• 他们机会他们降落伞很高地方而不受到伤害。

    They also have access to parachutes that allow them to jump from high places without getting hurt.


  • 小伙子们竞相争着要同曲吉格舞只感到好笑——仅此而已;他们闹得了,责备他们

    The struggles and wrangles of the lads for her hand in a jig were an amusement to her—no more; and when they became fierce she rebuked them.


  • 它们来自不同背景的人们提供一个机会让他们接触雄蜂羚、鲑鱼等多种动物,从而更好地了解我们生活自然世界

    They afford an opportunity for people from all backgrounds to encounter a range of animals from drone bees to springbok or salmon to better understand the natural world we live in.


  • 斑点和条纹四个月大的时候,他们正在学习如何开门和栅栏,我们知道是时候让他们离开了。

    When Spot and Stripe were four months old, they were learning how to open doors and jump fences, and we knew it really was time for them to go.


  • 建议家长与其孩子们到外面还不如他们房子周围一个小时左右的舞。

    Instead of telling parents to send their kids outside to play, suggest dancing around the house for an hour, she said.


  • 他们啊~啊~啊~直到深夜,美妙宴会结交的朋友每个人都感到焕然一新

    They ate and danced and sang well into the night, refreshed by the feast and their new-found friends.


  • 他们试着或者山,想到都行

    Have them try jumping, running, human pyramids or whatever comes to mind.


  • 有一天,等回到汤姆看看老爸现在模样,会他们一大

    Some day I'd scare hell out of Tom and Lise by going home and showing them what their daddy looked like.


  • 对付詹姆斯韦德的办法基本上总是一样尽力他们远离篮圈如果他们投的话,那祈求上帝保佑吧因为根本阻止不了他们

    The book on James and Wade has always been roughly the same: Do your best to keep them away from the rim, but if they're making their jump shots, pray for mercy, because you're not going to stop them.


  • 那条长长的门厅空荡荡他们一支很棒的波尔卡因为劳瑞的舞很棒,他教乔德国舞步,德国舞步的旋转心花怒放。

    The hall was empty, and they had a grand polka, for Laurie danced well, and taught her the German step, which delighted Jo being full of swing and spring.


  • 上帝选民一切毫不知情吗?他们突然间出现历史中,以至于上帝一大

    Does it mean that God did not know anything about any of the non-elect, that their sudden appearance in history was a surprise to him?


  • 荧光不会突然成为超级舞者,所以不要他们

    At all. Phat pants don't make you suddenly pro, so don't expect to get very good once you get them.


  • 导演埃莱娜靠近一伙穿着毕业礼服姿势照相学生鼓励他们我一起

    The director, Helene, asked me to approach a group of students posing in their graduation gowns and encourage them to start dancing with me.


  • 于是就拖着拉开窗户了下去,他们时候,还听见”里的人大大叫着“竟然跑了”。

    And then, she opened the window and jumped out of the bus with the scared boy. While they were jumping, he heard "man" shouted "he was gone" loudly in the bus.


  • 他们看见吓了一立即转身沿着河床消失得无影无踪,自己恶相后悔不迭

    The sight of the knife startled them, and caused them to turn aside and quickly disappear down the bed of the stream, leaving me to regret the hostile appearance I must have presented.


  • 臭虫甚至不到5毫米不能不能然而他们房主老板感到害怕

    They are not even five millimeters long and cannot fly or jump. Yet bedbugs strike fear in homeowners and business owners.


  • 于是就拖着拉开窗户了下去,他们时候,还听见”里的人大大叫着“竟然跑了”。

    After that, she opened the bus window and grasped him to jump off the bus. While jumping off, he heard people in the bus shouted "can't believe we let him go".


  • 新娘他们来了,便:“钻石戒指魔力使这些蛙游戏吧!”

    The bride saw them coming and said, "By the power of the diamond, let those men play leapfrog."


  • 新娘他们来了,便:“钻石戒指魔力使这些蛙游戏吧!”

    The bride saw them coming and said, "By the power of the diamond, let those men play leapfrog."


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