• 选编专门性言语教育材料要尊重幼儿诗性逻辑并注重汉语的特性。

    One is the special material of parol education, the other is the infiltrative.


  • 儿童学龄前母语口语习得状况相比科学世界言语教育效率显得非常低下。

    Comparing with the condition of preschool children's spoken language acquisition, the condition of language teaching in scientific world is quite inefficient.


  • 幼儿园言语教育语文学科教育系统一个有机组成部分,是学校语文教育基础阶段,也是人生奠基课程

    Parol education which lies in the basal period of language and lecture education in school, is an organic component of the education of language and lecture subject, and lays the cornerstone of life.


  • 幼儿园言语教育手段开发使用齐全和丰富的,灵活选择、组合各类教学媒体发挥言语教育的最佳效应

    The exploitation of teaching medium in kindergarten is plentiful, we should flexibly choose and combine various teaching media in the in sake of the best effect of parol education.


  • 根据言语教育目标内容构成幼儿成长特点,幼儿言语教育材料分为专门性言语教育材料和渗透性的言语教育材料大类

    According to the object of parol education, the content and the growing special feature of children, the material of parol education can be separated into two sorts.


  • 挖苦贬损言语应用来教育子女

    Sarcasm and demeaning remarks have no place in parenting.


  • 所有高尚教育课程表里不能没有各种形式的跳舞:用跳舞,用思想跳舞,用言语跳舞,不用说,还需用笔跳舞

    Dancing in all its forms cannot be excluded from the curriculum of all noble education: dancing with the feet, with ideas, with works, and, need I add that one must also be able to dance with the pen.


  • 学校主要负责纠正孩子不良品行教授他们基本礼貌言语以及如何成为合格公民,同时也为其开设阅读、写作和数学基础课程。学校还将专门聘请心理学研究这些“问题孩子”的心理教育

    There would be a strong emphasis on "civics" - including the teaching of basic civility - and the schools would employ psychologists to find out what had really gone wrong with the children.


  • 基础上,宏观微观两个角度,剖析了数学言语特性,阐述了数学言语教育功能

    Base on these, the characteristics and educational function of mathematical speech are analyzed from the two points of view of macrocosm and microcosm.


  • 基础教育阶段英语课程总体目标培养学生综合言语运用能力。

    Pupils are expected to have a comprehensive understanding of the English language during fundamental education to lay a solid basis for their future application.


  • 无论以何种方式教育孩子言语还是行为上的,都将伴随一生

    Whatever you teach a child, through your words or through your actions, lives on forever in his or her heart.


  • 温文言语受过教育言辞无知者言论有所区别

    Urbane speech is educated speech, as distinguished from the speech of the ignorant.


  • 研究员发现,那些开始上学之前受到了良好的家庭教育孩子其他同龄的孩子们具备更佳言语技能

    It found that children who received higher quality care before starting school had better language skills by those ages than children who had lower quality care.


  • 基础教育阶段英语课程总体目标培养学生综合言语运用能力

    The overall goal of English course in foundation stage is to cultivate the students' comprehensive ability of using the language.


  • 所有高尚教育课程表里不能没有各式各样的跳舞:用跳舞,用思想跳舞,用言语跳舞,不用说,还需用笔跳舞。

    Dancing in all its forms can be excluded from the curriculum of all noble education: dancing with the feet, with ideas, with words, and, need I add that one must be able to dance with the pen?


  • 基础教育阶段英语课程总体目标培养学生综合言语运用能力

    The general goal of English curriculum in the elementary education stage is to raise students' comprehensive ability to apply the language.


  • 教师不同职业言语场景丰富隐喻表述这些隐喻表述蕴涵着巨大教育价值

    Teachers usually have rich metaphor expressions in different vocational speech Settings, which are of great educational value.


  • 孔子我国第一伟大的教育,同时又是一位杰出言语大师

    Confucius is an outstanding language master as well as the first great educator in China.


  • 以当代语言哲学指引特别是言语行为理论为指导,研究教育管教言语行为心理效应及其影响因素

    Guided by the language philosophies especially the speech act Theory, this paper probed into the psychological effects and its influential factors of the teachers' discipline speech.


  • 作为语言教育学科对外汉语教学应该语境(包括文化)结合,从而训练学生言语交际能力

    Teaching Chinese as a foreign language is a subject of linguistic education which ought to combine with context (including culture) in order to drill students in the ability of speech communication.


  • 言语简短切题,这样做的目的教育他们而非他们有负罪感

    Keep your comments short and to the point; the idea is to teach them, not to make them feel guilty.


  • 基础教育阶段英语课程总体目标培养学生综合言语运用能力

    The overall objective of English curriculum in elementary education is the cultivation of learners' comprehensive ability to use the language.


  • 教育领域贡献难以言语赞美的。

    Her contribution in the education circle is beyond words.


  • 聋儿康复一门集耳科学、听力学、电声学心理学言语病理学教育等多学科知识为一体交叉学科。

    Deaf childrens s rehabilitation are subjects accumulation of the otology, audiology, electroacoustics, psychics, speech pathology and education.


  • 人们普遍认为新加坡教育制度过分注重成绩,而这些孩子耳熟能详言语再次表现了对新加坡教育制度的悲观情绪。不知道自己为什么还要费心一问

    Pessimism again, in these all-too-familiar remarks about Singapore's education system, widely regarded as too results-oriented, and I wonder why I even bothered to ask.


  • 但是这些猥亵言语侮辱人的效果比不上这句“从小接受的教育臆想中的朋友过的任何过的任何事来说都更有意义”。

    But all 10 obscenity is less insulting than, "How I was brought up and my imaginary friend means more to me than anything you can ever say or do."


  • 但是这些猥亵言语侮辱人的效果比不上这句“从小接受的教育臆想中的朋友过的任何过的任何事来说都更有意义”。

    But all 10 obscenity is less insulting than, "How I was brought up and my imaginary friend means more to me than anything you can ever say or do."


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