• 特种债权优先权具有担保性质民事权利自己独特的范围认定原则

    The priority of special obligatory right is a kind of civil right with nature of guaranty, having its unique scope and affirmative principle.


  • 侵权责任法专章规定医疗损害责任,有利于明确医疗损害责任主体、医疗损害责任的认定原则

    Tort liability Act provides special chapter of medical damages for defining the body of medical liability and the principle of identification.


  • 目前我国方面立法上存在着一些空白尤其是专利侵权认定原则缺乏相应法律依据

    At present, our country also has some blanks in this aspect legislation, in the patent right infringement recognized in particular in principle lacks the corresponding legal basis.


  • 认定排除危害标准上,学者法官们认为原则,排除危害判断标准严格赔偿损失标准。

    Against the standards that rule out the possibility, scholars and judges believe that, in principle, ruled out against the criteria of strict standards on compensation for the loss.


  • 本文讨论语言表达正误和正误认定原则

    This article attempts to discuss correct and erroneous expressions in language and the principles of error identification.


  • 然而,路权原则交通安全管理研究实践往往被滥用在交通事故责任认定表现得尤为突出。

    Howe ver, the road rights' principles are often abused in the research and practice of traffic security management, specifically in the endorsement of traffic accident responsibility.


  • 法学理论方面,我们必须首先正视禁止权利滥用原则重要地位其次什么权利滥用作出准确认定

    In the jurisprudence, we must first address the prohibition of abuse of rights principle of importance, followed by identifying the precision what is the abuse of rights.


  • 处理建设工程施工合同纠纷中重要莫过于合同效力认定处理原则

    In dealing with these disputes, the most important is the homologation of the validity of a contract and the principle of management.


  • 我国相关的规章条例司法实践倾向于对网络服务提供商责任认定适用疏忽责任原则

    There is a tendency to apply the negligence liability principle for ISP in rules and regulations on Internet and judicial practice in china.


  • 本文医用耗材节约认定原则措施三个方面探讨了医用耗材资源节约的内容方法

    The content and method of the economy of medical expendable are discussed from three aspects including its determine, principles and steps.


  • 希望借由本文提出共同受贿故意推定原则对因无法认定亲属共同受贿故意,从而放纵犯罪现象,起到遏制作用。

    The writer hope that the principle of the presumption of relatives common accepting bribes deliberately can reduce and contain the the phenomenons of indulgencing crime.


  • 无论从构成要件认定,还是责任承担的安排上,均推导出雇主责任过错推定原则合理性

    The rationality of the principle of presumptive fault liability of employers can be deduced from the determination of the constitutive requirements as well as the arrangement of liability bearing.


  • 未经反垄断行政执法程序认定涉嫌垄断的行为提起反垄断民事诉讼,法院原则应予受理

    If an action is brought against behavior suspected of monopoly which is not yet confirmed by the administrative procedure, the court should accept the case in principle.


  • 第三部分讨论我国《保险法关于人身保险利益原则规定以及保险利益的认定实务,并对此提出了改进相关规定的看法。

    With regard to principle of insurable interest in life insurance, whether it is an effect element of insurance contracts, different scholars have different ide.


  • 认定销售侵犯注册商标专用权商品行为归责原则和反向假冒行为性质的问题一直存在着争议

    There has been dispute on the ascertainment of two problems for a long time. One is the liability principle of selling the goods, which infringes the right of exclusive use of registered trademark.


  • 民事责任认定必须遵循一定的归原则

    The identification of the civil liability should be subject to certain principle of liability attribution.


  • 环境污染犯罪一种新型犯罪,环境污染犯罪的特征决定了因果关系推定原则认定环境污染犯罪因果关系的主流性原则

    Environmental pollution crime is a recently emerging crime. The principle for presuming the crime based on cause-effect relationship has proved a mainstream principle for establishing its nature.


  • 信赖原则过失犯罪认定过失犯罪行为人刑事责任承担等具有重要理论实践意义

    The principle of trust has an important theoretical and practical significance in determining the criminal negligence and investigating the criminal liability of the negligent offenders.


  • 其次重构野生动物致害责任认定其中包括确定了责任的归责原则构成要件免责事由

    Secondly, the reconstruction of a wild animal virulence of Responsibility, including the determination of the principles of Liability, Components, exemptions.


  • 本罪的罪过认定方式上采用严格责任原则

    Strict liability principle should be adopted in judging the crime.


  • 绑架认定掌握主客观结合原则

    The crime of kidnapping should have found a combination of subjective and objective principles.


  • 同时实践中涉及无效房产合同加以简要分析阐述认定房产合同效力遵循原则

    At the same time, a brief analysis is made of the ineffective real estate contracts confronted in practice, explaining the principles to be complied by in judging a real estate contract ineffective.


  • 旋转模切机辊处偏心认定设计计算经验计算与工程计算的一般原则方法

    There are experiential and calculating method for eccentricity calculation and it's decision on urethane anvil-roll of the rotary die-cutter.


  • 证据裁判原则要求法官应当依据证据认定犯罪事实

    The principle of evidentiary adjudication requires judges to find the facts of crimes in accordance with evidence.


  • 自由心制度近现代各国事实认定原则制度。

    The principle of discretional evaluation of evidence is a principle system which was acknowledged by many countries.


  • 自由心制度近现代各国事实认定原则制度。

    The principle of discretional evaluation of evidence is a principle system which was acknowledged by many countries.


- 来自原声例句

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