• 方法通过计算排序模式分布距离来分析段脑电信号的相异性

    The dissimilarity between two EEG epochs can be qualified via a simple distance measure between the distributions of order patterns.


  • 理论研究算例分析表明两种比较好的计算排序向量方法

    Theoretical studies and example analyses all show that these are two better methods for calculating priority vector than LAM and REM.


  • 一类方法直接一致性具有满意一致性模糊判断矩阵计算排序向量

    In the second kind of approach, the priority weight vector is calculated directly from a (consistent) fuzzy judgment matrix or one with satisfactory consistency.


  • 学习如何显示文本、执行排序计算单词行数转换字符以及其他任务

    You will learn how to display text, sort it, count words and lines, and translate characters, among other tasks.


  • 获取一个未编码文本样例计算文本出现特定字母次数,然后按频率最高最低顺序给字母排序

    Take a sample of unencoded text, count how many times specific letters appear in the text, and sort the letters in order from most to least frequent.


  • 查询模型其他重要子模型过滤排序计算成员派生属性以及不对称选择有关

    Other important submodels within the query model relate to filtering and sorting, calculated members, derived attributes, and asymmetrical selections.


  • 根据输出,可以计算每个事务排序数目可以计算溢出了用于排序内存的那部分排序百分比

    From this, you can calculate the number of sorts per transaction and the percentage of sorts that overflowed the memory that was available to them.


  • 今天剩下时间里,我们不再讲算法计算排序这些话题,我们一些非常实用,我们主要的讲讲测试。

    OK. Today, for the rest of the lecture, we're going to take a break from the topic of algorithms, and computation, and things of the sort. And do something pretty pragmatic.


  • 排序相关度改进使用距离计算本文后面介绍它们实际应用

    Sorting and relevancy enhancement (boosting) just use the distance calculations, and I'll show how they play out in practice later in the article.


  • 公正地说,查找包含关键文档列表件很容易的事情,但是,排序技术涉及到很多未知的技术深奥的计算公式。

    To be fair, finding the list of documents that contain the keywords is the easy part, while ranking techniques still involve a lot of black magic and secret evaluation formulas.


  • 很多查询都包含连续计算排序行进行的计算这些都是业务分析过程中常遇到的查询。

    Many of the queries contain sequential calculations, or calculations that operate on an ordered set of rows, queries frequently encountered during business analysis.


  • 索引引擎负责统计层面上分析文本(二进制文档派生而来),然后计算令牌列表,按使用频率排序

    An indexing engine, which is responsible to statistically analyze the plain text (derived from the binary document) and compute a list of tokens, sorted by frequency.


  • 其他著名网格计算示例包括人类基因排序计算pi的100万

    Other well-known examples of grid computing include the sequencing of the human genome and calculating a million digits of PI.


  • 那些不能拆分单个微小更新计算任务(比如一个文件排序)仍然最好MapReduce承担。

    Computations where the result can’t be broken down into small updates (sorting a file, for example) are better handled by MapReduce.


  • 因此使用标准ODBC包装器的情况下,FederationServer只能少数SQL操作远程数据源大多数谓词计算聚合排序连接仍然是在本地完成

    Thus, Federation Server can push down only a few SQL operations through the standard ODBC wrapper to the remote source and executes most predicate evaluations, aggregations, sorts and joins locally.


  • 修复了MsSql 2005dialect多个处理器计算限制字符串排序正确问题

    Fixed an issue with limit string in MsSql2005 dialect sorting incorrectly on machines with multiple processors.


  • 很多查询包含连续计算排序的一行执行计算,这些都是在业务分析过程中常遇到的查询。

    Many of the queries contain sequential calculations, or calculations that operate on an ordered set of rows, queries frequently encountered during business analysis. For example.


  • 寻找算法计算科学基础研究的方向之一,数据进行排序电子信号过滤掉噪音都是非常有效的方法。

    A t its most fundamental, computer science is about the search for better algorithms - more efficient ways for computers to do things like sort data or filter noise out of digital signals.


  • 不仅能够名称进程ID排序能够起动时间排序如果需要了解计算程序启动顺序一点可能有用

    You can sort the processes not only by name and process ID, but also by startup time, which can be very useful if you need to understand the sequence in which programs are started on your computer.


  • 如果每个列表Li由自已排序,那么内存排序操作(存储计算角度)可以变得有效

    The in-memory sort operation can be made effective (from storage and computation standpoints) under the fact that each list li is ordered by itself.


  • EmadOmara并行合并排序算法假设了在排序操作的过程(操作者)对计算的所有CPU具有完全访问权限。

    Emad Omara's parallel merge sort algorithm assumes that you will have full access to the machine's CPUs for the duration of the sorting operation.


  • 本文列出拥挤都市通过根据土地面积人口统计数字(来自美国人口普查局)计算排序的结果。

    Here, the 10 most crowded cities in the United States, based on land area measurements and population statistics from the United States Census Bureau.


  • 作业计算最近6 个时间里,一般高优先级订单通过邮寄海运发货项目数量这些数量订单优先级排序

    The job counts the number of line items shipped by mail or sea within the last six months that are part of normal or high-priority orders, and breaks the counts down by order priority.


  • 网络信息检索中基于文档向量空间分类聚类排序相关性反馈需要计算相似度

    In network information retrieval, based on document vector space, class, cluster, ranking and relevance feedback need to compute similarity.


  • 右侧,对拼装时间计算方法拼装过程排序进行了说明

    With the right side panel of a car as the example, calculation method and sort of assembling process are explained.


  • 证明判断矩阵一致性个充要条件,并根据充要条件提出一种直接进行排序向量计算方。

    On the basis of the condition, this thesis puts forward a direct calculation method of weight vector in ranking.


  • 基因组翻转排序目的计算两个基因组之间最少翻转次数,最少翻转次数称为两个基因组之间的翻转距离。

    The genome reversal sorting aims at calculating the least reversal sorting times between genomes, which is called the reversal distance between genomes.


  • 计算依据列表排序依据列表匹配

    The compute by list does not match the order by list.


  • 计算这些连接点排序希望获得与原先是时间的连续信号十分相似信号(因此我们信号称为代表信号)。

    The computer then sort of "connects the dots" and, hopefully, gives you something that looks similar to the real-world signal (that's why we say it represents the signal).


  • 计算这些连接点排序希望获得与原先是时间的连续信号十分相似信号(因此我们信号称为代表信号)。

    The computer then sort of "connects the dots" and, hopefully, gives you something that looks similar to the real-world signal (that's why we say it represents the signal).


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