• 针对网格资源这一交易市场提出了改进的网格计算经济模型

    Based on the trading market of the resources in grid, an improved grid computing economic model was proposed.


  • 我们基于层次模型抽象所有者模型计算经济模型提出一种通用抽象的网格资源管理模型

    We brought forward a general abstract grid resource management model based on the administrative levels model and abstract owner model and computing economical model.


  • 建议计算模拟经济而非利用经济推演能力手动制造模型

    Instead of solving models "by hand", using economists' powers of deduction, he proposes simulating economies on the computer.


  • 一个经济模型计算,那这个模型就必须要具体代数形式给出的表达式。

    But to compute an economic model, this theory has to be given concrete form, spelt out in definite algebraic terms.


  • 一个再好的拖拉机经济寿命计算模型如果没有真实可靠数据也是枉然。

    A good calculating model of tractor economical life is no use, if there is no real, reliable data.


  • 银行其他经济学家采用计算一般均衡模型(CGE models)有关。

    Part of the reason lies in the computable general equilibrium (CGE) models used by the Bank's (and other) economists.


  • 因此经济批量模型假设前提条件并不完全成立经济订货批量计算公式也就需要改进

    Therefore, suppose the presupposition of economic batch quantity model not to be completely established, its calculating formula shall be needed to be modified.


  • 引入经典生产经济批量库存控制模型,并主要库存控制参数进行计算制订合理生产批量。

    Referring to the classical model of inventory control of economical production quantity, the main parameters of inventory control are calculated to formulate the reasonable production quantity.


  • 在感知位置过程中好的计算模型可以位置感知系统带来优越的性能得到高效经济的系统位置服务

    A good computing module can make location-aware system performance more ascendant, and gain location services with great efficiency and low cost.


  • 汽轮机功率方程和锅炉吸热量方程为基础,机组整个系统视为闭口热力系统,通过热平衡分析,得到了高加切除对机组经济影响计算模型

    By heat balance analysis of the whole regenerative system, which is regarded as a closed thermodynamic system, the calculation model on the influence of HPs removal on heat economy of unit is derived.


  • 论文侧重奥运经济冲击系统动态对策特征提取建立基于多智能体计算模型

    This paper emphasizes particularly on distilling characters of dynamic game in the Olympic economic shock system and builds a computational model based on agents.


  • 数学模型避免了经济社会生态效益计算采用间接反映三种效益而又较为简单目标函数及约束条件

    In the models the calculation on economical, social and ecological benefits is avoided, accepting the simpler goal function and limitation conditions that could reflect the three benefits indirectly.


  • 建立海洋经济复合系统子系统内部与子系统之间协调分析模型,并给出了协调度的计算方法

    It establishes coordination analysis model between sub-system and internal system of ocean economic complex system with calculation method.


  • 目前已经提出诸多管理模型中,基于计算经济模型人们普遍看好。

    A lot of models have been brought forward by researchers and the most highlight is the computational economy model.


  • 本文根据中国加入WTO议定书,运用中国经济计算一般均衡(CGE)模型定量分析了中国加入世界贸易组织(WTO)中国汽车产业影响

    In line with China's WTO protocol, this paper devotes to a quantitative analysis of the impact of China's entry into the WTO on its economy, following a "computable general equilibrium (CGE) model".


  • 为此建立电力线路建设费用运营费用数学模型导出了导线经济截面的新计算方法。

    For this reason, a mathematical model of construction & operation costs for power transmission lines is set up, and some calculation examples are given as well.


  • 论文将通过建立生物经济模型农户收益角度分析补偿问题,提出足额补偿标准计算方法以及相关的政策建议。

    The paper develops Bio-economics model on community residents' benefits to analyze the compensation standard. Suggestions on how to calculate the compensation and policy are given.


  • 该文介绍了一种计算空调建筑外墙屋顶经济绝热厚度模型

    This paper presents a techno economic model for optimizing thermal insulation thicknesses of roof and walls of an air conditioned building.


  • 几十年来,非线性差分方程理论广泛应用计算科学经济神经网络生态学控制论等学科中出现离散模型

    In the last decade, nonlinear difference equation theory has been widely applied in the discrete models of computer science, economy, neutral net, ecology and control theory.


  • 分析网格计算环境采用经济模型优点抽象经济模型中的典型角色它们之间典型交互。

    Analyzes the benefits of using economic models in grid computing, abstracts the type players and the type alternations between the players.


  • 本文输气管道成本费目标函数建立输气管道经济模型采用优选法—电子计算求解

    This article takes the annual cost of gas-transfer pipelines as the target function to set the economic model for gas-transfer pipelines and USES optimization-computer methods to solve the problem.


  • 本文力求构造比较完善的农村电网规划模型并用计算求解得到比较经济决策方案

    This text strives to make a more perfect rural grid network planning model and asks solution with computer in order to receive more economic decision scheme.


  • 湖州市绿色GDP核算过程中,采用模型分别计算各县区2001—2004年环境退化经济损失

    In the case study of Huzhou City, the economic loss of water environment degradation from 2001 to 2004 were calculated and promoted to form a green GDP accounting system of Huzhou City.


  • 本文通过实现所设计简单交通网格协同模型验证了把计算经济机制应用交通网格资源管理可行性

    This paper devises a simple cooperative model for Transportation Grid and validates the feasibility of introducing Computational Economy into the resource management for Transportation Grid.


  • 文中以发电方的经济目标出发点传统的潮流约束外,把预测的平均成交电价、年度利润目标一起作为约束条件建立定价模型采用牛顿计算发电电价。

    On this basis, a new model is presented which uses the forecasted market clearing price MCP and finance goals as constraints besides the power flow constrains, and it is solved by Newton method.


  • 模型求解,并进行结果分析经济效益计算以此提供决策支持指导生产销售提高经济效益。

    As the model works out, analyzing the results and calculating economic benefits, would be helpful to decision-making support, guiding production and sales, raising economic benefits.


  • 讨论经济环境下带干扰古典风险模型按照不同保费计算原理给出了多种保费计算公式。

    We discuss the model of classical risk process perturbed by diffusion in an economic environment, and obtain many calculational formulae on premium according to different premium principles.


  • 建立汽车发动机传动系数学模型的基础上,编写了模拟汽车动力性燃油经济计算程序

    According to the model between the engine and the transmission, we draw up a computer program imitating the automobile motive power property and the automobile fuel economic property.


  • 建立汽车发动机传动系数学模型的基础上,编写了模拟汽车动力性燃油经济计算程序

    According to the model between the engine and the transmission, we draw up a computer program imitating the automobile motive power property and the automobile fuel economic property.


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