• 汉语属于声调语言英语属于语调语言

    Mandarin is a tone language while English is an intonation language.


  • 铃声数量各有不同,语调语言另一个

    The number of tones vary from one tone language to another.


  • 世界上语言成千上万种,但总的可以为声调语言语调语言

    There are thousands of languages in the world. Generally speaking, they are divided into two kinds, tone language and intonation language.


  • 世界上的语言有成千上万种,总的可以声调语言语调语言

    Generally speaking, they are divided into two kinds, tone language and intonation language.


  • 汉语属于声调语言英语属于语调语言,即语调属于单个属于话语

    The Chinese belongs to the tone language, while English belongs to the innovation language, that is, intonation does not belong to single word but words.


  • 目前为止,研究表明,在睡觉的时候学习一门语言语调和发音,甚至是单词的意思是可能的,尽管这比白天无意识学习的效果要差。

    So far, research suggests it may be possible to learn about the tone and pronunciation of a language or even the meaning of words while sleeping, although it is to a weaker level than what we do during the day without noticing.


  • 当然通常运用声音语调热情程度身体语言但是让谁来说使用谈判策略

    Sure, this usually applies to tone of voice, level of enthusiasm, and body language, but who’s to say it doesn’t apply to negotiation tactics, too?


  • 正常交谈中人们会发现某些相关联,从而字词语调身体语言上的表现相呼应

    In normal conversation, people find points on which to bond and so end up in sync, reflecting each other in words, tone and body language.


  • 英语不是一种具有明确音调语言一些亚洲语言中,相同单词语调不同时其意思不同

    English language is not specifically a tonal language in which the same word has totally different meanings when spoken at different tones as in some Asian languages.


  • 完美道格拉斯·亚当斯式的幽默根植语言角色以及语调速度的完美控制,正是这些使得漫游指南成为现代文学真正经典

    This is perfect Douglas Adams humour, rooted in language, character and the sheer control of tone and pacing that makes Hitchhiker's a genuine classic of modern literature.


  • 另一学生中,研究人员模仿动作而是采取中性语调肢体语言

    With a control group, the researchers made no attempt to copy behaviors; instead, they adopted a neutral tone and body language.


  • 儿童从早到晚都能听到别人讲(母语),而且重要,听到的总是正确发音语调、用词以及语法结构的纯正语言

    A child hears it spoken from morning till night and, (what is more important), always in its genuine form, with the right pronunciation, right intonation, right use of words and right structure.


  • 语言语调身体语言或许会出现错位现象,例如摆错姿势说错话身体一致表现,暗示内心思想斗争。

    There may also be misalignment between words, tone and body language, such as gestural slips, which are physical equivalents of speech errors and indicate internal conflicting thoughts.


  • 长大,你必须学习如何理解别人肢体语言,从别人语音语调获取信息。

    When you are growing up, you normally have to learn how to interpret someone else's body language, how you pick up on their tone of voice.


  • 记住,70%电视上要传达的信息并不是来源于言语,而是那些讲话语调面目表情肢体语言衣着甚至梳妆打扮

    Remember 70% of what is communicated on TV is communicated non-verbally through tone of voice, facial expression, body gestures, grooming and clothing.


  • 因为电子邮件中没有身体语言或者声音语调传达你的神韵情感

    There is no body language or voice tonality to convey nuances and emotions.


  • 作为英语初学者选手是被允许带有母语语言特征,例如某些错误发音非英语重读语调

    As new English-learners, the entrants are expected to show some first-language interference such as the mispronunciation of certain phonemes and non-English stress and intonation patterns.


  • 语音系统较为简单的语言(辅音元音没有语调元音及其他技巧)单词往往比较

    Languages that have simpler sound systems (fewer consonants and vowels, no tones, nasal vowels or other such tricks) tend to require longer words.


  • 程序员能够使电脑学会解决语调语言歧义问题后,电脑工作种类将倍增

    And the variety of jobs that computers can do is multiplying as programmers teach them to deal with tone and linguistic ambiguity.


  • 越是能尽快地知道自己要的是什么并且知道哪种态度可以帮助实现目标,那么肢体语言你的语音语调用词越是快速的作出调整得到你想要的。

    The sooner you know what you want and which is the most useful attitude to help you get it, the sooner your body language and your voice and your words will change to help you get it.


  • 演员们会花成小时时间反复练习他们台词语音语调变化每个时刻语言立场

    Actors spend hours practicing their lines, the different inflections of their voice and the non-verbal stance of the moment.


  • 富有技巧倾听者一些诸如语调手势语言信息同样敏感这样的信息会支持重复加强语言信息,但也有可能会起到相抵触的作用。

    Skilled listeners are sensitive to nonverbal information, such as voice tone and gestures, that supports, repeats, enhances, or contradicts verbal messages.


  • 中国老师语言容易接受遵守但是不是本地的发音语调

    Chinese teachers teach language is easy to be accepted and followed, but that's not native pronunciation and tone.


  • 即使一个单词也没关系,因为你语音语调节奏,你在听语言声音和旋律。

    Even if you don't understand a word, you're still hearing the intonation and rhythm, the sound and the flow of the language.


  • 如果主持会议一个团体讲话或者一对一互动,密切关注其他人肢体语言语音语调

    When leading a meeting, speaking to a group, or interacting one-on-one, pay close attention to the other person's body language and voice tone.


  • 如果遇到不同国家和民族人们,要记住他们不仅仅语言来交流姿势、手势语调也可以代替语言

    If you meet people of different nationalities remember that they do not only communicate with the spoken language. A gesture or intonation may replace words.


  • 培训我的生活教练通过细致地匹配客户肢体语言语调甚至是呼吸速度实时采用反向工程

    I train life coaches to use reverse engineering in real time by subtly matching clients' body language, vocal tone, even breathing rate.


  • 英语其它语言一样自己的套由声音重音语调系统形成的英语独有的节奏旋律

    Like other languages, English has a system of sounds, stress, and intonation that gives it a rhythm and melody all its own.


  • 英语其它语言一样自己的套由声音重音语调系统形成的英语独有的节奏旋律

    Like other languages, English has a system of sounds, stress, and intonation that gives it a rhythm and melody all its own.


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