• 年幼的孩子学习计算科学时,他们知道计算机科学不仅仅令人困惑无穷无尽字母数字而是一个开发应用程序创建艺术作品检验假设工具

    When younger kids learn computer science, they learn that it's not just a confusing, endless string of letters and numbersbut a tool to build apps, or create artwork or test hypotheses.


  • 更小孩子学习计算科学时,他们知道不仅仅串令人困惑的、无穷无尽字母数字而是一种构建应用程序创作艺术验证假设工具

    When younger kids learn computer science, they learn that it's not just a confusing, endless string of letters and numbersbut a tool to build apps, or create artwork, or test hypotheses.


  • 一旦这样做当然这些智慧从而能够创造其他复杂事物音乐艺术作品先进科技计算互联网未来那些,谁知道将会是什么呢?

    Once it has done so, of course, those intelligences can create other complex things: works of art and music, advanced technology, computers, the Internet and who knows what in the future?


  • 假设突然间我们使用画板,我们看到一个全新计算艺术世界每个人都有权使用它。

    If we're suddenly all using tablets, we could be looking at a whole new world of computer art that's accessible to everyone.


  • 这种分析对于正确艺术分类非常重要——因为即使专家三分之二时候也是对的,远远优于他们的计算竞争者

    This kind of analysis is crucial for correctly identifying artbecause even non-expert people were right two thirds of the time, far better than their computer competitors.


  • 计算运算基于可见的、可量化参数判断艺术优劣的,颜料是如何画布上涂抹色彩如何构图

    Computer algorithms judged the art by obvious and quantifiable parameters, such as the way the paint was laid on the canvas, or the color composition.


  • 博士由于计算机化图像处理系统正在识别艺术风格更深一步的特征方面经受训练,因此伪作探测方面更好。

    Computerised image-processing systems should get better at detecting forgeries as they are trained to recognise further aspects of artists' styles, says Dr Wang.


  • 24埃里克·约翰森使用计算程序,把原本图片修改令人难以置信的艺术作品

    Erik Johannson, 24, used a computer programme to manipulate his original pictures into mind-boggling pieces of art.


  • 这个展览里,提供一个“光线计算比例复制品,这个纤巧的花瓶形状的造型在去年MOMA纽约现代艺术博物馆的“设计灵动思维”的展览中展出过。

    Here, she has provided a scale reproduction of "Raycounting," the ethereal vase-like structure displayed in MOMA's "Design and the Elastic Mind" exhibit last year.


  • 计算艺术全新潮流

    A whole new wave of computer art.


  • 已经涌现了许许多多惟妙惟肖精美漂亮艺术作品而且倘若不是3D论坛画廊里找到的它们,你都分辨不出看到的到底是照片还是计算生成的渲染图片。

    There are so many realistic and beautiful artworks, and if it weren’t for the 3D forums and galleries, you wouldn’t know whether you’re looking at a photograph or a computer-generated render.


  • Knuth经典之作,《计算编程艺术,1 - 3卷》,2对于我们很多需要探索高效算法人来说起点

    Knuth's classic work, the art of Computer Programming, Volumes 1-3, 2 are the starting point for most of us who need to find efficient algorithms.


  • 作为麻省理工学院老师以及专攻计算科技软件工程的研究人员,GolanLevin现在大部分时间都花在表演艺术事业上。

    Having worked as an academic at MIT and a researcher specializing in computer technology and software engineering, Golan Levin now spends most of his time working as a performance artist.


  • 附近Iwaki山上,人们种植一种简单图案,2006年他们开始计算设计复杂壁画重现了日本艺术神话中的人物

    After years of reproducing a simple design of nearby Mount Iwaki, in 2006 they began using computers to devise larger, more intricate murals that recreate figures from Japanese art and myth.


  • 创建艺术历史有时灵感计算科学字体

    Creates computer typefaces inspired by Art, History, and sometimes Science.


  • 然而当今中国数字媒体专业艺术学习计算编程语言上一定障碍

    But in today's China digital media professional art students in learning computer programming languages have obstacles.


  • 计算出现使任何人都制造设计试验平面视角艺术

    The computer is now enabling anyone to produce and design and experiment with graphic art.


  • 课程简介:门课中,学生学习使用基于计算工具(玛雅)进行动画艺术创作

    Students in this course will learn to use computer-based tools such as Maya to create artistic animation.


  • 不要以为采取计算科学解决了制作游戏(),一切学习如何艺术

    Do not think taking a Computer Science class solves everything for making games (maps), learn how to do the art!


  • 医学科学家使用一种处于艺术状态的电子计算机横断层扫描仪(state-of-the-art CAT-scanner)图坦卡蒙的遗体作初始放射分析马克尔

    Medical scientists used a “state-of-the-art CAT-scanner” to perform initial radiological analysis on Tut, says Markel.


  • 允许充分利用机器计算能力不仅允许更高多边形数量使得艺术更短时间内创造出更多艺术

    This will allow you to fully harness your machine's computing power, not only allowing for higher polygon counts but also making it possible for you the artist to create more art in less time!


  • 皮彻,“好的计算机-机器界面一种艺术应该艺术对待。”

    "A good computer-machine interface is a piece of art and should be treated as such, " Mr. Picheny said.


  • 关于形象多媒体实现计算技术多种艺术综合的产物。

    The figure made of multimedia is the result that can be colligated by the computer technology and many other arts.


  • 计算包揽了更多工作我们自由了,可以随自己意愿艺术学者创业者以其他方式我们激情投入到这个不再围绕繁重无聊的日常劳作运转的社会

    As computers perform more of our work, we'd all be free to become artists, scholars, entrepreneurs or otherwise engage our passions in a society no longer centered on the drudgery of daily labor.


  • 计算音乐近年来在国际上兴起科技音乐艺术于一身的技术

    Recently computerized music is a new kind of technology which combines science with music.


  • 通过媒体实验室往往艺术电脑重点研究工作表明各种形式计算可以任何人使用

    The work by researchers at the Media Lab, which often focuses on art and computers, has shown that computing in various forms can be used by anyone, he said.


  • 计算之间交流可以建立友谊可能使几乎消失殆尽书信艺术获得重生

    Computerized exchanges can create friendshipsand may revive the almost lost art of letter writing.


  • 计算之间交流可以建立友谊可能使几乎消失殆尽书信艺术获得重生

    Computerized exchanges can create friendshipsand may revive the almost lost art of letter writing.


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