• 从小就爱上,你总是停留

    I have been loving you since I was a child. You always make me stop.


  • 有没有一个靠岸可以停留片刻。

    Is there have a stay ashore. Let me rest for a while.


  • 快乐不会停留

    Her pleasure will not let me stay.


  • 希望可以拿到工作签证让我停留那里工作几年

    I hope to get a work visa and stay there for a couple years while I work. abroad.


  • 从不艘船上停留;那样一个人变得心胸狭窄,有偏见

    I never stick too long to one ship; one gets narrow-minded and prejudiced.


  • 弹出确定对话仍然人心烦但是鼠标停留X ”上面,一个手指放在输入上,这样可以的很快。

    There was still an annoying popup confirmation dialog box, but with my mouse hovering over the "x", and a finger on the Enter key, I could do it quickly.


  • 无论什么疯狂想法脑子里不会它们仅仅停留原地,直至遗忘

    Whatever crazy ideas pop into my head don't have to languish there until they are slowly forgotten.


  • 每到一地就会驻足停留边境地区认为重要东西照下来。

    Everywhere we went, we kept stopping so I could take pictures of the border — and of anything else I thought was important.


  • 还是因为能够依偎有力臂膀中感到骄傲,紧紧地贴着他,想象可以永远都停留在那个让我感到安心温暖的怀抱。

    Yet I was so proud to be nestled in his capable arms that I clung tightly, wanting to remain in that secure spot forever.


  • 无论什么疯狂想法脑子不会它们仅仅停留原地直至遗忘

    I can buy all my friends lunch just for the hell of it. Whatever crazy ideas pop into my head don't have to languish there until they are slowly forgotten.


  • 沿途停留15次,路过小镇时,火车减慢速度,这样就可以聚集铁轨两边挥手

    We made fifteen stops along the way and slowed down as we passed through small towns so that I could wave to the people who had gathered by the tracks.


  • 阳光穿过世界每一个角落最后停留眼里看到光明让我看到了世界的美好。

    Sunshine through every corner of the world, and finally stay in my eyes, let me see the light, let me see the world.


  • 怀里停留一会儿哪怕代价失去全世界

    Let me stay in your arms for a while, even at the cost of losing the world.


  • 一直不会关注角落独自陪着你,份爱你的心一个停留的驻

    Let me concern that would not have been in your corner, alone in love with you, accompany you, let the love your heart has a stay in place.


  • 决定停留一周第一离开开心只鸟儿天空飞翔呼吸自由空气

    We decided to stay for a week, leaving home for the first time made me so happy, I was like a bird, flying in the sky, breathing the free air.


  • 个人孤单厌倦漂泊,好想'1'港湾停留从此找到属于WO

    One individual alone, so I am tired of roaming, and a good looking '1 'stay in a harbor, from this finding are WO's share of tranquility.


  • 坐的飞机降落后停留很短的时间,在那里走下飞机。

    My plane would touch down just long enough to let me off.


  • 大自然春天心旷神怡,流连忘返真希望春天美景永远停留人们身边! !

    Lett me find the scenery pleasing to both the nature of the spring, linger, I wish the beauty of the spring stay in people around you forever!


  • 喜欢设定一个计时器那样(在练习)知道要停留多长时间,把自己思想(从时间问题上)解放出来,(意识)容易和(练习时的)美好时刻连接在一起。

    I like to set a timer so that I can let go of wonderinghow long it has been, freeing my mind to connect to the presentmoment more easily.


  • 昏暗时光不会停留可不可以一点,更快忘记

    F ROM the time machine under the dim for who won't stay, I think it can go faster, let me forget faster.


  • 一些事情不说出来最好方法就是去想,或者如果已经想到,那么就不做停留

    The best way to leave things unsaid is to leave them unthought , or if I've thought them, not to dwell on them.


  • 知道吗肩膀的时候,感觉自己世界上幸福人,这种感觉从未有过的,多时间停留这样可以永远在一起永不分开了

    Do you know, when I rely on your shoulders, I feel the I was the most happy girl in the world, I never had such feeling. I wanted the time stop for us, so we can stay together and never be separated.


  • 因为哭泣的时候,发现光芒总是感到存在意义悲伤渐渐地停留过去时光

    Because when I weep over, I will discover: Your ray of light always let me feel the existent meaning, but the sorrow will stay around the past time only gradually.


  • 再不愿意时光生命里流逝去,多停留啊!

    I don't want to let the time from our life goes on to, want to let it stay!


  • 尽量双脚跑道上停留最短。空中急速冲下,从地面快速

    I let my feet spend as little time on the ground as possible. From the air, fast down, and from the ground, fast up.


  • 尽量双脚跑道上停留最短。空中急速冲下,从地面快速

    I let my feet spend as little time on the ground as possible. From the air, fast down, and from the ground, fast up.


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