• 为什么不用被大肆宣扬的稳定基金作为抵押实施欧洲布雷迪债券计划?这项计划终止主权债务危机发生的可能性。

    Why not use the much-heralded stability fund as collateral for a European Brady bond plan that puts an end to the sovereign debt saga?


  • 即使由Stuxnet蠕虫造成的,进攻将会延迟伊朗计划:(Stuxnet蠕虫的进攻)不会完全使核计划终止

    Even if it was, the attack will only have delayed Iran's nuclear programme: it will not have shut it down altogether.


  • 研究人员对这些孩子出生临床诊断ASD或KPSC健康计划终止时或到任何原因死亡日期或者以2012年12月31日为截止日期,进行了回顾性的研究。

    The researchers tracked the children retrospectively from birth until the date of clinical ASD diagnosis, last date of KPSC health plan membership, death date to any cause or December 31st, 2012.


  • 恰好相反没有计划终止联邦指令宽松规章削减公司税税率至于取消奥巴马医改,巴马最近:“我们不会回头路。

    There are no plans to end federal mandates, relax regulations and slash corporate tax rates, just the opposite. And as for repealing ObamaCare, Obama recently said: "We're not going back.


  • 作为年轻人经历伴随阿波罗计划1975年终止而来当地萧条

    As a young man, he lived through the local slump that accompanied the end of the Apollo program in 1975.


  • 本周众多大型城市中,芝加哥首先终止了覆盖全城的无线网络计划

    This week Chicago became the first big city to abandon its plans for a city-wide network.


  • 直到协议终止强调中东没有任何和平计划可言。

    Until the settlements stopped entirely, he insisted, there was no point in any peace plan for the Middle East.


  • 美国情报机构伊拉克问题失败得到教训,于2007得出结论德黑兰已经提前终止核武器计划

    American intelligence agencies, rightly chastened by their failure in Iraq, concluded in 2007 that Tehran had halted the weapons portion of its nuclear program four years earlier.


  • 纠纷中,首创城市彻底终止计划,导致1999年至2005年间,波士顿谋杀急剧上升

    Amid the squabbling, the programme imploded in the city that had invented it. Boston's murder rate subsequently climbed between 1999 and 2005.


  • 这个计划同时要求保险公司终止他们的一系列不公平的政策,比如说拒绝为由疾病的公民提供保险以及拒绝为最可能要求赔付的公民提供保险

    It also requires insurance companies to end various nefarious practices, such as refusing to insure people with existing conditions or cancelling their coverage just when they need itmost.


  • 增长率蔓延财政紧缩计划终止创造就业机会的刺激措施危及到了未来整体就业形势。

    Poor growth, widespread austerity programmes and the winding up of job-creating stimulus measures threaten further unemployment overall.


  • 计划要求保险公司终止各种不良操作比如拒绝投保已有受保病症入保或者投保人需要保险的时候中断保险协议。

    It also requires insurance companies to end various nefarious practices, such as refusing to insure people with existing conditions or cancelling their coverage just when they need it most.


  • 所以这项计划也许可以减缓鲸活动稳步增长的态势,但是不能终止甚至不能减少目前捕杀量。

    So the plan might slow the steady creep up in whaling. But it wouldn't halt, or even curtail, the current hunt.


  • 觉得需要继续这样下去,所以不会终止计划的。

    I think that implementing this is what I need so I will continue doing it.


  • 倘若欧洲央行终止这项债券购买计划西班牙国债收益率很快冲破7%的关口

    If the ECB were to end that bond buying program, Spanish debt would shoot well past that 7% threshold.


  • 按照国会预算办公室CBO基线预算预测假如减税政策确实计划如期终止赤字2010年gdp的9.1%下降2014年的2.5%。

    The CBO's "baseline" budget forecast, which assumes that the cuts do indeed expire as planned, sees the deficit falling from 9.1% of GDP in 2010 to 2.5% in 2014.


  • 为了结束1980年来遭受严重制裁提高西方国家关系确保安全卡扎菲终止计划

    Enticed with an end to heavy sanctions it had endured since the 1980s, improved relations with the West, and a guarantee of security, Qaddafi ended his nuclear quest.


  • 此外偶尔终止应用程序几个小时进行有计划维护可以接受的。

    In addition, it's acceptable to the enterprise to bring down the application on occasion for a few hours for scheduled maintenance.


  • 又凸显巴勒斯坦方面的一个前提条件终止以色列西岸定居点修建计划

    That raises the Palestinians' other precondition: a halt to Israel's settlement-building on the West Bank.


  • 参与计划不会削弱限制公司随时调动提升参与者使之降职,或终止任何参与者雇佣关系权利

    Participation in the Plan does not impair or limit the Company's right to transfer, promote, or demote, or terminate the employment of any Participant at any time.


  • 负责皮尤慈善信托基金终止非法捕捞计划

    He leads the Ending Illegal Fishing program for Pew Charitable Trusts.


  • 其他公司一样雇主可能终止了你的401(k)计划其他退休计划的缴费。

    Your employer, like many companies, may cease contributing to your 401(k) or other retirement plan.


  • 同时35%雇主声称会重启去年削减终止401(k缴费计划另外的70%的雇主声称会恢复原有水平

    Meanwhile, 35% of employers that had reduced or cut 401(k) matching contributions expect to restore them in 2010 -- with 70% of them reinstating the matches at their original levels.


  • 日本央行9月份会议纪要白川方明的话巩固了这样一个观点:日本央行可能计划12月份终止买进公司债券和商业票据的做法。

    The BOJ September minutes and Mr. Shirakawa's comments reinforce the view that the bank is likely to unwind its corporate-bond and commercial-paper buying operations in December as scheduled.


  • PhaseandMilestoneReview主要结果继续变更终止计划工作决策

    The major result of a Phase and Milestone Review is a decision to continue, change, or discontinue the work of the Initiative.


  • PhaseandMilestoneReview主要结果继续变更终止计划工作决策

    The major result of a Phase and Milestone Review is a decision to continue, change, or discontinue the work of the Initiative.


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