• 安装公共语言运行时的计算机均具有计算机范围代码缓存

    Each computer where the common language runtime is installed has this machine-wide code cache.


  • 供应商计算机耗材办公设备家具加进他们产品范围中。

    Suppliers add computer consumables, office equipment and furniture to their product range.


  • 如果一个交互式计算机屏幕实用性上与白板匹配必须手臂长度范围横跨房间范围内是可视的。

    If an interactive computer screen is to match a whiteboard in usefulness, it must be viewable from arm's length as well as from across a room.


  • 但是可以使过程对于某一范围内的计算机更简单些

    But you can make the process simpler across a range of computers.


  • 一个人和整个知识范围打交道时,认为也是计算机沟通唯一现实选择

    And when one's dealing with the whole spectrum of knowledge, I think that's the only realistic option for communicating with computers too.


  • 一个相当不错的处理方法因为计算机存储规模不及64极限地址范围

    This is currently an acceptable solution, as computer memory sizes are nowhere near the full 64bit address range.


  • 这种芯片大大超过目前计算机模拟速度,现有设备对细胞范围非线性回路噪声影响建模效率非常低下。

    Such chips would be much faster than computer simulations now, which are highly inefficient at modeling the effects of noise in the large-scale nonlinear circuits within cells.


  • 随着芯片价格降低流行影响范围超出计算机和高技术领域而渗入现代生活方方面面。

    As chips have become cheaper and more prevalent, their impact has moved from the world of computers and high technology to every aspect of modern life.


  • 自然语言超出它们范围但是大部分计算机编程语言它们的范围之内。

    Natural languages are beyond their scope, but most computer programming languages are within their bounds.


  • 这些金融中心有宏大计算机中心瞬间就能世界范围进行交易使得他们能够同时扮演等同于中世纪市场货船角色

    Their vast computerised hubs and their ability to zip transactions around the world in split-seconds allow them to play a dual role reminiscent of the marketplaces and sailing ships of medieval times.


  • 网络设计包括:IP地址范围子网配置计算机命名规范等等

    Network design including IP address ranges, subnet configuration, computer naming conventions, and so on.


  • 全球范围内,一场非同寻常幕后战斗正在计算机安全组织同那些被叫做conficker邪恶程序无耻的病毒编制者之间展开。

    An extraordinary behind-the-scenes struggle is taking place between computer security groups around the world and the brazen author of a malicious software program called Conficker.


  • 盖伊的公司应用材料(AppliedMaterials)的业务范围纯平显示屏扩展计算机芯片,再太阳能电池(solar cell)。

    Applied Materials, where Mr Gay works, has branched out from flat screens and computer chips into solar cells.


  • 大部分商业操作依赖计算机系统评估组织考虑范围系统开发作为集成的商业过程至关重要的。

    Most business operations rely on computing systems, and it is vital to assess to what extent the organization thinks of and treats system development as an integral business process.


  • 一旦这些问题解决了,智能电网能为范围广泛能源新发明应用提供平台如同互联网之于计算机

    Once these issues are ironed out, though, the smart grid could provide the platform for a huge range of innovation and applications in energy, just as the Internet did in computing.


  • 整个非洲大陆电子媒介使用范围有所扩大,2003年计算机拥有量2000年增加了30%

    Access to electronic media widened across the continent with the number of computers per thousand people rising more than 30 percent in 2003 compared to 2000.


  • 即使是能够存取世界范围信息网络强大的笔记本型计算机也仍然聚焦一个单独盒子

    Even the most powerful notebook computer, with access to a worldwide information network, still focuses attention on a single box.


  • 现在可以查看系统范围性能了解计算机利用情况

    We now can now view systemwide performance and see how the machines are being utilized.


  • 由于医疗保健成本增加医疗保健设备不断计算机化,医生们目前正在运用远程监护来监测各种慢性疾病,而且监测范围不断扩大。

    Prompted both by the rise in health-care costs and the increasing computerization of health-care equipment, doctors are using remote monitoring to track a widening variety of chronic diseases.


  • 订购比萨饼管理医院军事防御系统计算机使用范围广及各个层面。

    They are used for everything from ordering a pizza to running hospitals and military defense systems.


  • 计算机科学范围很广,并且正在不断扩大的学科;一旦能力胜任中等规模的编程项目,就会发现你来说很多课题可以做

    Cs is a large and rapidly-expanding field; once you've become confident in your abilities to program moderate-sized projects, a lot of topics open up to you.


  • 如果范围普及根据传统电子学量子计算机任何机器解决问题速度都快。

    If they could be made to work on a large scale, quantum computers would be able to solve problems much faster than any machines based around traditional electronics.


  • 计算机不断地联网,这使攻击者能比较容易攻击世界范围任何联网计算机,而不会什么风险

    Computers are increasingly networked, making it easier for attackers to attack anyone in the world with very little risk.


  • 这些平台范围广泛大型计算机手持设备

    These platforms are broad in range, from large computers to small handheld devices.


  • 包括许多本地ClearCase客户端提供特性并且可以范围WindowUNIX计算机运行不管clearcase是否安装在上面。

    Includes many of the features provided by the native ClearCase client, and can run on a broad range of Windows - and UNIX computers, regardless of whether ClearCase is installed on them.


  • 计算机可以为了很多目的而收集范围信息

    Computers can gather a wild range of information for many purposes.


  • 毫无疑问,计算机网络使用范围迅速增长未来可能预见方式出现。

    No doubt the range of uses of computer networks will grow rapidly in the future, and probably in ways no one can now foresee.


  • 这个建议一部分源于个人Google全球范围快速部署计算机能力崇拜过去,Google一直不断地展示他的这个能力。

    This recommendation is partly inspired by his admiration for the company's skill at rapidly deploying computing power throughout the world as it's done the past few years.


  • 如同Wikipedia中所定义的,Internet世界范围内、可公开访问一系列互相连通计算机网络这些网络通过使用标准Internet协议(ip)的分组交换传输数据

    As defined in Wikipedia, the Internet is a worldwide, publicly accessible series of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol (IP).


  • 业务范围涉及石油化工食品通讯电子汽车医药房地产计算机金融教育行业

    The business involves in petroleum, chemical industry, food, communication, electron, automobile, medication, real estate, computer, finance, education and other fields.


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