• 本书需要2MB计算机空间存储

    Each book would take 2 MB of computer space to store.


  • 由于取样结果,故可以节省计算机空间

    And since only sampling results are stored, less computer space is required.


  • 由于计算机空间多媒体司空见惯今天进步

    Due to the advancements in computer space, multimedia commonplace today.


  • 仔细看一看计算程序calc表示计算机空间另外某个地方的一个服务器

    Look closely at calculator calc. That represents the server somewhere out there in cyberspace.


  • 应用空间统计学方法原理,计算机空间分析软件作图功能的支持下,实现了植物三维空间分布的表达。

    Progress in computer software and spatial analysis and multiple statistical methods make the numerial analysis and graphical illustration possible. As an example, climatic niche and three_dime…


  • 智能电网其他智慧地球解决方案这样东西称为“计算机空间中的物理系统”,我们在其中连接计算机世界(IT世界)与现实世界。

    Things like smart grids and other Smarter Planet solutions are referred to as "cyber physical systems," where we link the cyber world-the it world-with the physical world.


  • 网络空间成为计算机设备网络光纤电缆无线连接其他基础设施象征这些基础设施互联网带给全世界数十亿

    Cyberspace has become symbolic of the computing devices, networks, fibre-optic cables, wireless links and other infrastructure that bring the internet to billions of people around the world.


  • 架飞机机头机尾,全长107英尺,大小相当于一个可乘坐100名乘客商业客机计算机仪表占据了绝大部分内部空间只有几个窗口

    The plane is 107 feet from nose to tail-as big as a commercial jet seating 100 passengers, but with computers and instrument bays occupying most of the interior space and only a few Windows.


  • 其他人则坚称视频游戏形式计算机程序使人们变得更聪明提高特定技能空间感知能力

    But others argue that computer programs in the form of video games can make people smarter or improve specific skills, such as spatial awareness.


  • 空间飞行器中安装有甚至计算机这样余性保证失误错误情况下一切照旧工作

    Thus when two, or even three, computers were used in space vehicles this redundancy ensure that everything would continue to work in the event of failure or errors.


  • 计算机科学主要建立数学运算的基础上。依赖的是空间能力结果成了男性领域

    Computer science is built largely on mathematics, which relies on spatial ability and, as a result, it's a male domain.


  • 就是存档那些飞快吃掉计算机磁盘空间家庭照片视频的。

    This is what I use to archive family photos and videos, which can eat up my computer hard disk space really fast.


  • 一家明白道的公司发现这节约25%办公空间费用、25%的电话费用、25%的计算机费用。

    But the first company that figures out how to make this work will save 25% on office space, 25% on telephones, 25% on computers.


  • 如果用户内存不足以执行复杂计算他们计算机就会试图磁盘寻找空间完成计算

    If a user's memory is not sufficient to perform complex calculations, their computer will try to find space on the disk to complete the calculation.


  • 虚拟空间里,这个规则意味着不能规划庞大计算机网络攻击即使是一个军事网络也不能够排除民用网络受到牵连。

    In the cyberworld, this rule means you couldn't plan a massive computer attack, even on a military network, without regard for the civilian computer networks that would be affected by that attack.


  • 计算机球形放置碟子上没有空间时,往上挪动直到其它球形留足空间

    The computer would lay spheres in a disk, and when it ran out of room, it would move up until it found enough space to fit another sphere.


  • 同时数字计算机处理能力存储空间带宽几何级数增长。

    Meanwhile, digital computers are increasing exponentially in processing power, memory storage and communications bandwidth.


  • 开发人员用户定期删除不使用不需要计算机文件释放磁盘空间以便应用程序能最佳运行

    Developers and users: Periodically delete unused and unwanted computer files, freeing up disk space so applications run optimally.


  • 计算机必须安装操作系统空间因此需要硬盘

    Your new computer first has to have a place to install the operating system, so you need a hard disk.


  • 计算机内存地址空间变得更大32位JVM表示2GB可用内存。

    Computer memory and address Spaces are getting larger; a 32-bit JVM means about 2 GB of usable memory.


  • 引入ZIP文件格式通过删除文件中的空白空间冗余信息以及多个文件打成的方式,帮助计算机用户传输大型文件。

    The ZIP file format, introduced in 1989, helps computer users transport large files by removing the empty spaces and redundant information from a file and by packaging multiple files into one bundle.


  • 磁盘碎片整理程序实用Windows工具,合并分散计算机硬盘上的档案资料夹使一个在磁盘上占用一个单独空间

    Disk Defragmenter is a Windows utility that consolidates fragmented files and folders on your computer's hard disk so that each occupies a single space on the disk.


  • 1显示系统其中含有一个受限的 /usr分区(/dev/sdb5 /home(/dev/sdb7)中有大量剩余空间如果计算机中添加更多软件,这就会引起麻烦。

    Figure 1 shows a system that has a cramped /usr partition (/dev/sdb5) and plenty of free space in /home (/dev/sdb7), which can cause problems if you want to add more software to the computer.


  • 运气好的话,计算机应该重新引导常规Linux操作系统但是发现您的磁盘空间已经改变了

    With any luck, your computer should reboot into your regular Linux operating system, but you'll find that your disk space allocation has changed.


  • 假设双引导系统中使用Linux计算机硬盘驱动器没有任何可用空间

    Say you want to use Linux in a dual-boot arrangement, but you don't have any free space on your computer's hard drive.


  • Dennis系统中,计算机存储空间划为多个大小一致数据每个数据块不仅存储数据指向多达16个其它的数据块。

    In Dennis' system, a computer's memory is divided into chunks of uniform size, each of which can store data but can also point to as many as 16 other chunks.


  • 通过释放硬盘空间可以加速计算机运行磁盘清理工具可以帮助您释放硬盘空间

    The Disk Cleanup tool helps you to free up space on your hard disk to improve the performance of your computer.


  • 研究者人类计算机具有更好空间逻辑能力,而综合运用人和计算机的智慧可以更好的解决一些结构上难题

    The researchers say that people have better spatial reasoning skills than computers—and that using both humans and machines might be a way to overcome various structural challenges.


  • 这样计算机材料科学家任务就是缩小实验者们完善给定材料需要探索试验尝试的空间

    The mission of computational materials scientists, like myself, is to narrow down the experimental search space that experimentalists need to explore in order to optimize a given material.


  • 这样计算机材料科学家任务就是缩小实验者们完善给定材料需要探索试验尝试的空间

    The mission of computational materials scientists, like myself, is to narrow down the experimental search space that experimentalists need to explore in order to optimize a given material.


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