• 下面步骤将引导如何模块调用基于SOAP 的后台Web服务完成场景 #1

    The following steps teach you how to make the mediation module invoke a SOAP-based back end web service to complete scenario #1.


  • 博物馆没有很多兴趣的东西。

    There wasn't much in the museum to hold my attention.


  • 辩论不会任何人占上风

    She can hold her own against anybody in an argument.


  • 卡特做了什么人群如此显眼

    What had Cutter done to make him stick out from the crowd?


  • 呼吸酒精气味恶心

    I was repelled by the smell of drink on his breath.


  • 过去总是孩子明白生活如果他们努力成功

    I had always impressed upon the children that if they worked hard they would succeed in life.


  • 莫斯科争端担当间人

    She wanted him to act as an intermediary in the dispute with Moscow.


  • 难以接受的遇难者很多孩子

    It's a sad fact that many of those killed were children.


  • 学校无可指摘的目的家长更多的参与到孩子教育来。

    The school's unexceptionable purpose is to involve parents more closely in the education of their children.


  • 一选项日期内容文件摘要当前目录查找文件

    This option lets you search your current directory for files by date, contents, and document summary.


  • 拟议计划不会所有人都满意

    The proposed plan will not satisfy everyone.


  • 教给学生一些方法,他们整个学习过程可以反复使用

    Students are taught a number of skills that can be reapplied throughout their studies.


  • 这些微生物可以土壤植物生长所需的氮含量增加冬天植物保持活跃

    These microbes enable the soil to have more nitrogen, which plants need to live and they remain quite active during the winter.


  • 就是莴苣姑娘孤独自己甜美的声音回响,以此来消磨时光

    This was Rapunzel, who in her solitude passed her time in letting her sweet voice resound.


  • 我们可以我们恐惧得到启示,世界陷入混乱。

    We can take the cue from our fears and plunge the world into chaos.


  • 它们可以提供有用的概览——航拍可以熟悉课程遇到主要景观特征

    They can provide a useful overviewan aerial map, as it were, to familiarize you with the main landscape features to be encountered during a course.


  • 身体每个细胞产生更多更强线粒体强大生活一切都有耐力!

    Your body creates more and stronger mitochondria in each of your cells, making you more powerful and giving you more endurance for everything in your life!


  • 世界贸易组织获胜——这个案子巴西——失败国收进口税

    WTO rules let the winning countryin this case of Braziltax imports from the losing country.


  • 作品图形自行移动

    He got the shapes in his constructions to move by themselves.


  • 拒绝低的奖励团队其他成员非常清楚这种感觉

    Refusing a lesser reward completely makes these feelings abundantly clear to other members of the group.


  • 也许保持一侧大脑清醒可以睡眠动物偶尔浮出水面,避免溺水

    Perhaps keeping one side of the brain awake allows a sleeping animal to surface occasionally to avoid drowning.


  • 孩子们不仅要觉得自己遵守这些规则而且他们应该集体其他人同样遵守。

    Children not only feel they should obey these rules themselves, but also that they should make others in the group do the same.


  • 许多谚语人们想起文化重要价值观

    Many proverbs remind people of the values that are important in the culture.


  • 达琳太太少有沉默孩子们上床睡觉,点亮了他们的夜灯

    Mrs. Darling had put the children to bed in unwonted silence and lit their night-lights.


  • 最近一个项目一些常见蔬菜运用实验植物生长

    One of his latest projects has been to make plants grow in experiments using some common vegetables.


  • 蛋糕烤箱取出,盘里冷却分钟

    Remove the cake from the oven and let cool in the pan for 5 minutes.


  • 将教会他们理解同情他人——这些品质肯定他们人生走得很远。

    This teaches them to be understanding of and sympathetic towards othersqualities sure to take them a long way in life.


  • 试图颠覆传统学生真正参与课程来。

    This is trying to reverse tradition and actually get students in and engaged in the course.


  • 表面行为情绪劳动典型例子作家杰西·齐默尔2015年的一篇文章人们熟悉概念

    Surface acting is a prime example of "emotional labor," a concept that the writer Jess Zimmerman made familiar in a 2015 essay.


  • 表面行为情绪劳动典型例子作家杰西·齐默尔2015年的一篇文章人们熟悉概念

    Surface acting is a prime example of "emotional labor," a concept that the writer Jess Zimmerman made familiar in a 2015 essay.


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