• 我们应该正确认识网络充分利用这样我们能够受益而不是阻止我们进步

    We should have a correct awareness of the internet and make good use of itso that it can benefit us instead of keeping us from improvement.


  • 正确认识网络环境正确分析网络二重拟态环境基础

    So a correct understanding of the network environment is based on knowing the network double pseudo-environment.


  • 首先认识网络正反面影响然后引导健康上网

    Let first deaf living the front and back of understanding network influence, then leading deaf living health get to the Internet.


  • 我们应该正确而客观认识网络对于道德教育价值作用

    The significance and functions of moral education based on internet should be under serious consideration.


  • 实践中克服网络犯罪神秘化倾向正确认识网络犯罪本质

    In judicial practice, we should overcome the tendency of mystifying the cyber crime and grasp its essence correctly.


  • 研究认识网络交往这种新的交往方式特征及其人类生活影响十分必要的。

    Therefore, it is necessary and significant to study the characteristics of Internet communication and its influences on human life.


  • 所以我们应该正确认识网络学习充分利用这样我们能够受益而不是阻止我们进步

    So, we should have a correct awareness of online learning and make good use of it, so that it can benefit us instead of keeping us from improvement.


  • 因此如何认识网络对在校大学生学习能力培养所产生影响成为一个值得关注的热点问题

    Therefore, how to understand the influence of the Internet on students' study and ability has become an issue deserving intense attention.


  • 得到信息进一步认识网络动态性质极有帮助并且将指导人们从事下一代网络开发研究

    The obtained information can help us to understand the dynamic nature of network, and direct us to perform the further exploration and research in network.


  • 通过模型进行深入的分析获得了一些有意义启示正确认识网络消费者决策行为提供了理论指导

    Some significant enlightenment is obtained by analyzing the model, which provides theoretical guidance for correctly recognizing the consumer's decision behavior.


  • 几乎认识每个人都一定程度上沉迷于网络。”托尼·施瓦茨在《纽约时报》上写道

    "Nearly everyone I know is addicted in some measure to the Internet," wrote Tony Schwartz in The New York Times.


  • 拥有良好人际网络不用耗费时间认识的人随机群发电邮购买线索行业名单或者上百的简历中挑出合适应聘者

    Well networked people don't have to waste time firing off random emails to people they don't know, buying leads or industry lists, or hunting through hundreds of resumes for the right candidate.


  • 利用交际网络找工作时,不要单单只考虑认识

    When it comes to networking though, there's more to consider than simply who you know.


  • 论文最后阐述了网站建设流程认识,分析网络存在各种漏洞以及解决办法

    Have explain my understanding of website construction procedure at the end of the thesis, has analysed various kinds of loophole and solution existing in the network.


  • 静息状态默认脑活动网络确切做什么的被完全认识似乎与人们在履行一个任务投入多少努力资源有关

    Exactly what this network does is not fully understood, but it seems to be related to how much effort or resources the brain is prepared to put into performing a task.


  • 不论是线上还是线下的,本质都是互动进行社交网络用户营销时候需要这样的认识

    Whether its online or in person, your dealing with human interaction and you need to have that mentality when marketing to social networking users.


  • 一旦加入网络可以浏览成员列表搜索认识

    Once you join a network, you can browse through the list of members and search for people you know.


  • 随着我们认识更多人,交更多的朋友我们正在建立以及用于分享社交网络正在一天天大。

    The social networks that each of us are building and sharing our causes with are becoming larger each day as we friend and follow a growing number of people.


  • 美国兴建高网络时,必须认识到本土铁路环境其他高铁国家的环境存在真实差异

    In the creation of an HSR network in the United States, it must be recognized that there are real differences between the American rail system and those found in other countries with HSR.


  • 执行一些任务所需某些表面上看起来比较奇怪步骤令人费解的,除非认识Linux期望网络其他Linux系统协同执行这些任务。

    Some of the seemingly bizarre steps required to perform some tasks are inexplicable until you realize that Linux expects to perform these tasks on a network in cooperation with other Linux systems.


  • 过去Friend . ly花了多数时间里开发一个认识朋友社交网络,但是成效不大

    For much of the past year, Friend.ly has worked on developing its service, a social network for meeting new people, without much success.


  • A-active(热度),为了读者感受到认真对待社交网络并且认识它确实对你你的图书馆起到作用,你必须保持一定的活跃度。

    A-active, in order for your library patrons to view you as being serious about your social networking and for it to work for you and your library, you need to use it on a regular basis.


  • 指出,“市场营销人员必须认识到,社交网络不同于广告牌——某个可以自由购买放置信息空白空间。”

    She noted that, "Marketers need to recognize that a social media presence is not a billboard: it's not an empty space that you can buy and slap your message on."


  • 例如可以使用这个API探索朋友网络认识兴趣的、受欢迎Twitter用户

    For example, you can also use the API to explore your friends networks and identify the most popular Twitter users of interest to you.


  • 后来开始认识到,Wallstrip图像已成为网络标识

    But then I started to realize that the Wallstrip avatar was becoming my online identity.


  • 后来开始认识到,Wallstrip图像已成为网络标识

    But then I started to realize that the Wallstrip avatar was becoming my online identity.


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