• 喜欢构想未来。”解释曾作出骑车环绕泰国计划,还澳大利亚

    "I like to think of the future," he explained, before outlining plans to cycle round Thailand and to visit Australia for a fifth time.


  • 1991到1994之间该国男性预期寿命整整下降年,这需要解释

    That drop, of fully five years in male life expectancy between 1991 and 1994, demands explanation.


  • 父亲卡尔解释自我出售”时说:“我们现在是家(第口就要出世了),我们会整天穿着公司衣服还会拍摄大量照片视频。”

    Explaining the idea to sell themselves father Carl said: "We are a real family of 4 (with one on the way) who wears your company shirts all day long, taking loads of photos and videos.


  • 最有可能解释像是某些物质——围绕碎片——正阻碍离子电子达卡西尼。(参见土星卫星也许光环——第一个》。)

    The best possible explanation seemed to be that something physical-a ring of debris around rhea-was blocking the ions and electrons from reaching Cassini. (see "Saturn Moon May Have rings-a First.")


  • 恐龙高度适应性可能解释为什么哺乳动物的体型总是那么这种情况一直持续到六千百万年前恐龙大规模灭绝

    Dinosaurs' high level of fitness could also explain why mammals remained so small until the mass extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.


  • 这个分为部分的系列第一篇文章介绍了Shale解释的前一代Struts的不同之处。

    In the first article in this series I introduced Shale and explained how it differs from its predecessor, Struts.


  • 这里还有网站觉得不用我太多的解释了。

    Here are 5 more websites that do not need explanation in my opinion.


  • 项标准研究中的百分之六十解释变化受访者评估网站可用性

    The five criteria in this study explained 65 percent of the variation in the respondents assessment of website usability.


  • 好的技巧这些额外的要求进行时间限制4朋友约定一个方便分钟会面,会面能力解释面临情况。

    A good technique is to time box these "extra requests." 4 Schedule a convenient five-minute meeting with your friend in which he or she explains the issue to the best of his or her ability.


  • 解释市场层面上力量后,波特定位转向竞争者分析解释市场内的差异

    Having explained five forces at the level of the market, Porter's positioning approach switches to competitors analysis to explain intra-market differences.


  • 某种意义上来说,失望结果可以个字解释美国参议院

    According to some, the letdown can be explained in three words: the U.S. Senate.


  • 系列文章接下来的一,“第3部分:服务实现”,解释服务实际上如何执行的。

    The next article in this five-part series, "part 3. Service realization," explains how the services are actually implemented.


  • 年前也是次相同会议解释说:“为什么金钱不能买来幸福呢?”

    Five years ago, after an identical session, I explained "why money doesn't buy happiness".


  • 这个帖子里,我会解释为什么使帖子与众不同如此地重要提供策略实现

    In this post, I want to explain why it's important to differentiate your posts, and give you five strategies you can use to do so.


  • 对于为什么这项任命首相以及其他人隐瞒,则八门解释,但难以令人信服

    The baroque explanations of why the appointment had to be kept a secret from the prime minister, or anyone else, were unconvincing.


  • 可是为什么知道孩子,却又是喝酒又是吸毒?这个问题不清楚,不过解释为何出现了如此致命错乱

    Why she consumed the drinks and the drug knowing she would be ferrying five children remains a mystery, but her impairment explained her deadly confusion.


  • 也许我很难解释为什么我会选择听从的直觉。知道今天,我仍然得不到答案,但是史蒂文第一不到分钟面试,我我应该放弃我的担心头脑中的逻辑加盟苹果公司

    It's hard to know why I listened, I'm not even sure I know today, but no more than five minutes into my initial interview with Steve, I wanted to throw caution and logic to the wind and join Apple.


  • 可能解释为什么印度今年冬天雨量雨量多的原因。

    This might explain why India's winter rains were poor this year; but May delivered a drenching.


  • 个声名狼藉的小气鬼终于决定要请一次客了。一个朋友解释怎么找到他家时说:“你上胳膊肘门铃。”

    Explaining to a friend how to find his apartment, he said, "Come up to the fifth floor and ring the doorbell with your elbow."


  • 北约秘书长拉斯穆森星期解释某些行动仍然西方国家联军掩护进行,此同时,扩大北约作用辩论继续之中。

    NATO Secretary-General Andres Foch Rasmussen explained Friday that some operations will remain under the aegis of the Western coalition, as debate continues to expand NATO's role.


  • 上帝可能存在然而科学可以解释宇宙而不需要创造者”,霍金接受于播出采访时,告诉CNN“拉里·实况广播”。

    "God may exist, but science can explain the universe without the need for a creator," Hawking told CNN's "Larry king Live" in an interview that aired Friday.


  • 有官员美国角大楼无法解释星期一傍晚在加州南部出现类似于高空发射火箭后产生的凝结尾流。

    The Pentagon is unable to explain images of what witnesses took to be a high-altitude rocket launched off the coast of southern California at sunset Monday, officials said.


  • 好似一些一个快乐早晨尝试去想发现一些理论这些理论使用未曾解释过的。

    For a fun Friday morning exercise try and identify some Design Principles he's used but not explained. That'll be that unconscious mind at work again I suspect.


  • 这么一来他们可以天空行星位置做出合理解释了,而且奏效,偏差也只正负之内。

    And By doing that they were able to give an account of the position of the planets in the sky, that worked out pretty well. Of the order of five degrees, plus or minus.


  • 根据定位观,企业差异可以企业市场相对力量独特地位解释

    According to the positioning approach, interfirm differences can be explained by firm's unique positions in their markets vis-a-vis the five competitive forces.


  • 桑顿解释超过顾客等待同一本书,NYPL(纽约公共图书馆)将自动购买其阅读许可——如此创造一个以顾客主导的馆内收藏系统

    Thornton explained the NYPL automatically purchases licenses for a given title if there are more than five patrons waiting for it - creating a systematic approach to a user-curated collection.


  • 善于说谎。你说:“周三给你发邮件。”但直到才会与人联系甚至连一个解释都没有。

    You're a liar. You said, "I'll email you by Wednesday" – and you didn't get in touch until Friday, not even to explain the delay.


  • 周六采访中平静,他更乐意解释他的所作所为。

    During the interview on Friday and Saturday, he was calm and he was more than willing to explain himself about the things he had done.


  • 周六采访中平静,他更乐意解释他的所作所为。

    During the interview on Friday and Saturday, he was calm and he was more than willing to explain himself about the things he had done.


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