• 密码列表对于研究计算机用户使用密码的习惯提供了难得窗口

    The trove provided an unusually detailed window into computer users' password habits.


  • 系统可能使用智能身份证连接特定计算机数字证书一系列在线服务认证用户

    The system might use a smart identity card, or a digital credential linked to a specific computer and would authenticate users at a range of online services.


  • 值得注意是,Pointcast网络使用一个屏幕保护程序来向用户计算机显示器发送不断更新新闻广告

    Most notably, the Pointcast Network uses a screen saver to deliver a continually updated stream of news and advertisements to subscribers' computer monitors.


  • 用户能够世界任何地方通过计算机手机检查电能使用情况。

    Users will be able to check their energy use anywhere in the world via a computer or mobile phone.


  • 详细说明,不要描述用户如何使用计算机程序

    Go into detail, but don't describe how the user might use a computer program.


  • 一方面,服务描述文件提供了详细指南,以便用户计算机能够了解如何使用处理该服务,了解服务输出的预期内容。

    On the other hand, the service description file provides detailed guidance for users and machines to understand how to use and process the service and what can be expected to get the service outcome.


  • 例如只有目标计算机相同用户使用相同id的情况下,才能保留文件所有者所有者设置

    For example, the file ownership and group ownership Settings can only be preserved if the source and destination machines use the same IDs for the same user.


  • 鼠标内置内存保存所有用户设置,鼠标拿到其他计算机使用它们自动调用鼠标本身的设置。

    In the built-in memory saves all user Settings - move the mouse on another computer and they will automatically be restored.


  • 图形化用户界面(GUI)过渡往往意味着损失功能而且用户渐渐倾向于不愿详细了解他们使用计算机

    More often than not, moving toward a graphical user interface (GUI) means losing functionality; in addition, users become less inclined to learn more of the computer they're working with.


  • 看法用于定义这些高级条件用户接口计算机语言通常令人费解非常复杂以至于普通人难以使用

    My thinking is that the user interfaces and computer languages that are used to define these advanced conditions are usually just too convoluted or complex to be within reach for mere mortals.


  • 计算机用户使用情况,中情况尤为关注

    This is of special concern when the computer has multiple users.


  • 某些用户必须登录才能使用他们计算机确实一个存在的问题。

    For some users, having to log in to their computer is a real hassel.


  • KIOSK一个客户端设备用户包括各个年龄段的,而且他们具有不同教育背景计算机使用经验

    A KIOSK is a client device which targets users of all ages, who have various educational backgrounds, and varied computer experience.


  • 认为平台上虚拟计算机甚至有可能普通僵尸网络控制因为用户一般不会使用反病毒软件

    He says that it is even possible for a virtual computer in the cloud to become infected by an ordinary botnet, because cloud users don't normally run anti-virus software.


  • 输入一条条命令可能一些操作更为快速容易这就好像是用户20年前使用DOS操作计算机一样。

    It may be faster and easier to perform some operations by typing in one or more commands, as users used to have to do on PCs under DOS 20 years ago.


  • 可信主机用户希望登录远程计算机(可以可信系统)时,使用SSH基于主机身份验证

    Host-based authentication in SSH is used when a user on a trusted host wants to log on to a remote machine, which could be an untrusted system.


  • 如果命令没有指定参数,则使用用户计算机默认地区

    If no arguments are specified on the command line, the default locale for the user's machine is used.


  • “SEC.IBM.COM”上,使用ActiveDirectory用户计算机管理单元(snap in)aix机器创建一个用户

    On the child domain "SEC.IBM.COM", create a user using the Active Directory users and computer snap in for the AIX machine.


  • 计算机回答strike我的用户(即登录时所使用名称)。

    My computer answers strike, which is my user name (the same name I use to log in).


  • 不用说SlideShare传播有趣的报告、关键提示演示极好方式使计算机没有安装同样办公软件,也影响使用

    Needless to say, SlideShare is an excellent way of spreading interesting reports, keynotes, and presentations, even with users who do not have the same office software installed on their computer.


  • 以后不再需要进行操作;计算机经过了身份验证用户可以使用任何有效帐户登录Samba服务器

    You won't need to do this again; the user can log in to the Samba server using any valid account after the machine has been authenticated.


  • 运行Windows计算机使用方法用户密码创建哈希,这种方法在本质上有着不同安全意义

    Windows-based computers utilize two methods for the hashing of user passwords, both having drastically different security implications.


  • 为了通过上面设置使得 Solaris10计算机root用户能够使用telnet/ssh/rlogin 进行登录需要创建一个 root/<hostname>类型Kerberos主体

    For the root user of the Solaris 10 machine to be able to log in using telnet/ssh/rlogin with the above setup, you are required to create a Kerberos principal of type root/<host name>.


  • 如果打算使用多个操作系统用户提供服务,那么需要测试计算机上实现某种形式虚拟化。

    If you have any intention of serving users with more than one OS, you'll want a test machine with some form of virtualization on board.


  • 容易设想如果用户必须使用因特网浏览器学习乌尔都语的话,您难以看到计算机美国使用

    It is easy to imagine how little computer use would be seen in America if the user had to learn Urdu to use an Internet browser.


  • 微软计划进军领域使用它们巨大数据中心来为用户提供运行商用计算机软件的平台。

    Microsoft plans to enter this field, in effect offering to run companies' computer systems for them inside its own giant data centres.


  • 无论应用系统计算机平板电脑还是智能手机总会有一部分用户希望自己有权使用所有按钮尽可能发掘应用产品服务的各种功能。

    Whether it's a computer, a tablet or a smartphone, there will always be a user contingent that wants access to all the knobs and buttons to tweak the product and service as much as they like.


  • 现在已经大量计算机使用相同相同的用户ID创建相同的用户但是这样并不实用

    You've now created the same user across a number of machines with the same groups and the same user ID, but this is hardly practical.


  • 通过使用以下配置设置可信主机用户就可以登录远程计算机需要提供密码

    Using the following config settings, a user on a trusted host can log onto the remote machine without providing the password.


  • 指望普通用户懂得如何去使用正确方式报告计算机问题合理吗?

    Is it reasonable of us to expect the average user to know the right way to report a computer problem? Probably not.


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