• 一年一生改变。真的样子的吧。

    That year, let life, change. Is really like this!


  • 想到这个问题,我是否愿意一生,在体验机器上度过时?

    But when I think about the question, would I want to spend my life? Hooked up to an experience machine?


  • 笑着面对埋怨悠然随缘注定一生改变的,百年一朵花开时间

    Smiling face, not to complain, carefree, along with the gender, fate, doomed to let life change, only in one hundred, after the flower bloom time.


  • 追求进步才是真正生活目的一生追求中度过吧,那么一生里必定许多美好的时刻

    Only the pursuit of progress can be life's true goal. If you spend all your life in the pursuit, then you will experience many great moments in your life.


  • 孩子快乐首要目标,她成绩的极度关注完全是因为帮助孩子找到真正一生充实完整的“载体”,正如自己经历的那样。

    But Chua says her children's happiness is her primary goal; her intense focus on achievement is simply, she says, "the vehicle" to help them find, as she has, genuine fulfillment in a life's work.


  • 孩子快乐首要目标,她成绩的极度关注完全是因为帮助孩子找到真正一生充实完整的“载体”,正如自己经历的那样。

    "But Chua says her children's happiness is her primary goal; her intense focus on achievement is simply, she says," the vehicle "to help them find, as she has, genuine fulfillment in a life's work."


  • 那场事故一生都不想开车

    The accident put her off driving for life.


  • 如果知道一生这样结果,我早就他们杀了

    If I had known my life was going to turn out like this, I would have let them kill me.


  • 想是长相,他的演技,他短暂一生也许还有在电影中扮演角色类型今天依然是个传奇

    I guess his looks, his acting ability, his short life, and maybe the type of character he played in his movies made him the legend he still is today.


  • 马可尼花了一生的时间无线通讯变得简单易用

    Marconi spent his whole life making wireless communication simple to use.


  • 莫里哀一部戏剧有名的故事:主人公告知一生在讲散文作者主人公表达无限喜悦

    There is a well-known incident in one of Moliere's plays, where the author makes the hero express unbounded delight on being told that he had been talking prose during the whole of his life.


  • 一生拥有轻松节奏,内心欲无

    Let me have relax rhythm all my life and have nothing extravagent hopes incentre.


  • 倍感幸运的是,我偶然的翻阅《佛经》改变了一生

    I was all gladness to 'chance' upon the sutra that changed my life.


  • 一生中,系统的运行会一个系统停止

    In life, the turning on of one system prompts the shutting down of the other.


  • 花费了生命两个小时来欣赏这部电影,无论是手绘或者是电脑设计图,迷恋一生

    I lost two hours of my life in that movie but gained a lifetime of fascination with special effects, whether handmade or CGI.


  • 成功重担重新起步轻松替代任何事情都不再特别看重,感觉如此自由进入一生最有创造力阶段

    The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods in my life.


  • 他们要求选择什么专业,上哪个地方学校,甚至你现在就想好一生将要做什么...这时问:“怎么会知道呢???”

    They are asking you to pick your major in college, decide where you want to go to school, decide what you want to do with your life... The question you might have is, "How the heck should I know???


  • 浪漫爱情可以持续一生可以双方关系更融洽,更牢固更健康

    Romantic love can last a lifetime and lead to even happier, stronger and healthier relationships.


  • 婚姻一生承诺那么为什么那种亲密的关系你们婚后就停止了呢?

    Marriage is a lifelong commitment, so why would intimacy stop once you're married?


  • 不想人们觉得如果婴儿没有得到这个他们一生都会受影响。

    I don't want to give the impression that if babies don't get this they're marked for life.


  • 大多数一生明白是什么他的心脏跳动大脑思考想象力飞跃

    Many people will go through their whole life without ever realizing what it is that gets their heart pumping, mind racing, and juices flowing.


  • 忍不住哭起来,”52岁的卡回忆,“满脑子一生伤心,她独自一个人离开人世人难过。”

    "I couldn't stop myself from crying," recalls Kashi, 52. "all I could think of was the sadness of her life, of dying alone."


  • 忍不住哭起来,”52岁的卡回忆,“满脑子一生伤心,她独自一个人离开人世人难过。”

    I couldn’t stop myself from crying, ” recalls Kashi, 52. “All I could think of was the sadness of her life, of dying alone.”


  • 懂得自爱,”简洁地回答,“我不想现在事情了我的一生。”

    "I love myself," she answered simply. "I do not want to let my life be destroyed by what I'm doing now."


  • 虽然这个男孩总是能够精确地正确时刻出现真正技巧在于这个小男孩一副客户6岁时的相,然后的脸相在一生每年都随着年龄的增长而变化

    The boy would always know exactly the right moment to emerge, but the real trick was giving him the client's six-year-old face, and aging him over a full lifetime as the year progressed.


  • 提供教导孩子辨别是非机制”——我认为也是一种机制,那些相信的人趋势成为一生害怕地狱神经质

    It provides "a mechanism to teach our children right from wrong" -a mechanism that those who have been subjected to it tend to describe as a neurotic lifelong fear of going to Hell.


  • 进入一个孩子生活中特别是如果他们处境危险,可以你们一生联系在一起。

    Getting involved in one child's life, especially if they are at-risk, helps you both make connections throughout your lifetime.


  • 这个发光人用非语言沟通,一个问题评估自己一生他回顾一生主要事件活动画面。

    This being nonverbally asks him a question to make him evaluate his life and shows him a panoramic replay of the major events of his life.


  • 尽管约翰·帕顿并不是再婚的理想丈夫至少,她可以逃脱像现在这样无休无止争吵,一生都成了惨痛的悲剧。

    John Parton was not the man she wanted as a husband if she married again, but she would at least be away from this unending quarreling.It was making her whole life one great tragedy.


  • 尽管约翰·帕顿并不是再婚的理想丈夫至少,她可以逃脱像现在这样无休无止争吵,一生都成了惨痛的悲剧。

    John Parton was not the man she wanted as a husband if she married again, but she would at least be away from this unending quarreling.It was making her whole life one great tragedy.


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