• 说,当 a)对正在学习的东西感兴趣并且喜欢它,b)能控制所学的东西,c)接受有挑战性、让你努力思考的任务时,大脑的变化是最剧烈的。

    He says that brain change is strongest when a) you are interested in and like what you are learning, b) you are in control of what you learn and c) you get challenging tasks that make you think hard.


  • 这个伟大的秘密诀窍一件简单通过添加一些喜欢的小玩意,个性十足。

    The great secret trick is to buy a simple Evening Dresses and make it personalized with you by adding the things you love.


  • 如果一般情况下喜欢在不用电脑时候关机是否会时常会忘掉这件事然后开着呢?

    If you normally like to power off your PC when you're not using it, do you ever forget and leave it on?


  • 感到鼓舞因为感觉是很喜欢请求并且请求事情也没有什么不对的。

    It's encouraging as it lets the person know you like the idea (of course, only say this if you do like it) and there's nothing wrong about it.


  • 促进了销售客户喜欢

    It builds sales and makes customers love you.


  • 也许知道但是如果喜欢摄影,可能发现有时遵守一法则照片看起来

    You might not know it, but if you're into photography, you might have noticed how better it looks than not following this rule in some cases.


  • 如果喜欢这件很难完成,与其消耗时间还不如其他有用的

    If it’s not something to love and it has to get done anyway it’s just eating up the time you could be using on something amazing.


  • 其实可以精简一些(可以只有条戒律),但是我却喜欢所列出这张——他时刻提醒我所尝试不同事情

    Actually, I could simplify even more (you could get away with just one commandment) but I like my list -it helps remind me of different things I'm trying to do.


  • 史蒂夫确实独特的天赋因为真的可以表现这种再一次约会世界耻辱而且使有趣。”导演,“他获得成功,但你喜欢看他有点羞愧的样子。”

    "Steve's got a unique gift, because he can really show the humiliation of being this guy who's thrust into the dating world again, and still make it funny," says Requa.


  • 是的,喜欢,但是现在不要,我只是告诉,知道喜欢做这件事情.

    i like to tap the word, dont ask me to do it.that's just for the talking, for your to figure out.


  • 那些喜欢用不着东东随去吧

    Let go of the stuff that you don't love and don't use that gets in the way of stuff that is important -which isn't really stuff at all, is it?


  • 那些喜欢用不着东东随去吧

    Let go of the stuff that you don't love and don't use that gets in the way of stuff that is important - which isn't really stuff at all, is it?


  • 找到一个自己喜欢锻炼方法并且经常不要为了减肥自己身体抗争而去做运动。锻炼可以的身体更加健康强健因为感到舒适

    Find a method of exercise that you enjoy and do it regularly. Don't exercise to lose weight or to fight your body. Do it to make your body healthy and strong and because it makes you feel good.


  • 商店时,有时店员品尝某些东西样品以便决定是否喜欢

    When you go to the store, sometimes they will let you taste a sample of something to decide if you like it.


  • 吃了反正也不喜欢

    Let's have it. You hate them, anyway.


  • 希望喜欢并且知道网站布局中。

    I hope you like it, and if you want to use it for your website please let me know.


  • 真的很喜欢这个杯子总是宝宝杯子具有创造性

    I really love these cups. They are a creative way to keep up with your child's cup.


  • 提些慈父般的劝告吧倘若喜欢的话但愿如实

    Let me give you a little fatherly advice. If you don't like it, I wish you would say so.


  • 喜欢因为感觉和斯塔夫一样温和不过有很多泡沫皮肤觉得真正洗得干净

    I like it becomes it feels as gentle as a Cetaphil but foams just enough so your skin actually feels clean.


  • 喜欢时尚,我觉得非常重要因为展现自我全世界的。

    I love fashion. I think it's so important, because it's how you show yourself to the world.


  • 我们喜欢是因为我们看起来很棒。我们分享我们秘诀找到梦寐以求牛仔裤

    We love them because they make us look great. And we're going to share our secrets for making sure your next pair is your dream pair.


  • 如果丰富的,那么大概”,白日梦什么喜欢丰富。

    "What if I were rich, what would it belike" and you allow yourself to daydream about what it would be like being rich.


  • 会削减作为人类尊严别人喜欢

    It only compromises your dignity as a human being and makes others dislike you.


  • 为了安静下来喜欢解决方法什么

    What's your favorite way to silence it?


  • 因此希望喜欢再次知道是否发现任何错误这样就可以完善其他人到来

    So I hope you like it and again, let me know if you find any errors so I can perfect it for other people that come along.


  • 也许一点儿喜欢慢慢渗透的之中

    You like it to sort of slowly seep into people maybe a little bit more?


  • 喜欢拍照因为一个有创造力的爱好注意周围世界

    I like photography because it's a creative hobby and it makes you notice the world around you.


  • 喜欢拍照因为一个有创造力的爱好注意周围世界

    I like photography because it's a creative hobby and it makes you notice the world around you.


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