• 根据最近项调查工作依赖信息技术支持员工认为信息技术是工作不满度主要来源

    According to a recent survey, employees who have a job reliant on IT support consider IT a major source of job dissatisfaction.


  • 我们认为信息交流会我们双方有利

    We think the information exchange would benefit both of us.


  • 认为信息会是一个非常重要因素

    MM: I think that information is going to be a very important factor.


  • 例如业界很久之前就认为信息交流软件开发至关重要

    For example, the industry has known for a long time that communication is critical on software projects.


  • 认为信息透明度自愿性这个项目成功非常关键

    I feel that the level of transparency and the volunteering of information is crucial in the success of this project.


  • 我们倾向认为信息透明公众有好处保密有权势者有利

    We tend to believe that transparency serves the public good, and secrecy the interests of the powerful.


  • 研究信息产品价值分配认为信息产品的价值分配具有多维性合理性

    Information product value allotment is multidimensional and rationality after studying the value allotment of it.


  • 很少承认这样事情因为认为信息接受者它看做欺骗或者让你自己变得不可信了。

    You're less likely to admit such things because you think the recipient of your message is going to see that as a deception, or you're not credible.


  • 我们认为信息集成这些维系一起的关键我们DB 2产品客户提供实现一点的框架

    We think information integration is the key to tying this together, and our DB2 products provide customers with a framework to do this.


  • 通过信息消费者信息利用过程分析认为信息价值在于我们提供选择权利自由

    Through an analysis of the information consumption course, the author believes that information value lies in the right and freedom of option attached to the information itself.


  • 问题在于,学者们一般认为信息作用潜意识的——这意味着即使我们真的使用进行交流,我们自己也不会知道

    Problem is, the effects of pheromones are thought to be subconscious - meaning that if we do communicate using them, we sure don't know it.


  • 正如传统经济学家想当然地认为存在着完美的市场自由竞争一样,穆勒自由党人也认为信息自由流通不言而喻事实。

    The assumption of Mill and the Liberals was that there was a free flow of intelligence just as the classical economists assumed a perfect market and free competition.


  • 近期,牛津大学物理学VlatkoVedral审慎地论证认为信息组成宇宙基本单位宇宙本身就是巨大量子计算器的理论。

    Now Vlatko Vedral, an Oxford physicist, examines the claim that bits of information are the universe's basic units, and the universe as a whole is a giant quantum computer.


  • 拉维认为解决办法在于大脑接受忽略视觉信息能力

    Lavie thinks the solution lies in the brain's ability to accept or ignore visual information.


  • 一些研究者认为睡眠对于陈述性记忆例如:牵扯到事实信息记忆)的巩固没有影响

    Some researchers contend that sleep plays no role in the consolidation of declarative memory (i.e., memory involving factual information).


  • 利用这些信息扁桃体情景进行了评估,认为只狗要冲过来,所以通过全身发出神经信号触发反应

    Using this information, the amygdala appraised a situationI think this charging dog wants to bite me—and triggers a response by radiating nerve signals throughout the body.


  • 过去周里争论说明这种精细信息对于广告商价值:广告商是否可以认为用户愿意跟踪投放行为广告

    In the past couple of weeks a quarrel has illustrated the value to advertisers of such fine-grained information: Should advertisers assume that people are happy to be tracked and sent behavioural ads?


  • 消费者保护组织家长们认为孩子们在很大程度上没有足够的能力识别这些技术,而且经常牺牲产品信息为代价来夸大其词

    Consumer protection groups and parents believe that children are largely ill-equipped to recognize such techniques and that often exaggeration is used at the expense of product information.


  • 通过提供的具体证据线索来推断认为作者掌握信息

    You infer information you feel the writer has invited you to grasp by presenting you with specific evidence and clues.


  • 他们认为经验主义时代文化信息通常来自人类学家这些人类学家带来预先包装好的有意识无意识偏见

    They argue that information about cultures during the empiricist era typically came from anthropologists who brought with them a prepackaged set of conscious and unconscious biases.


  • 虽然事实证明给好奇定义很难,但大家普遍认为一种收集信息手段

    While pinning down a definition has proven tricky, the general consensus is it's some means of information gathering.


  • 史佳尔承认:“认为参议员传达信息正确的,我们并不清楚产品什么清楚人们如何选择使用不使用它们。”

    "I think the senator rightly communicated that we had not been clear about what the new products were and how people could choose to use them or not to use them," Scharge admits.


  • 它们纯粹是想象出来的,认为它们揭示了大量关于文化信息以及民间故事文化之间联系我们稍后会谈到。

    They are purely imaginative and so quite revealing, I think anyway, about the culture and the connection between folk tales and culture, which we'll talk about.


  • 认为互联网把双刃剑我们必须网上信息保留怀疑态度。

    As far as I'm concerned, the Internet is a double-edged sword. We must remain skeptical of Internet information.


  • 如果认为违背隐私策略开头信息说明用户可以些什么

    It starts with information on what the user can do if he or she feels you have violated this privacy policy.


  • 虽然各州可以通过关于网上分享儿童信息法律但斯坦伯格认为父母通常适合家庭做出这些决定

    While states could pass laws related to sharing information about children online, Steinberg feels parents themselves are generally best suited to make these decisions for their families.


  • 专家认为通过奖励孩子父母传递这样信息除非得到一些东西,否则工作并不重要

    An expert believes that by rewarding kids, parents are sending a message that work isn't important unless you can get something.


  • 认为人类信息消费者吸收信息需要努力才能做到

    I argue that humans are information consumers, and it takes effort not to absorb information.


  • 根据所掌握信息判断,认为就是他用那辆车

    Putting two and two together, I assume that this was the car he used.


  • 根据所掌握信息判断,认为就是他用那辆车

    Putting two and two together, I assume that this was the car he used.


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