• 例如联合首席执行官麦克.拉扎里迪斯已经滑铁卢大学捐赠一亿加元帮助建立量子计算研究所

    For instance, Co-CEO Mike Lazaridis has donated C$100 million to University of Waterloo to help establish an Institute for Quantum Computing.


  • 国家癌症研究所现在有一套快速提供信息计算机化系统

    The National Cancer Institute now has a computerized system that can quickly provide information.


  • 但是研究大型食肉动物遗传学家,美国国家癌症研究所的斯蒂芬·奥布莱恩制定拯救美洲豹计划利用遗传学数学计算美洲豹命运

    But a geneticist who studies big carnivores, Stephen o 'brien of the National Cancer Institute, devised a plan to save the panthers: he combined genetics and math to calculate the panther's fate.


  • 将来铁匠研究所瑞士绿十字组织期望计算每个国家污染程度

    In the future the Blacksmith Institute and Green Cross Switzerland hope to be able to measure the pollution burden of individual countries.


  • 后来费城自家车库里开创了一家商业化公司――科学信息研究所(ISI)――可以计算跟踪某段时间内所有发表过科学论文

    Eventually he founded a commercial company in his garage in Philadelphia -- the Institute of Science Information (ISI) -- that would track on a computer every scientific paper published, period.


  • 富士通已经开始第一八个计算机柜运往200英里外位于海港城市神户的化学研究所,每个机柜大小跟电冰箱差不多。

    Fujitsu has started shipping the first eight refrigerator-sized computer racks to Riken's facility in the port city of Kobe, about 200 miles from the factory.


  • 但是使用一些极其强大数学计算能力谷歌以及阿姆斯特丹CWI研究所研究人员对于两个不同PD F文件恰恰做到了这点。

    But using some of the most powerful mathematical and computational capabilities, researchers at Google and the CWI Institute in Amsterdam do exactly the same for two different PDF files.


  • 京有着超过68544个处理器占据日本物理化学研究所672个小房间,这里是神户西港口专门的计算科学基地。

    The K computer, with more than 68, 544 processors, occupies 672 cabinets at Riken's Advanced Institute for Computational Science in the western port city of Kobe.


  • 国际电气通信基础技术研究所(atr)的计算神经科学实验室fMRI扫描实验对象所内容。

    Advanced Telecommunications Research (ATR) Computational Neuroscience Laboratories also takes fMRI scans of what the subject sees.


  • 计算分析评估标准中国医学卫生研究所公布食物成份》。

    The standards of calculation, analysis and evaluation were all according to the Food Consumption Table published by Chinese Institute of Medical Hygiene.


  • 这种模式引人注意特征在于似乎是个单一计算自始至终气体一网打尽。”,新泽西州普林斯顿高等研究所斯科特·特里梅因

    "The attractive feature of this model is it seems to be a single calculation that can get the gas all the way in," says Scott Tremaine of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey.


  • 介绍交通部上海船舶运输科学研究所最近开发船模快速性试验分析计算程序系统

    This paper introduces a computer program system for powering performance prediction which has recently been developed in SSSRI on the bases of three former sets of programs used on VAX computer.


  • 北京大学计算语言学研究所已经积累了一系列规模质量上乘语言数据资源

    The Institute of Computational Linguistics, Peking University has developed a series of language data resources that are large scale and high quality.


  • 但是研究大型食肉动物遗传学家,美国国家癌症研究所的斯蒂芬·奥布莱恩制定拯救美洲豹计划利用遗传学数学计算美洲豹命运

    But a geneticist who studies big carnivores, Stephen o 'brien of the National Cancer Institute, devised a plan to save the panthers: he combined genetics and math to calculate the panther 's fate.


  • 日本高级电信研究所(atr)的计算神经系统科学实验室拥有另一种不同影像窃取技巧

    Advanced Telecommunications Research (ATR) Computational Neuroscience Laboratories in Japan has a different technique for image-stealing.


  • 研究所主要研究项目哺乳动物基因收集遗传变异基因组信息学计算生物学、基因组技术等等方面。

    And the main research programs of the institute include mammalian gene collection, genetic variation, genome informatics and computational biology, genome technology and so on.


  • 假如这样小组允许参加至少某些棋类比赛那么其智能扩升方面积极作用允许计算参加棋类比赛对人工智能研究所起的推动作用是一样的。

    If such teams were allowed in at least some chess tournaments, it could have the positive effect on IA research that allowing computers in tournaments had for the corresponding niche in AI.


  • 北京大学计算研究所研制了种以基础中文语句输入方法

    Peking University Computer Research Institute (PUCRI) developed a method of inputting Chinese sentences based on words.


  • 中国建筑科学院物流研究所检验、计算节约能源:35-45%。

    According to the research of Chinese construction institution, it can save about 35%—45% energy.


  • 因为有着计算整理文件归档记录有效多种功能计算已经家庭办公图书馆研究所广泛使用。

    Computers have been used in the home, offices, laboratories and research institutions, functioning as the most efficient and versatile instruments for calculating, sorting, filing, recording.


  • 研究所从事机械设计计算数据库安全性研究生态学工效学方面研究

    The Institute has undertaken the integration of designing centres and the creation computer data base in the field of safety, ecology and ergonomy.


  • 计算网络的空间战”去年姆(宫)研究所报道说“这种黑客行为应该当做第五次空间战争,对比传统战争领域,陆地空中海洋,外太空。”

    "Cyberspace, " read a Chatham House cyber security report from last year, "should be viewed as the 'fifth battlespace', alongside the more traditional arenas of land, air, sea and space".


  • 本文介绍日本东京大学生产技术研究所FACOM-M380计算建立地震危险性分析图形系统ERA

    A graphic system computer program ERA has been developed on FACOM-M380 to estimate the earthquake risk at any place in China based on the simple Poisson model and Chinese historical earthquake data.


  • 青岛科技大学计算化工研究所CH EMST AR 化工之星平台开发基于CHEMSTAR在线模拟优化系统

    The on-line simulation and optimization system based on CHEMSTAR is developed, which is based on platform of CHEM-STAR developed by Research Center for Computers and Chemical Engineering.


  • SAS美国SAS研究所研制用于数据分析计算软件系统

    SAS is a computer software system for data analysis developed by SAS Institute of U. S. a.


  • SAS美国SAS研究所研制用于数据分析计算软件系统

    SAS is a computer software system for data analysis developed by SAS Institute of U. S. a.


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