• 组织坚持认为ISS(国际空间站)用于开发可以商业上应用产品测试那些接近已经上市的产品。

    The organisation also maintains that the ISS should be used to develop products with commercial application and to test those that are either close to or already on the market.


  • 然后研究人员可以接着这些人,他们认为怎样解决这些问题

    You would then ask each group what they thought should be done to solve these problems.


  • 研究小组认为他们的模型可以帮助预测这些活动地带火山热点地区。

    The research team believes their model can help predict volcanic hotspots in these mobile belts.


  • 很多时候人们不会注意一点,因为他们认为不同明暗绿色绘制了图所以草地图块,我可以铺满任何想铺的地方。 我继续画下一个图块。”

    A lot of the time they don't really notice it because they simply think "I have random green dots in a tile, so this is a grass tile, and I can just throw it all over the place...


  • 知道何时道歉:一句“对不起可以很大的作用,即使并不认为你做错了什么或者认同她的说法。

    Know When to Apologize: Saying you're sorry can go a long way, even if you don't necessarily think you did anything wrong or agree.


  • 想法不是认为这些结构单元只是搭乘陨石乘客而是小行星彗星中的化学成分实际上可以制造生物的结构单元。

    The idea isn't that these building blocks are just passengers aboard meteorites, but that the chemistry inside asteroids and comets can actually manufacture the essential building blocks of biology.


  • 萨根认为计划具有科研价值可以周密检查本身从而获取可能有机材料

    Sagan felt that the project also had scientific merit in that the cloud itself could be closely examined for possible organic material.


  • 分析师们关注某个对象时,可以认为目标客户公司投资者们向他们的管理层施加压力,要求解决问题——阐述针对问题建议自然会有人洗耳恭听

    When an analyst flags an issue, you can assume that the target company's investors are pressuring management to resolve it-and that proposals that address the issue will get a hearing.


  • 虽然客户机通常并不认为主流客户机,但是某些环境下可以满足需求

    While generally not considered a mainstream client, for some environments it may just suit your needs.


  • 平台试图跟踪这些项目中的变化以便构建可以注册对子项目任意其它项目(构建器认为项目可能会影响自己构建过程)感兴趣的内容。

    The platform will attempt to track changes in those projects so a builder can register interest in subprojects or any other project it thinks might influence its build process.


  • 阿巴认为增加期货市场透明度可以减少问题

    Abbassian argued that bringing more transparency to commodities futures markets might mitigate this issue.


  • 委员会意见中包括一项拥有2.5%加权风险资产额外反周期缓冲资金,监管者认为信贷失去控制时可以强制起用这些资金。

    The committee has also included an additional counter-cyclical buffer of up to 2.5% of risk-weighted assets, which regulators can impose when they think credit is flowing freely.


  • BAE公司认为设备可以船舶定位雷达系统联合帮助定位设备。

    BAE sees this device as something that could be combined with a ships targeting and radar systems to help aim the device.


  • 可以认为端口抽象端口类型CustInfo具体副本

    You can think of this port as the concrete counterpart of the abstract port type CustInfo.


  • 不是任何开发人员都能够轻松铭记简单bean定义认为如果可以自动化样板配置不错。

    This is not a simple bean definition that any developer can easily remember, and I thought that it would be great if I could automate this boilerplate configuration.


  • 虽然陆克文预测网络可以8年内建立,但业内人士认为过于乐观

    Though Mr Rudd has predicted that the network could be built within eight years, industry insiders think that is wildly optimistic.


  • 如果匹配的话那么接收方可以确定(在当前技术范围认为一直私有密匙保密)消息您发送的。

    If the values match, the recipient can then be certain (within the limits of current technology, and assuming that you've kept your private key secret) that the message is from you.


  • 注意Zope采用奇怪约定确定哪些方法可以通过Web访问如果方法包含一个doc字符串,那么方法可通过 Web 访问;否则认为私有的。

    Note that Zope uses an odd convention to determine which methods are accessible via the Web -- if a method has a doc string, it is Web accessible; otherwise, it's considered private.


  • 对于昂贵商品,搜索查看的人很多但却很少卖出这样可以认为该产品并不符合需求,因此eBay找到合作伙伴销售方提供保险从而使列出的条目增加

    Lots of searches but few sales for an expensive item may signal unmet demand, so eBay will find a partner to offer sellers insurance to increase listings.


  • 黑石集团最近接管运行美银-美林证券亚洲房地产业务大概直到拥有者认为可以足够价格授权出售资产为止。

    Blackstone recently took over running Bank of America-Merrill Lynch's Asian property operations, presumably until its owner feels it can get a high enough price to warrant selling the assets.


  • 尤其是认为事情不大正确或者你对于如何做事自己想法时你可以这样做。

    This is especially so if you think things aren't quite right and you have a different view of how things should be done.


  • 模型涵盖整个市场范围,可卖空(跌价下注以及买进,因此理论认为总是存在某种可以利用趋势

    The model can range across markets and go short (bet on falling prices) as well as long, so the theory is that there will always be some kind of trend to exploit.


  • 可以说动那些不热心议员的是认为该属征收于富人累进税。

    The tax could be sold to reluctant legislators as a progressive tax on the wealthy.


  • 产生信息实际测试中,的确可以比率增大一点但是认为可能负载生成服务器中碰到CPU的限制

    In the actual test on which this information is based, I may have actually been able to go a little higher, but I think I was getting CPU bound on the load generation servers.


  • 活动组织者行为改变专家史蒂芬·苏普西认为,这样做可以提升员工自信加深信任

    Behavior change specialist and the activity organizer Steven Suphi believes stripping off in the office will help boost employees' confidence and develop trust.


  • 如果某个特性没有列出中,可以认为特性存在于所列所有版本(大多数情况下)。

    If a feature is not listed in the table, you can assume (for the most part) that the feature exists in all editions included in the table.


  • 说,“她认为她自己唯一结了婚女性另外女子坠入爱河的人。”她没有可以倾诉知道怎么办

    She thought she was the only married woman ever to have fallen in love with another woman, and had no one to talk to, didn't know where to turn.


  • 这个数据中可以看出组织认为苹果公司在避免冲突矿产销售节能产品杜绝采用危险材料方面做非常出色。

    That said, the group said Apple has done a better job of avoiding conflict minerals, selling energy-efficient products, and removing hazardous materials from its devices.


  • 此外,虽然BBC播放,但令人气愤的津巴布韦的邻国,没有影院认为这部电影适合上映,电影可以立刻阻止穆加贝的行为。

    A shocking postscript is that although the film has been screened by the BBC, no cinema in neighbouring South Africa, which could stop Mr Mugabe in his tracks, has yet seen fit to air it.


  • 官方认为结果处在可以接受范围

    Officials deemed this to be within acceptable limits.


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