• 人们平躺这个扫描设备中,他们观看不同产品品牌然后提出有关问题

    People lying inside the scanners are shown different products or brands and then asked questions about them.


  • 测试产品时,马特奥康纳装备创始人(公关第一次弹出式”艺术才开始了打造自己品牌,仅仅占其中的十分之一。

    Matt O’Connor, the outfit’s founder (and a PR man), says his first pop-up let him launch his brand for a tenth of the normal cost, while testing product ideas.


  • 目前为止我们一直在讨论物联网如何产品经理品牌经理受益

    So far we've discussed how Internet of Things could benefit product or brand managers.


  • 究竟商场经理打算增加盈利还是某个品牌愿意多花点钱他们推荐产品

    A shop manager who is looking to increase profit margins or a brand that is willing to pay extra to have store staff suggest their products?


  • 类似卡迪尔的展示活动给了奢侈品牌赞助商一个宝贵的机会,他们能够接触富有的顾客以及强大产品协会

    Showpiece events such as the Cartier day offer luxury brand sponsors valuable exposure to an affluent clientele and unrivalled product associations.


  • 本书描述了Jobs怎么改造了Apple简约品牌拳头产品成为顾客所好。

    The book describes how Jobs went about simplifying Apple's brand and focusing in on the key products that consumers wanted.


  • 然后构想执行,包括创造出众产品带来很高利润空间品牌认同包括产品利润最大化商业模式

    Then he conceives and executes not only differentiated products that yield high margin and high brand recognition, but also business models that will exploit them most profitably.


  • 品牌是个关键一旦人们爱上品牌,他们一辈子都会买你的产品

    The brand is the key. Once you have sold someone your brand, you can sell a lifetime's worth of products.


  • 如果日立一样企业名字放在产品上,想以此获利将会困难的,因为一个品牌来备注所有的产品本身就是一件十分困难的事情

    When you put your corporate name on everything, as Hitachi does, it's difficult to make money because it's difficult to make the brand stand for anything.


  • 苹果专注提升产品人们再次接受品牌,想办法让品牌唤起种情感故事

    It was just focused on bringing up the product and making people wear the brand again and how the brand is aligning to this particular feeling and story.


  • 这个结果品牌本身所带来影响力减少了:最经NIELSEN调查报告发现,60%以上的消费者认为商店普通产品品牌店的产品质量一样。

    The result is that brands matter less: a recent Nielsen survey found that more than sixty per cent of consumers think that storesgeneric products are equal in quality to brand-name ones.


  • 请注意AdvancedSearch选项可以细化每个目标搜索例如将搜索限定IBM产品某个特定品牌

    Note the Advanced search option, which lets you tailor your search for each target, such as limiting the search to a specific brand of IBM products.


  • 能够人们品牌你的产品联系到一起,logo配色风格可视化属性应当具有同一性。

    By "brand," I mean all of the visual attributes that people associate with your product: logo, colors, style, etc.


  • 虽然产品置入一直看作名人模特穿着品牌服饰有效途径,Weardrobe更相信Xie所说的“细微式产品置入”的作用。

    Product placement has traditionally been seen as a way to get celebrities and models to wear branded clothing, but Weardrobe believes in the power of what Xie calls "micro product placement."


  • 品牌建立选择创建人以为通过选择配合某些产品神秘性自己一点。

    Branding builds on this by giving you the option to create the person you think you are through choosing to align yourself with the mystique of certain products.


  • 个人品牌可以相同产品海洋脱颖而出

    A personal brand gives you the ability to stand out in a sea of similar products.


  • 大多数品牌公司设有网站来提供他们产品讯息以及网上商店顾客舒舒服服自己家里购物。

    Most big name companies have wed sites offering information on their products and online stores allowing shoppers to purchase them in the comfort of their homes.


  • 大多数品牌公司设有网站来提供他们产品讯息以及网上商店顾客舒舒服服自己家里购物。

    Most big name companies have wedsites offering information on their products and online stores allowing shoppers to purchase them in the comfort of their homes.


  • 营销为了客户了解考虑产品品牌公司做的努力。

    Marketing is what you do to let customers know about and think about your product, brand, or company.


  • 品牌名称一样,包装体现产品价值人们对产品记忆深刻。

    Like brand names, packages should evoke the product's image and communicate its value.


  • 买家往往一个品牌买单,而中国上海食品饮料展览会产品质量提升产品升级最佳平台

    Buyers tend to pay for a good brand and food and beverage exhibition in Shanghai, China is providing the best platform allowing you to promote your product quality and upgrade your products.


  • 公司不但生产自有品牌产品同时客户生产OEMOD M订单我们自己真诚服务每一个客户满意

    Our company not only produce products by own brand, but also accept OEM, ODM order by customers. We will satisfied your order by our faithful service.


  • 有限空间无限时尚量身定做,务求使品牌形象得到充分的展示观众产品更深认识

    With limited space, unlimited fashion tailor-made for you to ensure that your company's brand image is fully displayed, so that the audience right products have a deeper understanding.


  • 优质漂亮的康龙品牌产品欢乐带给天下所有孩子们

    So beautiful Kanglong quality brand products for all the joy the children bring to the world!


  • 知名品牌化妆品价格相对容易人接受所以经常认为奢侈品消费入门产品

    Branded cosmetics, with their accessible price points, are often perceived as gateway products to luxury spending.


  • 因此我们这些商铺发出资料性信函商铺认识品牌商品请求他们停止售卖该等产品

    Thus a letter was sent on an informational basis to let these stores know about the products they were carrying, and by asking them to stop selling those items.


  • 我们倾向于产品我们自己的品牌

    Our preference is to give the product in our own brand name.


  • 我们倾向于产品我们自己的品牌

    Our preference is to give the product in our own brand name.


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