• 可以通过学习另一种语言阅读有趣的书籍玩玩文字游戏录音使用计算机以及网上参与讨论交流方式得到锻炼

    You can exercise it through learning a new language, reading interesting books, playing word games, listening to recordings, using a computer, and participating in conversation and discussions online.


  • 而且通过使用计算机程序录音教学,员工可以减少去教室次数有更多时间从事大规模科研活动,从而提高Xanadu声誉

    Also, by using computer programs and taped lectures, faculty will have fewer classroom obligations and more time to engage in extensive research, thereby enhancing the reputation of Xanadu.


  • 声卡计算机提供了录制放映声音文件功能,作用类似于录音

    A sound card gives a computer the capability to record and play sound files as well as video sound tracks.


  • 如果不能使一部计算机录音而且MP 3文件周围携带那么使用盒式磁带音带

    If you can not make a computer do recordings and carry around MP3 files then use cassette tapes.


  • 它们也是有着双职工父母青少年放学后安全遍布计算机庇护所一些分馆比如rockaways分馆甚至还有录音

    They're safe after-school havens for teenagers of working parents, with rooms set aside that are stocked with computers and, at a few branches, like the Rockaways, even with recording studios.


  • 计算机分析嘈杂房间里制作的录音不是成功

    His computers were less successful at parsing recordings which were recorded in noisy rooms than those recorded in quiet room.


  • 书刊报纸电影电视广播录音录像带光盘计算机多媒体网络构成大众传媒形成一个全新教育环境

    Books, newspapers, movies, television, radio, sound recordings, videotapes, compact discs, computer multimedia, Internet and other mass media constitute the formation of a new educational environment.


  • 将来某一天或许这样的工厂它生产电视机磁带录音汽车其他一些产品所有机器中央计算机自动控制。

    Some day perhaps, there will be factories producing television set, tape recorders, cars, or other products, with all machines operated automatically by a central computer.


  • 数字音频工作站(DAW)的针对用户DS5A独特的工业设计提供完美补充今天计算机为基础的录音生产环境

    Aimed at the Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) user the DS5A's unique industrial design offers the perfect complement to today's computer-based recording and production environments.


  • 现代教学媒体主要视听媒体,即印刷媒体、录音媒体、幻灯媒体、投影媒体、录像媒体、计算机媒体。

    Modern media of teaching mainly refers to the video media-the media of printing, slide, projection, video and computer.


  • 一位英国司机伦敦BBC总部客人,被误认为计算机专家,被录音间,按麦克风前面接受采访。

    A British taxi driver who showed up at BBC headquarters in London to pick up a fare was mistaken for a computer expert, and bustled into a studio and given a microphone to be interviewed.


  • 一位英国司机伦敦BBC总部客人误认为是计算机(computer)专家,被录音间,按麦克风前面接受采访

    British taxi driver who showed up at BBC headquarters in London to pick up a fare was mistaken for a computer expert, and bustled into a studio and given a microphone to be interviewed.


  • 所谓网络录音一种可以通过网络远程计算机提供录音盒所在位置监听以及录音功能的网络设备

    The so-called network recording box refers to a network through a remote computer to the provision of recording the location of the box and recording wiretapping functional network equipment.


  • 所谓网络录音通过网络远程计算机提供录音所在位置监听录音功能的网络设备。

    The so-called network recording box refers to the network to provide remote computer recording box location monitoring and recording functions of the network established Preparation.


  • 协议第十一有关计算机程序之规定,原则上适用录音制品制作者,适用于成员域内所确认录音制品的任何其他权利持有人

    The provisions of Article 11 in respect of computer programs shall apply mutatis mutandis to producers of phonograms and any other right holders in phonograms as determined in a Member's law.


  • 协议第十一有关计算机程序之规定,原则上适用录音制品制作者,适用于成员域内所确认录音制品的任何其他权利持有人

    The provisions of Article 11 in respect of computer programs shall apply mutatis mutandis to producers of phonograms and any other right holders in phonograms as determined in a Member's law.


- 来自原声例句

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