• 汇总所有组合一个例如计算总和平均值最小值最大值

    Summarization: Combining all the values into a single value, such as computing a sum, average, minimum, or maximum.


  • 请参阅全局缺省全局最大值了解这些值的计算方式及其基于的设置。

    See global default values and global maximum values to find out how these values are calculated and what they are based upon.


  • 为了计算每行适用字符最大值我们使用浏览器默认设置风格表单提供的默认排版设置

    To compute the max. number of characters per line we have used default setting of the browser as well as default typographic settings provided by the style sheets.


  • 计算数字最小值最大值

    Calculate a numerical minimum or maximum.


  • 输出信息包括 SORTHEAP配置参数以前 (OLD)、当前值 (NEW) 以及内存调优器计算出的最小最大值 (min 和 max)。

    The columns include the previous value of the SORTHEAP configuration parameter (OLD), the current value (NEW), the minimum and maximum values computed by the memory tuner (min and max).


  • WebSpherePortal根据这些属性在内部计算全局最大值

    A global maximum value is calculated internally by WebSphere Portal based on these property values.


  • 我们计算运用这些数字最大值这样安排低估了1931—1933年间的舢板运输量而且易于推倒假设

    Our calculations employ the largest of these figures, a tactic that lowers the estimated junk inflow for 1931-33 and thus tends to undercut the working hypothesis.


  • 这个是从0到31之间一个整数,31设计的最大值当前各种计算中的最大值都比这个最大值要小。

    This key is an integer between zero and 31 (the architected maximum; the maximum is smaller on current machines).


  • 注意使用前面计算最大值标记y轴

    Notice that you are using the largest number value calculated earlier to label the Y-axis.


  • 可以看出因为高度相对最大值计算得到,条的高度不会超过1000像素因此图不会画得太高

    As you can see, because the heights of the bars are calculated with respect to the highest value, the bars do not exceed 1000 pixels in height and do not end up being plotted too high.


  • 要记住比例因子根据最大值计算得到的,其他数据根据比例因子值来计算

    Remember, it is calculated based on the highest value; all other values are scaled accordingly.


  • 一步中,WebSpherePortal计算全局缺省全局最大值全局默认值和全局最大值中的流程图

    In the first step, WebSphere Portal calculates global default values and global maximum values, as given in the flow graphs in global default values and global maximum values.


  • 本文矩量计算曲面极子特性数据基础上对方向性系数进行了优化,得到了曲面偶极子方向性系数的最大值

    Based on the calculation of the characteristic parameters of curved surface dipoles by moment method, the directivities are optimized, the maximum directivities of curved surface dipoles are obtained.


  • 文中重点探讨了几种常见织物组织的密度度率充实率最大值计算及其与织物结构关系

    This paper emphatically discusses maximum value calculation of some common weave density, cover ratio and full ratio, and these indexes have relations to fabric structure phase.


  • 利用热力计算得到绝热燃烧温度氧化剂药柱长度的变化规律,绝热燃烧温度氧化剂流率的增加存在最大值

    Adiabatic combustion temperature at various oxidizer mass flow rates and grain length is obtained by thermodynamic calculation and has a maximum as oxidizer mass flow rate increases.


  • 最后建议对于道路照明计算采用反应时间获得的光视效能最大值计算式。

    At last, it was proposed that equation derived from reaction time should be used in road lighting calculation.


  • 根据瞬态振动理论重复冲击响应迭加效应计算自由度包装响应加速度及其最大值

    The response acceleration and its maximum of a package with SDOF have been calculated according to the transient oscillation theory and response reiterative effects under impetus of repetitive shocks.


  • 检测另一个途径计算轮廓曲率函数因为角点是曲率函数最大值因此容易通过阈值方法检测出来。

    Another way to corner detection is to calculate the contour of the curvature function, because the corner is the maximum curvature function, it is easy to pass the threshold used to detect them.


  • 本文计算分析确定了限式变量系压式变量输出功率最大值节能效率最大值压力

    This paper calculates, analyses and determines the pressure point of maximum of ouput power and saving-energy efficiency of differential pressure and Limited pressure variable displacement pump.


  • 方法为了避免浮点溢出我们浮点最大值作为输入参数,然后根据积分级数N计算出积分步长

    Methods To avoid floating point overflow, we calculate the input value according to the maximum of floating-point number and get corresponding integration step at a given level N.


  • 分析计算这个压力最大值

    The maximum of pressure difference has been analysed and calculated.


  • 计算目标函数点处然后进行长,求目标函数最大值最小

    Calculate the values of the objective function at the corner points, then compare all of them to find out the maximum or minimum value of the objective function.


  • 计算结果表明镜筒传输线之间过电压最大值出现向上端部和下端。

    The calculating results show that the maximum of the overvoltage between the barrel tower and the transmission line will appear at the up end and the lower end.


  • 本文通过数学计算推导出以上主要误差造成滑块位移差计算公式,求出滑块位移差的最大值计算结果进行了分析。

    The mathematical calculation was used to deduce the calculating formula of the slide-displacement deviation caused by the main deviations mentioned above and the Max value of the slide-displacement.


  • 可控源时间域电磁法应用在海底探测需要确定装置参数,通过实验理论计算确定了发射频率最大值

    For a sea-floor transient electromagnetic exploration system, its maximum transmitting frequency may be chosen as 200 Hz by supposing the sea-floor as horizontal thin conductive plates.


  • 介绍了太阳能烟囱发电站工作原理给定参数对太阳能烟囱的主要设计参数进行了计算,得到太阳能烟囱内气流速度的最大值

    The operating principle of solar chimney power plants is introduced. Under specified parameters, the main design parameters are worked out, including the maximum velocity in the solar chimney.


  • 模糊脉冲噪声检测器用窗口内邻近像素信息检测脉冲噪声,脉冲消除器用最小最大值算法计算噪声像素的估计值

    The fuzzy impulse noise detector USES the median value and neighborhood information in the window to detects impulse noise. The impulse noise canceller USES minimum-maximum estimate method.


  • 模糊脉冲噪声检测器用窗口内邻近像素信息检测脉冲噪声,脉冲消除器用最小最大值算法计算噪声像素的估计值

    The fuzzy impulse noise detector USES the median value and neighborhood information in the window to detects impulse noise. The impulse noise canceller USES minimum-maximum estimate method.


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