• 这种疾病起因已有完备记载

    Causes of the disease have been well documented.


  • 历史记载中最热七月

    It was the hottest July on record.


  • 本文生动地记载这次战役

    This battle was vividly recorded in the article.


  • 七巧板发明历史上是没有记载的。

    The invention of the tangram puzzle is unrecorded in history.


  • 记载最早的重量驱动机械1283年在英国贝德福德郡建造的。

    The earliest recorded weight-driven mechanical clock was built in 1283 in Bedfordshire in England.


  • 通常所说的多任务处理,实际上是不断切换任务,生产力的消极影响已被充分记载

    What is commonly called multitasking is, in fact, switch-tasking, and its harmful effects on productivity are well documented.


  • 历史记录记载以群体导向的生活方式——吃饭招待客人睡觉都房间进行

    Historical records document a group-oriented existence, in which one room was used for eating, entertaining guests, and sleeping.


  • 可以通过年轮判断树木年龄但是作为树木生命记载,年轮能说明的东西远不止于此。

    You can tell the age of a tree by counting its rings, but these records of trees' life really say a lot more.


  • 除了作品中包含一些自我参照的暗示之外,历史没有关于荷马记载,也没有该人的可靠传记

    There were no historical records of Homer, and no trustworthy biography of the man exists beyond a few self-referential hints embedded in the texts themselves.


  • 根据古代雅典记载每年雅典年轻妇女合作织成新的羊毛长袍用来装饰雅典娜女神雕像

    Based on records from ancient Athens, each year young Athenian women collaborated to weave a new woolen robe that they used to dress a statue of the goddess Athena.


  • 来自中国大约公元前1600年的记载显示一端咀嚼得直到变成像毛刷一样,一端被削尖当做牙签使用

    Records from China around 1600 BC show that one end was chewed until it became brushlike, the other end was pointed and used as a toothpick.


  • 渴望阅读更多(相关史料),惊讶发现,奥曼出版于1914年的附录记载这场秘密战争唯一值得研究的材料。

    I was keen to read more, but was surprised to find that Oman's appendix, published in 1914, was the only considered thing that had been written about this secret war.


  • 生态学家警告说外表可能具有欺骗性,而且这些外来物种中可能许多是为人接受的,只是因为没有记载有害影响

    Appearances can deceive, ecologists caution, and many of these exotics may be considered acceptable only because no one has documented their harmful effects.


  • 他们也许会记载哪些植物开花了,或者他们地区生活哪些动物通过分享这些记载其他孩子看到全国不同的地方。

    They might document which plants are blossoming or what animals live in there. Through sharing these, other kids can see the differences across the country.


  • 英国第一记载磨坊出现8世纪3个世纪,有记录的磨坊达到5000个,这表明任何规模殖民地都有自己的磨坊。

    The first documented English mill was in the eighth century, but three centuries later about 5,000 were recorded, suggesting that every settlement of any size had its mill.


  • 然而生态学警告说这些表象可能不是真的;而且,这些外来物种有许多可能认为是可接受的,只是因为没有记载它们有害影响

    Yet appearances can deceive, ecologists caution, and many of these exotics may be considered acceptable only because no one has documented their harmful effects.


  • 展览记载这座王宫历史

    The exhibition charts the history of the palace.


  • 戏剧生涯故事记载新的传记中

    The story of her career in the theatre is told in a new biography.


  • 第一个凯尔特说书故事记载下来的人。

    He was the one who first set down the stories of the Celtic storytellers.


  • 这部丛书时间顺序记载两个终生未婚男子每天奇遇

    The series chronicles the everyday adventures of two eternal bachelors.


  • 史书记载,宋孝宗喜欢在晚上点外卖。

    According to history books, Emperor Xiaozong liked to order takeaway food at night.


  • 的使用传到了国外,促进了其他文明记载和传播他们的思想。

    The use of paper spread abroad, helping other cultures record and spread their ideas.


  • 于面条最早的记载出现在公元3世纪的中国。

    The oldest historical mention of noodles appeared in the third century AD in China.


  • 陆羽《茶经》记载,茶是神农发现的,因周公而在鲁国成为饮品。

    According to Tea Classics by Lu Yu, tea was discovered by Shen Nong, and became a drink in the State of Lu because of Zhou Gong.


  • 一处关于面条的早期记载是在公元5世纪的耶路撒冷。

    Another early mention of noodles appeared in the fifth century AD in Jerusalem.


  • 日本的历史记载中,唐朝曾将一对熊和七十件皮草作为国礼赠送给日本。

    In Japanese history records, the Tang Dynasty sent a couple of bears and seventy pieces of fur as national gifts to Japan.


  • 陆羽的《茶经》记载,在中国,饮茶可以追溯到周朝——茶是由神农发现的,并因周公成为了鲁国流行的饮品。

    According to Lu Yu's Tea Classics, tea-drinking in China can be traced back to the Zhou Dynasty—tea was discovered by Shen Nong and became popular as a drink in the State of Lu because of Zhou Gong.


  • 项目指南其他相关资料记载网站中。

    The program guidelines and other related information are available at the website.


  • 吉普赛人起源几乎没有文字记载,一直谜团包裹着。

    The origins of the Gypsies, with little written history, were shrouded in mystery.


  • 吉普赛人起源几乎没有文字记载,一直谜团包裹着。

    The origins of the Gypsies, with little written history, were shrouded in mystery.


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