学头脑天才居然这样谈论生活觉得意味隽永:可以这样生活,假定没啥奇迹;也可以假定一切都奇迹。

    One of my favorite quotes is from Albert Einstein, and I find it interesting that a genius with such a scientific mind would be talking about life in this way.


  • 前几天妻子《理财》上帖子读者看看如何浪费的“。

    I should write a post for Get Rich Slowly, ” my wife told me the other day. “I could tell your readers all about how you’re not frugal.”


  • 第一泰勒安全感,敢问的当时酒吧喝酒,周围空气,泰勒:“ 忙,用吃奶的力气揍。”

    I was the first guy Tyler ever felt safe enough to ask, and we were both drunk in a bar where no one would care so Tyler said, "I want you to do me a favor. I want you to hit me as hard as you can."


  • 可没那么不会事情发生失去控制地步。而且创造事件

    I did not say that. I said that I would not allow things to get out of control. Yet I am not doing the creating. You are.


  • 丹尼尔·普莱恩维尤(伊利):非常愿意告诉什么人,一个虚伪先知……上帝崇拜的偶像。

    Daniel Plainview: [to Eli] I'd like you to tell me that you are, and have been, a false prophet... and that God is a superstition.


  • 相信缘分做了女儿

    I believe, it is fate that has made me be your daughter.


  • 写信的目的自己突然不辞而别表示歉意不管怎么知道真的珍惜友谊

    I am writing to say sorry to you for my abrupt leaving without giving you any notice, but anyway, I want to let you know that I really value our friendship.


  • 而且这样虽然很伤心,事实上那个可能

    And, much as it grieves me to say it, it might be that the people I love is, in fact... you.


  • 妈妈感谢生命以及生命有价值。皱纹成长的经历

    Mom, I want to say to you I love you. Thank you for the life and make my life worthwhile. Your wrinkles is my growing experience.


  • 撒谎姨妈真的伤心的——为了这个

    It ain't a lie, auntie; it's the truth. I wanted to keep you from grieving-that was all that made me come.


  • 去的,”凯瑟琳。“林惇世界上一切了。”虽然已经努力使厌恶使他厌恶,可不能使互相仇恨

    I shall, 'said Catherine.' Linton is all I have to love in the world, and though you have done what you could to make him hateful to me, and me to him, you cannot make us hate each other.


  • 明白件事起来像无稽之谈尤其对于这样兽人而言请至少下山群山镇去。

    Look, I understand this whole thing sounds ridiculous, especially with you being a half orc, but let me just accompany you down the mountain to Shrouded Hills.


  • 明白件事起来像无稽之谈尤其对于这样的侏儒而言,请至少下山群山镇去。

    Look, I understand this whole thing sounds ridiculous, especially with you being a gnome, but let me just accompany you down the mountain to Shrouded Hills.


  • 既然了,就告诉疼痛他们长了狼疮轻度的狼疮,什么意思呢。”觉得她这番时做的那个鬼脸在讥讽

    "Since you ask, it makes me ache. I have lupus, they tell me. A mild form, whatever that means." Her grimace he took to be sarcastic.


  • 明白件事起来像无稽之谈尤其对于这样食人魔而言请至少下山群山镇去。

    Look, I understand this whole thing sounds ridiculous, especially with you being a half ogre, but let me just accompany you down the mountain to Shrouded Hills.


  • 明白件事起来像无稽之谈尤其对于这样食人魔而言请至少下山群山镇去。

    Look, I understand this whole thing sounds ridiculous, especially with you being a half ogre, but let me just accompany you down the mountain to Shrouded Hills.


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