• 公共保险计划打算私人保险公司竞争

    A public insurance plan is proposed to compete with private insurance companies.


  • 救市计划打算挽救那些因呆账而有可能威胁到经济银行业者们。

    The bailout is intended to rescue bankers from bad loans that threaten to derail the economy.


  • 计划打算乡村商店提供扫描器,把这些店铺跟遥远银行通过移动电话联系起来。

    The plan is to supply scanners to village shops and link them to distant Banks via mobile phones.


  • “黑泵”原本计划打算每年发电厂捕获10万二氧化碳它们靠近波兰边境废弃气田中。

    The plan had been to transport up to 100, 000 tonnes of carbon dioxide from the power plant each year and inject it into depleted gas reservoirs at a giant gasfield near the Polish border.


  • 提取出原始DNA颌骨如今已经回到无名水兵遗骨里,同时,各种暂时性计划打算这个杰拉尔顿。

    The jawbone from which he had the crucial DNA extracted is now back with the rest of the Unknown Sailor’s remains, and there are provisional plans to bury the man in Geraldton.


  • 卡鲁因为提出一种新奇经济计划四个竞选人中赢得一些名声。他的经济计划打算伊朗石油财富股份形式分配给全体伊朗公民

    Karroubi has gained some notoriety among the four candidates for proposing a novel economic plan which would grant shares in Iran's oil wealth to all Iranian citizens.


  • 很难想象会那样说,所以计划打算访问一个英俊的外国人,带着女儿,以便改变她对外国人印象她对英语好的兴趣

    It is hard to imagine for her saying that, so I am having a plan to visit a handsome foreigner with my daughter, for changing her impression on foreigners and have an good interest on English.


  • 是不是打算他们知道计划呀?

    Are you going to let them in on your plans?


  • 政府打算推进改革计划

    The government intends to push ahead with its reform programme.


  • NASA计划打算研究建立月球殖民地想法

    NASA's program also intended to study the idea of establishing a moon colony.


  • 正如计划看到的,我们打算它们刊登家庭杂志晚间电视上

    As you can see from the plan, we intend to place them in family magazines and on early evening television.


  • 商业计划应该一个战略纲要,讲明打算什么。

    A business plan should be a strategic outline of what you are going to do.


  • 彼得本来打算从事商业工作经过2010年加拿大一段不愉快经历后,他放弃了这个计划

    Peter had intended to take a job in business, but abandoned that plan after the unpleasant experience in Canada in 2010.


  • 如果这些海湾国家打算实行单一货币就像他们未来年中计划那样,那么这种货币也必将可浮动的。

    If the Gulf states move to a single currency, as they plan to in the next few years, that currency should surely float.


  • 我们打算露天烧烤因为下雨计划泡汤

    We were going to have a barbecue but the rain put the mockers on that idea.


  • 由于正在实施的刺激消费计划并不打算削减开支德国今年潜在预算赤字预计将会上升

    Thanks to its ongoing stimulus spending, which it is not proposing to trim, Germany's underlying budget deficit is forecast to rise this year.


  • 我们可不打算成为这个计划一部分

    We're not going to be part of this plan.


  • 相比之下,奥巴马出席天,而且按照目前计划并不打算参加关键会议尾声部分。

    In contrast, Obama will visit only for a day and at present is not planning to be there for the crucial closing sessions.


  • 打算继续实施这一计划

    I purpose to continue with the plan.


  • 希望人们离开会场时,脑子里能形成一个计划打算尝试一些事物,以不断推进职业生涯。

    I want people to walk away with a plan to try something new that will help them advance their careers.


  • 科学家们似乎唯恐人们认为适用于虚拟世界,因此他们在2008年甚至制定一项计划打算利用这种技术保护海岸线免受潮汐冲击。

    And lest you think that cloaking applies only to the intangible world, 2008 even brought a plan for using cloaking techniques to protect shorelines from giant incoming waves.


  • 尽管歌诗目前亚洲运营邮轮,不过公司制定宏伟计划打算增加在亚洲的邮轮数量。

    Even so, Costa, which currently runs one ship in Asia, has big plans to launch more ships in the region, says Mr. Brancaleoni.


  • 制定一个长期计划无论打算街上还是做到收支平衡,唯一办法就是行动

    But making a long-term plan, whether you're living on the street or making ends meet, is the only way to move forward.


  • 计划打算终结英国欧洲南部廉价假日航班,争取让50%以上距离超过186英里行程通过铁路完成

    The plan also envisages an end to cheap holiday flights from Britain to southern Europe with a target that over 50 per cent of all journeys above 186 miles should be by rail.


  • 他们计划结婚不过打算马约离婚之后再公布他们关系

    They had planned to marry, but had not wanted to disclose their relationship until Marjorie got a divorce.


  • 巴马修改布什计划打算改变反导武器的部署地点,有助于缓和紧张局势

    Mr Obama's change to the Bush plan (he intends to resite the planned shield) has helped to ease tensions.


  • 虽然公司打算推出打折计划但是现在这个定价还是有点

    While the company plans to offer regular discounts and sales, we can't help but wonder if the price isn't a bit too high.


  • 虽然公司打算推出打折计划但是现在这个定价还是有点

    While the company plans to offer regular discounts and sales, we can't help but wonder if the price isn't a bit too high.


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